Your coursework focuses on the major economic, social, political, and technological trends and conditions influencing the development of the global economy. But it's speaking with local entrepreneurs in Ghana, visiting a pistachio farm and facility in Greece, or having tea and talking business with executives in India that will expose you to the real-life pulse of business today.
study abroad programs
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Study abroad: Hong Kong
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Natalie Moore, student at the Kelley School of Business:
My experience in Hong Kong has been completely life-changing,I literally see the world in a different way.
Cameron Halstead, student at the Kelley School of Business:
I'd never really been outside of the United States before, and so, I wanted to go to a place that I would feel the most uncomfortable with.
I am currently studying at City University of Hong Kong and the academics here are pretty rigorous, you're in class at least three hours a day, every day of the week, sometimes even Saturdays.
I would definitely say that there needs to be, it's crucial for there to be a balance between academics and life outside of school in Hong Kong, even, it's great to match the two, because I've learned marketing strategies from my classes and I've been able to see the different advertisements from different countries, and different cultures, specifically Hong Kong, that are made for that area and that demographic so, I've been able to apply what I've learned and my marketing classes, I've been able to go out to the city and see they're used.
One of the biggest things that I've learned is that, here in Hong Kong, frames of thought are so completely different and it stems back all the way from how each culture views the creation of the universe and how that follows through to everyday life today. We watched a documentary about that in class, and being able to, you know, see that play out in front of my eyes everyday and see how people react to the same situation totally differently than I would, it's just made me realize the different frames of thought that each culture has and that's definitely one of the biggest things that I've learned.
I think that it is extremely important to study abroad as a student, because it really opens your mind up to traditions and trends that are going on, not only through the University that you are at and the country that you're staying in but with the amount of people that you meet from all over the world.
You know you are going on excursions, any day off that you can, you know you're seeing the farthest reaches of Hong Kong, you're climbing mountains, you're jumping off cliffs, you're taking boat rides, you're doing all these things everyday and it's really just amazing to see that kind of dynamic environment. I'm much more willing to approach scary situations and ambiguity because I've done it in a huge way before by moving here and it was the best thing I ever did, and I'm ready for more experiences like that.
(soft instrumental music)

“I studied abroad twice—first in Peru, then in the Netherlands. Whether you want to experience life in a different culture, or you prefer a guided study tour, both long- and short-term study abroad experiences help you become a more independent and confident person with a broadened global perspective.”
Kayla Oxley, BS’24Marketing and Business Analytics