Curious what college is really like? Of course you are! You probably have a long list of questions, from how to choose a major to how to make friends. Find answers and learn more about the college experience in See Yourself at Kelley, a three-part webinar series about life at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Watch the videos to hear from current students, faculty, and alumni and discover how Kelley enables you to build momentum for your career and life.
Get an inside look at the Kelley student experience
Foundation: Student involvement and friendships in college
Current Kelley students share how they got involved on campus and offer tips on building a foundation of connections to support you on your college journey—and beyond.
Moderator: Kelly Higgins, Director, Student Support, Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Program
Kelley students: Haripriya Jalluri, Karla Montero, Hallie Snyder, Mira Venkatakrishnan
Description of the video:
>> Ok. Well, let's go ahead and get started. It's now a few minutes after six. I do want to say that I'm really excited about this, so let's do some housekeeping first. For starters, as a reminder, this meeting is being recorded. We will have a short survey at the end. So those of you who are attending, please do fill that out. So let's get started. First of all, welcome everyone to our first ever See Yourself at Kelly webinar titled tonight Foundation Student Involvement and Friendships in College. Where we will address many of your questions on a number of topics including networking, clubs or organizations, life here at the Kelley School of Business. I am your host Kasandra Housley. I am Assistant Director of Admissions here at the Kelley School of Business. And I am joined by my colleague and co-host, Casey Ellingsworth, who is also here. We will be here to catch any questions that you put into the chat once we get going. As I mentioned in the beginning, may have noticed that the image I'm sharing with you here on the screen, this is a word cloud, an amalgamation of all the words and questions that you shared with us on the registration form. Our goal for this series is for you to be able to see yourself here at Kelley. We're building for you a home as we move through this series foundation is the part tonight. We will eventually get to the frame of your house and ultimately the finish of this new Kelley home that we would like to share with you. So as you can see, we have so much to talk to you about tonight. So without much further a do we do have a fantastic panel discussion to share with you featuring our moderator, Kelly Higgins. Kelly is a licensed clinical social worker and MBA graduate with more than 10 years of experience helping people heal and become their best selves. Kelly Higgins is currently serving as the Director of Student Support at the Kelley School of Business here at Indiana University. We also have our amazing panelists, Karla, Haripriya, Mira, and Hallie. I'm going to turn it over to Kelly, who will introduce them and get our webinar started. So Kelly. >> Hi, so welcome. I'm so excited to get to talk to you and excited to be able to bring a panel, my favorite part of my job is getting to talk with Kelley students because they're all really pretty fantastic. But I especially love talking to Kelley women because they're all really amazing. So thank you students for being here today. I know that they are who you want to hear from. So we're going to go ahead and kick things off. So I'm going to ask each of you to go ahead and just introduce yourself with your name, hometown, major, and the year you are at IU? >> My name is Haripriya, I'm a current junior at Kelley. I am majoring in information systems and business analytics and minoring in psychology. And I'm from a very small town outside of Philly called Kennett Square. >> My name is Hallie Snider. I'm from Keller, Texas. I'm studying accounting with a minor in history and I'm a senior this year. >> Hi, my name is Karla Montero. I was born and raised in Mexico, but now we call Miami home. And I'm majoring in marketing, sustainable business and digital and social media business applications. And I'm minoring in Spanish. I'm going to be a senior. That was weird. I haven't said that before. >> Hi, I'm Mira. For the most part I grew up in Singapore, but now I live in the Chicago suburbs. I'm also a senior this year, and I'm majoring in marketing and sustainable business. >> Wonderful. So first question, and I'll ask all of you to answer and we'll start with Karla, I think. When did you first hear about IU? And then what made you decide to finally choose IU? >> So I first heard about IU the summer, going into my senior year of high school. My advisor in high school told me about this program, called Meet Kelley. But she had heard about from another student that had done it a couple of years back, and she thought that it was a good program for me to do, so I came to IU for a week and I went through the Meet Kelley program through the KODI office, which if you don't know, is the Kelley Office of Diversity Initiative. And it was amazing. I just loved the school. I thought it was the most beautiful campus I had ever seen. And I just met so many amazing people. And it just changed and opened my eyes as to where I wanted to go to school because I was very scared of leaving Florida, of leaving what I had known to be home for so many years. I think the moment I knew it was one, I was choosing between schools and I was talking to someone, one of my friends in high school and they're like, I haven't even heard you mention another school, but you always talk about IU, how much fun you had during Meet Kelley. And just the feeling that you got when you were there. And that's when I decided it's the right. I've never even mentioned this other school that I say I'm choosing between, but in my heart, I just knew that I had such a positive experience in Indiana and all the people I met, especially through the KODI office, that's mainly the reason I'm here and that's why I chose IU. >> Go ahead, Haripriya. >> So for me, I first heard about IU from my parents who really wanted me to apply to Kelley. I grew up outside of Philly. I applied to all East Coast schools and I was like, I'm not going to the Midwest, I'm not going to the middle of nowhere, Indiana for school. Obviously, I ended up doing that. The moment that I decided on Kelley and I decided on IU was actually in April of 2020. So a few months into the pandemic, everyone was quarantining. I was considering all my options. And I realized that of all of the other 10 schools that I had, IU was the only one that had a plan that would keep students safe on campus and would allow me to still make friends, live in dorms, pursue the classes I wanted to take, and study abroad eventually. So it was really that moment and looking at it in a realistic position and dreaming of studying abroad that made me choose IU. >> How about you Mira? >> I had a pretty unique experience in the sense that at the time when I was doing high school, I wasn't living in the US, so I actually never got to physically visit campus and attend different events and things like that. So a lot of the reason why I decided to go to IU and Kelley was because of stuff that I found online, but also I think something that really helped was my dad's colleague's daughter was attending IU at the time. So I reached out to her and was able to get a lot more in-depth information from her. And just I think looking at all the different extra curriculars and the flexibility that there is, especially at IU, but also within Kelley, to switch around majors. At Kelley, the first two or 2.5 years you do everything. Just not particularly your major, so I like that. Really the program and the extra curriculars seem to lay out a great foundation for my career and my interests. So that's what got me interested. >> Last but not least. >> For me, so I've been living in Texas for the past 10 years, but prior to that, I lived in Indiana. So Hoosier bred technically. And that how I heard about IU. But how I knew it was for me, I toured on the most miserable winter day. Everything was dead. It was so cold. And I still kept telling my mom, it's just so beautiful, I just love it so much, and she turned to me and she was if you like it in February when it's 10 degrees, you're going to love it here when it's not 10 degrees in February and similar to Karla's sentiment, I think I kept comparing every other school that I applied to or looked at like everything was a comparison to IU and with that, I just knew that it was the right place. >> While we have you Hallie. We want to know a little bit more about majors. So there are lots and lots of majors and co-majors at Kelley and lots of ways you can put those things together. So can you describe your major in one sentence and what made you decide that was right for you? >> I'm an accounting major. In one sentence, I would just say that accounting is documenting everything that happens in business, mostly from a financial standpoint, but there's definitely some managerial as well that you get to dip into. And I guess one thing that's so great about Kelley is that you do get a wide variety of seeing different majors before you have to make a final decision. So for me, taking the basic accounting classes was what helped me decide. I also joke that I was cursed with the