REACH for success at Kelley and Indiana University
Want to develop your ability to lead at Kelley and beyond? Offering resources, education, and campus how-tos, REACH empowers you to effectively lead a student organization, work collaboratively with a team, fund your organization, strategically plan, and more. Explore the wide variety of REACH presentations below, categorized into topics around leadership, service, financial considerations, organizational recruitment, and social justice.
Who is REACH for?
REACH is designed for Kelley students who want to develop their leadership skills.
Leaders of student organizations are required to attend one of the following leadership presentations:
Relationships with Corporate Partners: The Ins and Outs of Working with Corporate Partners
Non-Positional Leadership: Leading Without a Title
Leaders of student organizations are also required to attend one of the following:
Leading with Empathy in Recruitment
Navigating Imposter Syndrome
Failing Successfully Summit (Must have sent two representatives!)
Leaders and members of organizations and interested Kelley students are encouraged to attend as many REACH sessions as you’d like.
REACH presentations are delivered by experts in student success and career development from:
Relationships with Corporate Partners: The Ins and Outs of Working with Corporate Partners
Is your organization interested in corporate funding? Not sure how to get started? This REACH session is for you! The Office of Development and Engagement (ODE) will discuss how you can develop a corporate partner packet (one-pager) and how to work with the ODE on securing funds. The session will also cover connecting with corporate partners and alumni, support levels and organization benefits, and the responsibilities of taking on a corporate partner.
Presenter: Kara Hieser, Senior Director of Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations; and Jill Storm, Director of Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations
Non-Positional Leadership: Leading Without a Title
Leadership doesn’t require holding a title. In this 45-minute session, you will learn about how to lead without a title. The first 30 minutes will be spent defining leadership and talking about being a leader, being a follower, and bringing out the best in others. The final 15 minutes will be interactive and will give the audience a chance to practice how to become a great leader.
Presenters: Carol Maldonado, Associate Director of First-Year Student Initiatives & Career Coach; Sara Ko-Ada, Associate Director of Student Services & Career Coach; and Greg Smith, Career Coach
Presentations Block 2: (Pick one)
Leading with Empathy in Recruitment
Join us for an engaging and insightful session that explores the transformative power of leading with empathy during recruitment. In this workshop, we will explore the significance of cultivating genuine connections, understanding individual stories, and fostering inclusivity among Kelley organizations and potential new members.
Presenter: Dedric Dennist Jr., Assistant Director of Student Life
Failing Successfully Summit
The Failing Successfully Summit promotes discussion, reflection, and the sharing of personal experiences on the topic of failure. For anyone who has failed an exam, experienced rejection for a dream job or internship, or made an accidental mistake at work, this event offers insights on how to turn failure into resilience. By reducing the feelings of discouragement and isolation you may experience when faced with your own failures, you can learn how failure can serve as a springboard for innovation. (Two students must attend to represent your organization.)
Failing Successfully will be held on February 7 from 11am to 2 pm. Click here to register.
Presented by Student Support
Navigating Imposter Syndrome
Discover common signs of imposter syndrome and how to limit negative beliefs and comparisons.
Presenter: Student Support
Optional Presentation:
Officer Transitions
Did your organization recently hold officer elections? This REACH session is for you. Join this session for suggestions and tips on how to have a smooth officer transition from one executive team to the next without the loss of momentum.
Presenter: Alex Martens, Associate Director of Student Life
Working with Community Partners 101
Do you want to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships between your organization and nonprofits/community partners? This session will cover practical tips and best practices for ensuring a successful partnership, whether it’s for a single volunteer event or a long-term commitment.
Presenter: Courtney Bidwell Kleindorfer, Director of KISI
KSO Funding
One of the benefits to being a Kelley Student Organization is access to funding. Hosted by Kelley Student Government’s vice president of finance and one of the KSG advisors, this REACH session will explain the multiple avenues available to KSOs to request funding, policies and procedures for doing so, and best practices for requesting funds through KSG. There will be an optional Q&A portion at the end for any funding-related questions.
Presenters: KSG Vice President of Finance; Student Life
Relationships with Corporate Partners: The Ins and Outs of Working with Corporate Partners
Is your organization interested in corporate funding? Not sure how to get started? This REACH session is for you! The Office of Development & Engagement will be discussing how you can develop a corporate partner packet (one pager) and how to work with the ODE on securing funds. The session will also cover connecting with corporate partners and alumni, support levels and organization benefits, and responsibilities of taking on a corporate partner.
Presenter: Kara Hieser, Senior Director of Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations; and Jill Storm, Director of Development, Corporate and Foundation Relations
How to Conduct Interviews
Does your organization require an interview? This session is for you! You’ll learn more about how to conduct interviews and learn how asking better questions can lead to more discussions about admitting students into your organization.
Presenter: Kori Renn, Director of Career Advising; and Dan Piekarsky, Career Coach
Leading with Empathy in Recruitment
Join us for an engaging and insightful session that explores the transformative power of leading with empathy during recruitment. In this workshop, we will explore the significance of cultivating genuine connections, understanding individual stories, and fostering inclusivity among Kelley organizations and potential new members.
Presenter: Dedric Dennist Jr., Assistant Director of Student Life
Bias in Recruiting
Learn to acknowledge your own personal bias and how to limit its effect when recruiting new club members, employees, etc.
Presenter: Elizabeth Glaze, Assistant Director of Student Support
Navigating Difficult Conversations
This is an introductory training recommended for students interested in exploring how to foster positive conversations. We will be differentiating between debate and dialogue while developing tools to overcome challenging conversations within your organization at IU and beyond.
Presenters: Irena Otten, Associate Director of International Student Services & Career Coach; Julie James, Associate Director of Coaching; and Dillon Frechen, Assistant Director & Career Coach
This introductory training is designed for students seeking help identifying the different forms of microaggressions they encounter in their daily lives. During the session, we will define various types of microaggressions, discuss how this looks in different spaces, and provide tools to be active bystanders and address microaggressions within the IU community and in other settings.
Presenter: Anna Galvez, Associate Director, Kelley Undergraduate Office of Access & Community Enhancement