accounting gene, my mother's an accountant and my uncle's an accountant. So I had their guidance and their career experience as well as some good mentors that helped me fully decide on accounting. >> Mira. >> I'm a marketing major. And so to me, marketing is a good balance between data and analyzing and understanding trends that are happening in the industry or understanding consumer behavior. But also I feel like it allows you to be creative and hands-on with the things that you do, like design or social media management. So for me, I think that was a good balance between being analytical and being creative, which is what drew my attention to the major. I think it was the balance of both of those things that really got me interested in marketing. And I'm also doing a co-major in sustainable business and that really stemmed from my interest in the environment and using business as a force for good, to know how to bring together both business and sustainability. So that's been really interesting and very fun to learn about. >> Great. Karla how about you? >> So Mira and I actually have the same majors, but I have an additional co-major, which is digital and social media business applications. And I would say that pairs very nicely with marketing. It goes more in depth with the analytical portion of marketing, not as much the creative or just the more I guess expressive in that sense side. So as soon as more of developing critical thinking skills, doing more research, target marketing, relationship management, and all those other things that go along with it. Besides that, same other two majors is Mira. And I chose it because I have always been more analytical. Both of my parents are accounting, they're both accountants, so I thought I'd get the accounting gene too. I ended up not loving it as much as I thought I would. And then I realized I could still do this creative thing that I wanted to do, while blending it with sort of an analytical sense. So that's why I chose what I did. >> I'm glad to hear at least one of you talk about the fact that you came in thinking you would be one major and then realized that you want to do something else because it's really common. So thanks, Karla. And how about you Haripriya? >> I guess first going off what you just said, I started off as a management major, then I switched my major to marketing and then I switched it to my current majors. So it's completely normal to do that. And Kelley encourages it and encourages you to explore your options. So if you're worried about majors, don't be worried about majors yet. I currently am information systems and business analytics. So I chose the combination of those two majors because it's the intersection of the business world and the tech world. And a lot of corporations right now are moving towards, if they haven't already, being completely digital in their practices and even in consulting, it's a lot of digital consulting. So I really like the idea of being able to understand how systems work and being able to do all the small details of it, like coding, but also being able to do some of the more creative aspects and look at the bigger pictures, which is why I chose those two majors. >> Thank you. This one is also going to be for all of you. So what student organizations are you in at Kelley, and please include anything that you're also in at IU. And what are you doing with those organizations. Describe that involvement for us. So we'll go ahead and start with Mira this time. >> Sure. So ever since my first year, I've been a part of a community service or like volunteer organization called CLD, which stands for a civic leadership development. So I started off my first year as a general volunteer. They have like weekly volunteer events and different fundraisers and things like that. And then eventually over time I got onto their leadership team. So I did marketing with them for a bit. And then I moved to Vice President and this year I'm president of the club, which is very exciting because it's something that's been consistent throughout my college experience and that I've really enjoyed and been passionate about. And so that is primarily what I'm involved in, but I also got more involved in that through KISI, which is the Kelley Institute for Social Impact. And that houses many student organizations that are related to creating a social impact, whether it's environmentally or through service. So I interned with KISI as a marketing intern for a year with Karla, actually, that was a really fun experience we helped a lot with managing their social media, and like creating promotional materials and some merchandise, and just finding ways to engage the Kelley community as well as the IU community and social impact related events. And so those are my primary involvements. But apart from that, I'm also involved in the Indian Students Association just to remain in touch with my culture and we have fun like having, throwing and organizing events for religious or cultural holidays and things like that so that's been a really fun way to also stay connected with that part of my life. >> Great. Thank you. How about you, Hallie? >> So in Kelley, I am a Director of Human Resources for women in business. Which women in business is a really awesome Women's org at Kelley, we do a lot of personal and professional development stuff. So as an HR director, I work a lot with our recruiting team, as well as making sure morale is good, doing a lot of those little details working with exec. And then I'm also involved with Kelley student government. In the past, I've worked with our funding committee, which involved a lot of very intense talks of who would get money and who wouldn't get money and for whatever reasons. Then I was also a general delegate, which was a lot of legislation to try to improve the school and improve the student experience. And then now I get to work closely with Kelley. I'm the president of our Women's Council this year. So just working with Kelley and the Kelley School of Business, two separate things. And our Women's orgs to try to create good relationships and help women's orgs thrive here at Kelley and make the women's experience better. Outside of Kelley, I'm in Greek life as well. I'm trying to remember what's on my resume that I've been doing. Also I'm in the Kelley Honors Program and I'm a mentor for them. So yeah, lots of fun things, very Kelley centric. >> Thank you. How about you, Karla? >> So I'm a Kelley to Kelley Mentor. So that's super exciting, I've been doing that since first year and I've loved it. I had a mentor and she was the best. Danielle, I still remember her, still talk to her. And I just wanted to give back in the way that she helped me so much with first year. So I've been doing that for three years now. I'm also in Kelley student government. I have been a general delegate in the past and now I'm the director of ethics and social responsibility. So, I have my own committee and we deal with all things ESG, which is really fun. And I get to do things that I want to do and just bring more awareness to topics surrounding that within the Kelley community. And then also do all the other things that go along with KSG. You put on case competitions. I don't know why I said it as if we did multiple, but we do an ethics case competition. There's just so many fun experiences that come through Kelley Student Government. I'm also the director of DEI for Net Impact, which is the sustainable business club. They're super amazing, I've learned so much. I've also been in that club since first year. And I love it. I can't say enough good things. And I also do a lot of work with the KODI office. I have my own initiative called Brave Spaces. And it's a place where students can come and learn about different topics that we often don't have a place to talk about or just like difficult conversations to have. Kelly came once and she did a whole thing on imposter syndrome, which is really cool and that was super fun. We've talked about racism in the past. We're going to talk about climate change this semester, which is cool because it's binding two things I'm very passionate about. And talk about how it disproportionately affects different communities. So that's something I'm really passionate about, but I think that's all my involvement, its everything that comes to my mind right now. >> And Haripriya. >> So I am involved in a professional business fraternity in Kelley Pi Sigma Epsilon, they on a national level, are marketing and professional sales focused. But at Kelley and at IU, they take all majors, so that's super fun. In that organization, I'm the Vice President of Public Relations. So everything in terms of branding, recruitment, social media is something that I oversee and I have three directors for that. The other Kelley involvement that I have is the Kelley mental health taskforce, which I have been a part of since my first year. Originally, I was the first-year delegate. So the class of 2024's delegate. And more recently, I've taken the position of the professional fraternities delegates. So there are eight professional fraternities at Kelley, I communicate with all of them, make sure they're members wellness is doing well if they need support or resources or if they need a panelist or someone to come talk to them like Kelly, who was the advisor for the task force, they are able to reach out to me to get that support. And the taskforce is a super great part of Kelley, where we host balance week in the fall and the spring semester, leading up to midterms or finals to help students relax and get ready. And then outside of Kelley, I am involved in the Indiana Daily Student, which is our student run independent newspaper this semester, I'm the creative director, so I oversee everything print and everything over magazines or weekly papers and it's super fun involvement to have. >> Great. The lists are long. I knew that they would be and we actually have a really great question that somebody added into the Q&A, so thank you for that. Anybody else who has questions as they come up, please add them in and get started on the whoever feels like answering this question can and we'll just have a discussion. This is do you have to apply to clubs and organizations and if so, is it super competitive or more of just a vetting process to see who's interested. So I don't know who wants to talk about the different ways that that works. >> I can get started answering that question, it really depends. There are some clubs where you can just sign up and attend meetings. You can decide how involved you want to be. And there are others like professional business fraternities, for example, where there is more of a recruitment process and you apply, you go to events and you're vetted. So anyone else can answer that too, but it really depends. >> Just adding on to that because all that's definitely true. That was going to be my answer was just, it depends. But I will say at least from the perspective of the clubs that I've been a part of don't be discouraged to try for a club just because it may seem selective. I would say a lot of us like as upperclassmen who are recruiting younger members, we understand that you are a first-year student. We understand that you might not have a million accolades on your resume. You may not have everything figured out exactly what you wanna do. And that's totally okay because that's what all of us clubs are here to do is to help you in your college path. So don't let like numbers or statistics deter you from things that you think might be right for you or things that you think may enhance your experience at Kelley. >> Great. Along with that how do you find out where to get involved and about how many things are students choose involved in? So you guys had a long list. If you can speak to that general experience as well. >> I think attending like at the beginning of the year, like the welcome week or like the involvement fairs that happen in the first couple of weeks is a good way to find out about what clubs exist and how you can get involved. And I would suggest like, I would recommend having a balance of different things like not joining like all professional clubs or not joining all like cultural clubs, but having a balance, maybe say like one professional club. So whether that's something that's like a business frat or something that's related to your major. Like I did a marketing internship where I have like marketing roles in different organizations. So something that aligns more with your, I'd guess desired or anticipated career and then something that you do for fun that you're really passionate about. And I would suggest maybe being involved or like an active member in two or three organizations because I feel like that's the right amount, then you could ensure that you're giving your best and giving your all to that organization. So I would say like a couple maybe. And then you can also, depending on like how someone mentioned earlier, there are clubs that you don't need to be super actively involved and you can choose how much you want to put into it. So apart from those things, I would suggest if you're also have the time to do other things, maybe be like a general member or just be involved on an ad hoc basis and a couple other things if you feel like. >> Adding onto that, something I've always been told is like the rule of three. So you always do something that you're passionate about, something that relates to your major, and then something that challenges you in pushes you out of your comfort zone. So for me, I chose I was an AMA and I did that because it relates to my major. And then I did Net Impact because it's a passion. It also happens to align with my major, so it was just like and then Kelley student government, it was something that was out of my comfort zone because I used to be like someone that was super shy, hated speaking out in public. And just like was not comfortable doing something even like this, that's a webinar. That was my thing out of my comfort zone. And I think it's honestly helped me so much. Definitely would say go by the rule of three, but don't overcommit either because I did that first year. I think I signed up for like 20 clubs during Kelley carnival. And there's just no way to be in 20 clubs and be active and participate in everything that there is to do. So definitely go through everything and see what you really care about. >> Keeping on this theme of involvement, I think this comes up for a lot of folks who are deciding what they want to do in college and thinking about what college looks like on TV versus what college is really like. So will people feel left out if they're not involved in Greek life on campus? >> I think of the panel, I'm the only one who's on Greek life, or at least I'm the only one who mentioned it. And I would say, no, not at all. You will not be left out of anything. I think for every friend that I've made through Greek life, I've made three through my Kelley clubs. And I think that there's definitely plenty of ways to meet people in a way or like through Kelley organizations and as well as Mira mentioned her cultural organization. There's those kinds of things that you can meet people. You can see everything that IU has to offer. IU is a massive school. There's what 40,000 undergrad, something crazy like that. And there's a couple of thousand people in Greek life. So I think that there's plenty of ways to be involved without doing that. There's also and I'm sure that some of you who are in professional fraternities can talk about that. There are also professional fraternities which have really great professional and personal benefits that you can be part of if you're not wanting to fully commit to like Greek life. >> Great. >> Yeah, I'm not in Greek life, but I've never felt like I was missing out on anything. A lot of my friends were in Greek life. A lot of my best friends were like, I do things with them. I do things as other people I met through my Kelley classes. Friends I made first year that I still have today. Literally all of my roommates, I think we're in Greek life because they all I think disaffiliated, but every single one of them was in Greek life. And they're still like the best people I've met and I've just been able to form a bond. So it doesn't really matter if you're in Greek life or not. You can meet people everywhere. >> Great. So what does a typical day on campus look like for you? >> I can go [LAUGHTER]. I would say for me at least I try my best to create a 9-5 situation for myself. Just that I don't overwork too much outside of that. So with that, I like to do all of my classes in classwork and get all and things for clubs different just like administrative stuff, I like to do all that done before five. So I have my evenings to be engaged with my clubs that I'm in, things that I'm passionate about. Make time to, you know, hang out with friends, walk around Bloomington. So I would say that's like what my typical day look like. But I think for me I got a minor outside of Kelley and that was intentional so that I can leave that Kelley bubble a little bit. So I tried to not just stay in Hodge all day and go study at the Honors College or the Union or go grab coffee with friends. Just maybe break out of Hodge a little bit where I can. So I guess that for me it's like a typical day. >> Yeah. I would say for me each semester so far has been different in terms of what my days look like. This semester it looks like I will have block classes every day from 11 to about 2: 30. That's Monday through Thursday. And then Fridays is mostly just for clubs. So with my role at the IDS, I'm required sometimes to be in the newsroom in the mornings and sometimes I'm required to be in the newsrooms at night. So it really depends based on like part-time jobs or other campus involvement. But I also chose a minor outside of Kelley and I chose the IDS, which is an organization not affiliated with the school, but also outside of Kelley in order to meet new people from different schools and different majors and be outside that Kelley bubble sometimes. >> I would say for me too, I try to do what Hallie does like have 9:00-5:00 just to separate work or school time and just make sure that I'm having a balance between school and other hobbies that I have and getting a workout in. I love to go to the rec center that we have on campus. It's really nice. They have group exercise session so I like going there with my friends. They have yoga and spin classes and different things like that. So I like to try to get most of my work done before 5:00 or 6:00 PM, along with getting classes done for the day and then leaving time for myself after. But I find that it is possible to have a good balance between things as long as you manage your time well and make sure you get things done in advance. >> I'm really excited to hear you all talk about creating balance in your life since that's a big part of my job is making sure that folks have balance. So that makes me happy. I don't think I saw Haripriya without her yoga mat at all last year. So I knew someone would bring it up. Speaking of support, a question was submitted. That is, will this program challenge me but also provide the support I need to succeed? So thoughts on that. >> Definitely. It will definitely be challenging. There are easy classes in Kelley, there are hard classes, and it might be the same for you as it was for me. It might be completely different, that's just how people are. But Kelley and the program do all that they can and they're always trying to do more in order to support students. I know at least for me, with the mental health taskforce, that's one way that we try to support students. There is a balance room on campus in Kelley, where you can go have a mental break throughout the day, it's a quiet space, low lit space. So I usually go and take a nap. But you can use it for meditating. If you want to read a book quietly, a lot of people do it for that. So in terms of the mental health support, there's definitely plenty of resources for you and academically, there are as well. >> Definitely. Echoing a lot of it was just said, Kelly Higgins, our lovely host. She's a great resource and the student support office in general is a great resource too. She has a Calendly you can set a meeting. And I know I did that sophomore year and Kelly helped me find a balance when I was feeling very overwhelmed with my sophomore year classes and helped me so much. I use Headspace all the time, which is a subscription that we have through IU. But it definitely takes a minute to adjust. I know it took awhile for me because high school is just so different from college and the way classes are structured or things are. But once you find your rhythm and your balance, it might be challenging at times, but it does get easier. >> I would also say that at least in my experience, I feel like other Kelley's are always really willing to lend a helping hand. So for me, I've found mentors both formally and informally through organizations that I'm in, or just someone who I look up to who is a little bit older. And I feel like anytime I need something, those people have always been very quick to either get me the help that I need or if they don't know how to help me find someone who can help me. So if I've any questions I know that those questions don't go unanswered because people are just very collaborative and helpful and will connect you with the right people. Because I think overall, in my experience, at least Kelley has been a very supportive environment. Just generally speaking. >> I just remember something I can add it. So sorry Mira. >> No. Go on. Go ahead. >> Use peer tutors. Office hours for TA's office hours, for professors. You have all the resources. Here it's about using them in like knowing how to use them. So if your professor, you're struggling, before you're even struggling in a class, go to those office hours, make those connections at the end of a day. That can be the difference between a B plus or an A. So just really making use of everything that Kelley does have to offer is huge because I know I didn't know some of those resources in my first year and they would have been so helpful to have. And I think I would've just done better in some of my classes if I would have used them. >> You read my mind exactly. Karla, just about to say those things. And to add onto that, I would also say make use of, you're assigned an academic advisor when you start out at Kelley. So they really help you navigate if you're having doubts about your major or you want to learn more about what each major entails, or just talk it out and find that talking things out with people, whether it's your friends or the adviser who is there to support you, really helps you better understand what you were looking for academically and in your career. And then you also have career advisors you can go to through UCS which is undergraduate career services. And they really have helped me with interview practice. And also just sometimes I am someone who's changed my mind a lot of times about what career path I'm looking for and what I want to do for work after graduating. So they really have helped me navigate that too, and they're really great resource. >> Thank you. Speaking of support, does Indiana University have a program for different cultures? And how does Kelley support a group of diverse students? >> So we have a bunch of different cultural centers. I've personally, I've gone La Casa a lot, which is the Latinx Cultural Center. It just gave me like a vibe when I was at home. And I just got to meet a lot of people that share, if not the same, similar heritage to the one I do. And it just helped me find that community. But sometimes I wasn't so sure, I felt all the time just coming from a place like Mexico or even Miami. That is Miami in the place that I lived in, Miami was predominantly Hispanic. So you can always joke that you can get away with just speaking Spanish for a whole day and not knowing English and you'd be fine. Obviously completely different in Indiana. So definitely the cultural centers are amazing. I really recommend going they're all on. It's not third, I don't know, what street it is but they're all on that same street that's right in front of the IMU. So definitely check those out. And the KODI office is an amazing resource as well. They always have events, celebrate different cultures. And if you need to talk to someone, there's advisors, they are just welcoming everyone with open arms. And if you ever need to talk about something, they're definitely the place to go and feel supported. And just make sure that you can have that community in Kelley as well. >> And I think apart from that, there's also student organizations on campus that are culturally focused. So ones that I've heard of. I've been a part of the Indian students association and then there's also similar associations for Chinese students and Vietnamese students, Filipino association. There's so many that have heard of. I've heard more about like the Asian American ones. So I've been more involved in that space, but there's a ton of different cultural organizations that you can be a part of. And I've heard of people. I have friends who are like not Vietnamese, but they're in the Vietnamese Student Association just to learn more about the culture and experience new things and meet new people. So it's very, I guess IU's atmosphere is very encouraging of diversity in that sense. >> Thank you. So what can our attendees look forward to as a Kelley student and what do you think sets Kelley apart? >> I can take this question. So for me, I think one of the things that was a pull for to come to Kelley and that I think sets Kelley apart is the study abroad program. And this is on top of my mind because I was applying this morning to a program for the spring. At least for personal experience a lot of the colleges that I applied to did not have specific study abroad programs for business students where you could take your major classes abroad, you could be with other business students. But Kelley has I think, more than 20 programs, which are all listed out on the Study Abroad website where you can take your major classes abroad. And you don't feel you're wasting any time in completing your degree. And it's a really meaningful experience that a lot of my friends have recently gone through. And hopefully in the spring I'll be going through as well. So that's one of the major pulls that really brought me to Kelley and one of the things I think they excel at. >> I definitely echo the study abroad. I was just talking to Kelley about this, but I just got back from London and I will take any excuse to talk about how great it was. But on a different note, I think one thing that really sets Kelley apart is the well roundedness of the curriculum and that really reflects in the skill set of our students. I did my big junior summer internship this year and just comparing experiences with students from other schools. I'm really grateful for my Kelley education. I know this has been mentioned in the past, but you don't really specialize in your major until later in college, which is really awesome because it gives you an opportunity to test the waters of what you do and don't like before you commit to your whole career. So I don't know, I think that those things really set Kelley apart and give the students an opportunity to see what their skill set is. Get a really good understanding generally of what business is where they can add value, things that they might not be as good at and where they can focus their efforts to be the best they can be. >> Awesome. Well, someone also asked the flip side of this question. So what do you think made your Kelley application stand out that helped you gain admission? >> I can take this. So this is a long time ago, but from what I remember, I think in high school, I did over a 1,000, 500 hours of service. So I definitely think that's something that stood out. I think that's a lot of hours of service. But also, I think definitely doing Meet Kelley was something that definitely put me on the radar because I made those connections with everyone on the KODI office. People have put the program together. And I was just able to meet all these different people and get the sense of campus. And then also probably my essays. I think essays are really important and they just want to see that you're a well-rounded student who has interests, that you're not like, basically like a cookie cutter version of everyone. Like they just really want to see that. You're you I'm guessing if anyone in the admissions office knows. But that's what comes from the top of my head. This is like five years ago, but I filled out this application. >> For me, I think well, I was the only one from my school who applied to IU and I'm one of the only students from my school has ever gone to IU. So for me, applying was throwing myself out there and hoping for the best. I didn't really have anyone to talk to you. I came, visited campus. But in terms of what I put in my application, I applied as a management major. But my essays all talked about my creative passions and the flip side from academics. So showing that I can exhibit diversity of thought and I have more than just one aspect to myself and I can bring value to a school in different ways. I think that's what made me stand out. >> And I think both of both Karla and Haripriya. We haven't met in person yet. But I think that both of what you said is definitely very true. I would say on top of all that, just be yourself, be authentic to yourself. If it's the right place for you, it's where you're going to end up. >> The next question is also going to ask you all to look back a little bit. Which is exciting. I think this is the time of the year that I think we're always reflecting. But if you had a roommate during your first year, how was that experience for you and how did you end up with that particular roommate? >> I can start for this one. So my experience wasn't that positive. I started off with a roommate who over text. We were great. We talked every day leading up to living together. I lived in the Kelley Living Learning Center, which is called the Jellison Living Learning Center. So I was surrounded by Kelley people. If that is what you want, That will be great. I know a lot of people who loved it personally. It wasn't meant for me. I needed to surround myself with people who had creative majors, who were pre-med, business. I needed all of it. But specifically to the roommate experience, I use those Facebook groups to find a roommate. She was perfect. She is still an amazing person. We talk sometimes, but it just didn't work out in terms of what our lifestyles were. And moving forward with roommates, I've decided that for me, living independently is the best choice, at least now. So this year I'm living by myself, which is really fun to get to experience that before I study abroad to make sure that I can survive independently before I go to another country. >> I think we have literally opposite experiences. I'm currently just moved into my house with nine other roommates. So very non independently for me, but to speak. On the flip side, I also lived in the Kelley Living leaning center back when it was the KLLC. Now it's the JLLC. And I also met my roommate just through one of the Facebook groups and she's still really close friend of mine to this day. Like she's saying I would say that like the KLLC is right for some people and not right for all people. I had a really positive experience because I liked being surrounded by. We all were in the same classes. If I needed help on finite homework, I could scream down the hall like, Hey, has anyone done number 8? Can you explain it? And that was really good for me. But definitely, I think the roommates sometimes you just get good luck, sometimes you get bad luck. So I don't know how much control you have on that one. >> I was also fortunate enough to find a good roommate. I also met her on Facebook. And so first year we just instantly like we texted a little bit and spoke and things like that. And then we decided to become roommates. And now we're starting our senior year again, like living together. So I've had a very positive experience and since we started our college journey together, we also made our friend groups together. So that's been really nice to have people that we know and hang out with together and currently, I'm rooming with her as well as a couple of her friends that she met last year that I also am becoming friends with. So it's been really nice. And I would definitely say, like, I don't know, it doesn't always work out, but that's okay. There's plenty of ways that the most unexpected people could become your roommates too. And relating to what was said earlier about living in the Living Learning Center. I personally did not do that in my first year just because I wanted to stay outside of the Kelley bubble a little bit. I wanted to diversify the types people I met and the backgrounds of people that I met. My first year, I lived with my roommate that I mentioned, but also two other random roommates who were assigned to us. And so one of them was majoring in human biology, and then the other one was majoring in criminal justice. So very different things. So I got to learn a lot from them and it was just nice to look outside the business world when I was at home. >> I lived in a single. So I didn't have a roommate. I was actually supposed to live with someone and then they put her in the room above my room. That's like a different roommate and put me in a single. I think I definitely learned that. I don't like living by myself and it's something I had to learn to do. I came in, I grew up in a house that was fully, people would always come over. There's always be noise going around, my siblings would always be coming into my room. We were always together, so it was like a big adjustment. But I actually met the people I live with now and I've lived with for the past three years now in the JLLC in the EIGY building. So that was pretty cool. So I spent a lot of my time in Eigenmann. Everyone thought I live there. Met most of the people that I know in the JLLC, but I definitely did not want to live in the JLLC full-time. I didn't apply for it. I just thought I needed to be surrounded by people that had different experiences than I did. And I didn't want to be like fully submerged into everything Kelley. I knew I was going to have my classes and everything my first year, so I just wanted to see what everyone else is doing and just need people with different backgrounds and different career paths. But, yeah, roommates are a gamble because I've heard good stories, I've heard bad stories. You can match on paper, but then living in the same room together, it could be not good, but hopefully, everyone has a good experience. >> I think it's such a good question because you're right. You all had very different experiences and you're just not sure what it's going to be. And everybody likes to live a little bit differently. And there are folks who will be a really good match as friends, but maybe not so good of a match in terms of their habits, which we heard about, or folks that maybe you sound like they wouldn't be a good match at all in terms of friends, but lived together really well. I think that's one of the joys of college, is getting to figure some of those things out and figuring out whether you're a good roommate or not either. It takes some skills and some reflection to be a good roommate too. So you guys started to talk a little bit about this. But if you could give your younger self one piece of advice about socializing in college. What would you say? >> I would say to, sorry Mira. >> Go on. Go ahead. >> I would say at least Kelley specifically to try and make friends outside of Kelley, it helps diversify your thoughts. It helps take you outside of an academic bubble. I feel sometimes my friends and I who are in Kelley together we talk a lot about our classes, we talk a lot about our career paths. And then my friends and I who aren't in the same major or able to disconnect from that for some time. Obviously, it depends on different friend groups, different people. It's very different. But I highly recommend trying to join maybe an art club on campus, try to do something more creative. Do something that's opposite to your major, that's been really helpful for me. >> Karla said earlier, I'm so sorry, Karla. I'm so bad at interrupting people. But what Karla said earlier in one of the answers to the questions about doing things like challenge yourself and that take you out of your comfort zone. I'm someone who, I'm still I feel like a little bit risk averse or like I tend to find comfort in things that are familiar to me. But I feel like over the years I've gotten really good at just pushing myself to do things that I wouldn't have done otherwise, or things that might seem scary at first, but in the end, in retrospect, when you look back at those experiences to me, they're always the ones that stick out and they're the ones that I've learned the most from. Like for example, this panel to like, I always used to shy away from public speaking, and I've definitely coming into college was super quiet and reserved and not saying that's a bad thing, but I definitely have learned to be more open-minded and accept or embrace new challenges and experiences. So I think like try things out that when you look at something or when you think about doing something and your immediate answer is no, I can't do that because I'm too quiet or because I wouldn't fit in or things like that, I think that going against what you're telling yourself is, or going against maybe your conception of how you would fit into that situation or what's thinking that's not meant for you. I think that going against those things and challenging and just stepping out of your comfort zone is very valuable in the long run. And I've gained a lot from just doing that. >> I agree with everything everyone said so far. I also would just add that I wish that I would have known sooner that college is so much more than just school and just the actual time that you spend in classes is a lot less than what you do when you're in high school, just like on hours basis. And there's just so many opportunities to get involved in other ways and to develop yourself and come into who you are and who you want to be, beyond just what you're doing in the classroom. So obviously, academics are really important, but there's so many opportunities to meet people that are similar to you, meet people that are totally different from you and just develop as a whole person beyond just your academic career. >> I would say, I wish I would talk to more people in class. I know I do that now, but like first year, I was so scared. I had like one friend, in like my K2O1 class, because she talked to me first. I'm like, Okay, we can be friends. But besides that, I hated talking to other people in class. Like what if I say something wrong, what if I don't know. I was just like super freaked out by the thought of going up to people and being like, hi, this is my name, do you want to be friends, get to know them. But the older I've gotten and I'd even say like second semester of first year, I definitely got a little bit more out of that little shell and more into a new, I realized like, what's the biggest risk of me doing this? Like it's pointless for me to be so scared. I'm just going to do it. Something is embarrassing, it happened. No one's going to remember it in a couple of weeks or days or whatever. And that's how I've met so many amazing people like my friends always joked about it. They're like, you know so many people like how do you know all these people? I don't know. I just met them in class. Like I just started talking to them one day. And you can study with them or you just meet like so many different people and you'll learn about them. But I definitely just say to take the risk and talk to the person on the bus, talk to the person in class. Say hi to someone in the hallway. It's not as scary as we all think it would be. >> I often talk to students about if you feel awkward or you wish that people would invite you to things or talk to you, that's how everybody else feels too, but one of you has to talk first. So it takes the Karlas of the world to introduce themselves and all those things. And I will just give a shameless plug as well, because it's on my mind for any of you who decide to come to Kelley, there's a thing called Camp Kelley, that happens in the first few days before classes start a week before, I was just there, so I slept in a cabin the night before last. And it was really, really fun to watch people come in and literally know zero people in the room, and then not be able to get them to be quiet when we need them to, because they had so much to talk about and we're making such good friends and having such fun together. And so there really are quite a few things built at the beginning of the school year to try to help folks make connections when you're all in the same boat. But you have to actually go to those things in order to take advantage of those. So like the lady said, having that moment of this might be a little bit uncomfortable, but I'm going to give it a shot, is really what college is all about. So hopefully you'll be able to experience some of those too. >> On that note, Kelly we should open the floor up and have some live Q&A now. >> So who else has questions that you'd like to have our panel answer? I'm happy to answer something, although I am not nearly as interesting as they are. >> Feel free to drop any questions into the Q&A, I think Kelly if you want to continue with the questions that we have already prepared, until we get additional questions please go ahead. >> Perfect I can do that. Someone asked a really good question that I thought, I don't know that I would have thought to ask. And so I'm definitely going to ask you, what do you think people in Kelley don't take advantage of that they should? >> I think a lot of the mental health resources go unused. I can't remember who mentioned it earlier, but the balance room that we have, I had told so many people about the balance room that they had no idea that even existed. I also think some people don't take advantage of the academic advising enough. I think that it's really easy to just ask a friend, ask a neighbor, what did you do and take their advice, but things change every year, so sometimes that advice is not updated anymore and you should probably talk to your advisor about that, so I would say those two things. >> Other than in relation to mental health, I would also say taking advantage of... this is outside Kelley.... But like IU has the counseling and psychological services office CAPS, and they offer every IU student two free counseling sessions per semester. So that is something that I feel like you could also take advantage of just to have like other mental support if you need it about anything and the office, I've been there a few times just to talk about my career or like how I'm feeling about grades or just other things. They're very helpful. And I would also say something I'm trying to use more and like make more use of, this is again outside Kelley is like all the resources they have with relation to sports. And just like the exercise facilities, the like pool that we have, a really nice swimming pool at the rec center. And then also there's tennis courts and basketball courts and a ton of other different like sports and outdoors facilities. So definitely make use of all those because you're also paying for them. And so I think it's a great way to balance out academics with just being more active too. >> I know we talked about it a little bit earlier, but the Undergraduate Career Services. I feel like a lot of people don't realize that there's so many things that they offer. Like they can look at your resume, they can do a mock interview with you. I know I definitely did not use them as much as I should have. They were introduced to us sophomore year in a class. I think it was like the second compass class. But I definitely should have used them more. I will be using them a lot this year. You will be seeing a lot of me as I recruit for a full-time job. But definitely go check them out if you do decide to come to school here because they even offer career coaching, I think. I don't know if that's still a thing, but if you don't know what you want to do and you're still exploring all those majors. They can help you guide you through what you say you like, what you might not like and just get more of a clear picture as to what that is. And along with just like all the other offices that we've briefly mentioned. So like the Kelley Institute for Social Impact. There's amazing people that work there, the KODI office, which is the Kelley Office of Diversity initiative, the student support office, amazing people just everywhere who are always willing to help and be a resource. And if one of them doesn't know something, they'll direct you to the next person and you just learn so much about like different involvements that you can have or different things you can do around the school that oh my God, wait, The Student Life office, they're also awesome. I don't know why I forgot about them, but they definitely can help you just see the potential of all the resources you could go and use during your time at Kelley. >> I have I think a couple of things that I'm going to say mostly because I also want the women on this call to go and take advantage of them like from my perspective, the things that aren't used enough is there's an absolutely killer art museum on campus. It's completely free. And it's like you get to walk through this beautiful area with trees. And it's basically across the street from Hodge Hall, which we've mentioned a few times, which is the building primarily where all of the business classes are for undergraduates. And so the art museum is really an underutilized resource on campus, I think. And then also just the sense of taking classes, just because that subject sounds interesting to you. So not because it's going to get you towards the major that you want or because it has the right grade distribution or any of those other things that get you something. Sometimes it's really nice to take a class just for the sake of expanding your mind, you're learning about a new way to think about things. So, yes. Haripriya! >> On that note Kelley mentioned earlier that last year she would often see me with a yoga mat. So one thing that IU has and thats available to students is one-credit classes that just an hour a week in your schedule. And one of those classes is yoga. There's a kayaking class that takes you somewhere locally to go kayaking, there's rock climbing. So those are super cool classes a lot of people don't know exist. And I actually made a lot of my friends last year because they would see me carrying a yoga mat through the business school and asked me why I was carrying it and what it was for. So those are super cool classes that I think everyone should try and take advantage of at least once. >> Absolutely. And she makes a good point too, about the sense that Bloomington is more than just the campus and more than just Kelley. And it's actually situated in a really beautiful part of Indiana that has a national forest and a 10,000 acre lake and all these natural places that you can take advantage of. And so if that's the thing that you like or think that you might like. There are ways that they organized groups on campus to go out and enjoy those things. Or if you or a friend has a car, you can go out and do those things too. There's even some things accessible on the bus line. So another thing that I think not enough students take advantage of, but that I get to take advantage of since I get to be here all year. We did have a question in the Q&A, which is exciting. Thank you. So can you all talk a little bit about summer internships and also how did you find those? We have career fairs and things like that. So a little bit about that career side of things? >> So for summer internships, I would say that there is no one way to do it. There's lots of different opportunities. I know some people are always doing internships. I was not one of those people. I just did one my junior year or between my junior and senior year. For me, I was able to find my internship through networking and organizations. For example, I'm in women in business and that was how I had networked with alumni and done interviews with them. But also at Kelley, all students take a class called compass. Compass is a lot of those career skills. So they teach you how to use Handshake, which is our platform that connects you with employers. They teach you how to make a LinkedIn. They do those mock interviews like Karla was talking about at UCS. So Kelley definitely does prepare you for internships. If that's something that you want to do. And the Kelley community is really welcoming and accepting. There's people that work at companies that I never thought I could ever work at, but I would just look them up on LinkedIn. See, there was Kelley alum, message the Kelley alum and say like, Hi, I'd love to hear your experience and those people have become mentors of mine now. So there's definitely different paths, internships. Sorry to here the motorcycle in the background. I live on 10th Street. Very busy at the moment. I'm sorry. But there's definitely different paths to internships, different ways to be successful in that arena. And Kelley definitely supports you in that. >> My experience is a little bit different. I didn't do anything from first year going in sophomore year because students typically don't if they do, it's just like one of those, like workshops or something like that. Like some companies offer. From my experience, that's what I've heard from other students. And it was also like during COVID year when I was going into my sophomore year there isn't much going on during that year. But going into my junior year, I interned for a non-profit in Guatemala. So I did an international internship through the KISI office. It was virtual, sadly, because COVID was still very bad in the area that I was supposed to go to and also in the US. So I did it virtually. But that taught me that if I don't see myself working at a non-profit right after graduation, anything relating to that. And then this summer, I found it. I worked in Miami for a promotional marketing company, which was really awesome because I feel like I learned a lot more about marketing than I probably knew at the beginning of the summer, which is always what you want from an internship just to learn and have new experiences that you can see like what you want to do in the future. And I got that internship from seeing a post. I don't remember where I think it might have been LinkedIn. And I message the person that worked there, I connected to them, had an informal interview and then interviewed for the position and ended up getting it. But we do have something called Handshake that you get when you come to school here and they post a bunch of internships and you can scroll through them, apply for them. If they like your application, you can interview. There's just so many different ways that you can go. And there's like no one linear path, like there's no right or wrong. So it's just about experiences, honestly. >> There's definitely no right or wrong path to go about doing internships. But usually, students at Kelley do their main internship between after junior year and before starting the senior year. I did internships every summer, but the first two of them were just smaller businesses through people I knew who had those businesses. So it didn't really require an extensive interview process. I think any experience is seen as good experience regardless of who it's with or on what scale it's on. Because the first company I interned with was just a group of 20 women working for the company, but I learned so much through that experience. And then the summer I interned at a bigger corporation. So I think any internship experience is really valued and it doesn't have to be a traditional corporate setting either. It could be non-profit or even interning in a field that isn't necessarily super correlated to your field, but demonstrates skill sets that are transferable across different professions or different careers. So I think that there's no fixed way to go about it, but any experience I think is viewed positively. >> Great. Thank you. There was a question about what is the balance room. I think we've talked a little bit about it, but I'll just take a second to talk about it. Since it's in my portfolio. So the balance room is a specific place in Hodge Hall, is actually in this connecting hallway that connects our building next door to O'Neil and where we are in the business school. And essentially, it's just a room where you can go and it's designed to have you take a break from the hustle and bustle of classes in the hallways in the classroom. So you can lock your phone away, there's a charging station or your laptop. The idea is that you're not with your phone so you can give your brain a chance to just take a break. So once you get in there, there's weighted blankets, comfortable chairs, including hammocks, and the biggest beanbag I've ever seen, at least a very big bean bag and some different places where you can get really comfortable. And then there's also things like art supplies, journals, model magic, play with your hands, those things. So you could sit and meditate, you could just have a little moment to yourself, you can take a nap. Really, whatever you need to do to recharge your battery a little bit. So we encourage folks to use it between classes or sometimes folks will do that right before an exam so that they can have a moment to give their brain a chance to turn off or reset, those kinds of things. So it's a space that we're really proud of and Haripriya mentioned the mental health taskforce. So all the things that happen in the room, all of the hours, all of those things that help it be successful are all developed by students on the mental health taskforce to make sure that it meets student needs. So it's a really cool space. How often do you study with friends and is there a particular location on campus where you like to study? >> All of the time. Most of the time, I find someone in my class who, if I don't already have friends in the class, I'll find someone who I can study with or find a group of people. In term... personally, I like to study at the IMU right above the Biddle hotel for people who have visited campus. There's a nice little semi-quiet lounge or the Starbucks lounge in the IMU. Last semester during finals week, my friends and I were studying together but studying for different classes. So we were in the same space but independently studying. So we started going over to the law school, which is a completely quiet library. And studying there because the quiet environment and being surrounded by books for us just made it seem it was forcing us to study and not get distracted by our phones or talking. So there's a lot of cool study spaces on campus and I feel like every semester I find somewhere new to study. >> I'm very passionate about my study spaces. I'm very passionate about silent study spaces because I'm someone who if there's even a single noise, I will get distracted and I will not study anymore. So I study with friends sometimes in the loud study areas which ends up just being social hour. And then I will usually move on and try to find a quiet study space. But I mean, there's a million different places to study. Kelly mentioned earlier the beautiful art museum. There's actually tables in there that I've heard a lot of people really to go study there. We have different libraries. We have our specific business library, which I would say is a little bit more social and then we have Wells Library, which is the library for everyone at IU, and then there's also the Music Library. I'm sure there's more that I'm not even mentioning, but the law library. So there's definitely lots of different options. I also really love... So in Hodge, like obviously there's no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. Sometimes if I have a lot of work to do on a Saturday or a Sunday, I may just go into Hodge, find a classroom and an empty classroom and just sit in there because it gets me into a class mindset, a good space. But there's tons of different options. If you like loud study, quiet study, social study, whatever, you can find that. >> So complete opposite to Hallie. I cannot sit in a quiet room and study. I need background noise to keep my brain going. I don't know why that is. It's always been that way. Studying in complete silence just lets me overthink too much. I don't know. I just like having some background noise. So I do go to Hodge a lot. I tried to find the table by a big window. I love natural lighting when I'm studying. It just keeps me more motivated and I'm just happier in general. Sunlight is just key to productive studying for me. That having been said, I love going to the Education Building. They have a beautiful library with a bunch of windows. You can have tables. There's computers, you can sit between books. But those are, I would say I like my top two favorite places to study. >> I relate to Hallie. I also prefer to study maybe not complete silence, but when I'm studying with friends like there's no studying that actually gets done. So my go-to spots are usually either the IMU or Wells library, but this semester I'm determined to explore new places. I've heard like Haripriya mentioned like the Law Library's supposed to be really beautiful. So I'm definitely planning on checking that out. And then when it's good outside, I like to sit outside and do work because it's like like Karla said, there's a lot of natural light and I just like being outside when it's good weather. And so there are tables between Hodge Hall and SPEA, which is the School of Public Affairs. So there's tables, a little terrace up there where there's just tables and chairs there. So I like to go out there, sometimes, and study or go through things before class. And that's what I prefer. But I also tend to meet up with friends maybe every once in a while just to get homework done and things that don't require intense concentration or learning new material, but more like getting things done. I feel like I can do that in a group setting. >> And I'll also add that there are few private rooms that you can make reservations for in the business library or in Wells. So sometimes when I know I have a big test coming up and it's not around the typical testing season. I will reserve a room for a few hours. There's a few in Hodge hall that are first-come-first-served. So sometimes I'll walk by and I'll see you an empty room, and just jump in there. And then they're also great spaces for working on presentations or just group projects, is to just reserve those rooms in the libraries. >> I believe the global and international studies building is also supposed to have a really beautiful atrium here. If you're looking for another one. I walk by the outside often and think, it's got to be so nice in there. So that might be one to try as you're looking for new spaces. A student at Camp Kelley talked a lot about balancing, studying with friends versus studying alone instead of using friends as if I can explain it to you. I know I understand it and the things I can't explain are the things I need to go back by myself and figure out on my own and study. And so I'm happy to hear that all of you have found your own way to be successful and get some energy from other folks too, or silence where you need it. Another question that was submitted is who at IU was the most influential on you? Or was there a role model who you've really looked up to? >> I might be cheating, but I'm going to say Kelly Higgins. For the mental health taskforce, Kelly was one of the first advisors for a club or an organization that I had met at a career fair. It was randomly a name that I saw mental health taskforce clicked on it. I think I was the only one who joined. It was a virtual room. So I was the only one who joined, got to talk to Kelly, applied to be a delegate. And we're going on year three, so that is amazing. But besides from working on the task force with Kelly and other faculty members, I have been able to go to Kelly for personal advice, talk to Kelly outside of that. So Kelly has definitely been great and I strongly encourage any student who comes to IU to somehow somewhere meet Kelly talk to Kelly, get advice from Kelley. >> I promise I did not write that question and plant it so that she could talk about how great I am. But thank you very much. >> I have two people who I think have equally impacted and just made my time at Kelley, what it has been. First person, I would say is my business presentations Professor Rebecca Butters. She was the best professor I've ever had. And she just showed me so much love and compassion during a really hard time in my life, my first year. And she's someone I'm never going to forget. My brother is going to be a first-year student this year. And I'm like you have to take this class with Professor Butter. She's the best. So yeah, definitely her faculty makes such a difference. They just really touch your life in a way that is so meaningful if you let them and you make those connections. So I'm forever grateful to her and I genuinely think that she's one of the reasons that my first year was such a positive experience and I wanted to stay at Kelley and keep going even when things are hard. And I definitely say Shawna from the KISI office. She is such a ray of sunshine. I remember I met her virtually my sophomore year because I emailed the past director or associate director of KISI and they're like, I don't work there anymore. I'm not the JLLC. But here's Shawna. She's amazing. And Shawna has just been the biggest support system for me since my sophomore year. And I talk to her all the time. She emails me things. She's like is my Spanish translation okay. I'm like, perfect, you did amazing. I'll email her and I'll be like, what do you think about this? Does this sound good? And she's like, yeah, just add this and it sounds perfect. I found those people that will always support me. And I just feel like they are just amazing people that have inspired me throughout this journey. >> I would also say Shawna from the KISI office has really shaped my college experience. I met her virtually too for the first time. So I was like living in Singapore doing online school for like a year-and-a-half, almost because of COVID. So that's when I first met her and she really was, in addition to professional support that I was getting from her with regards to the work that I was doing as a marketing intern for her office. She was also really there for me during COVID when things were tough and uncertain and things like that. And then coming back and being able to meet her in person was definitely one of the highlights. So college in general, and she's always like very like in the mood to play different games. She's always has a different activity for you to do. And her office is just it's not an office, it's like a little fun house in there. There's so many different games that she has some like a snack jar and everything. It's really nice. So Shawna has definitely played a huge part in shaping my experience. And also, as I mentioned at the beginning, I'm in a community service related club. And so that is a club that Shawna manages and she's definitely been very encouraging of my progression throughout the club and just supporting me in going forward and leading and helping me step out of my comfort zone too, so definitely say she's a role model that I look up to. >> I think that for me, a lot of my role models have been student mentors, especially through like organizations that I've been in. So just coming to mind, I have so many people off the top my head, but my mentor that I met Madison, she is two years older than me, so she's long graduated IU, but I still communicate with her on a very regular basis and bounce every life decision off her. So I've just found really supportive mentors that are more like peer mentors. Obviously, I've also had really good faculty interactions. People like Kelly, I'm in Kelley student government, Trek Magee, who is no longer the Kelley student government advisor. He just got promoted to a new job. So happy for him, but sad that we're losing him, and some different professors, but yeah, definitely lots of support at Kelley. >> On that note, I think we need to come to an end because it's moments away from being 7:30. So having said that, wow, wonderful. Thank you all so very much. A big thank you to you, Kelly Higgins and to all of our wonderful panelists. And an even bigger thank you also to our audience. I hope you-all learned a lot about Kelley. Your questions were really essential to illuminating our conversation and we definitely look forward to hearing from all of you this fall. So please don't hesitate to reach out to us here at the Kelley School of Business. If you have questions, we're more than happy to answer them. Do expect to hear from us as we will be sending you all a small gift as a thank you for attending our webinar. And once we finish, when you leave, you'll be routed to a survey. So please do give us a feedback. And just once again, thank you to all of our panelists, to Mira and Karla, and Bria, and Hallie. Thank you. Thank you-all so very much. [LAUGHTER] >> Good night. >> Good night to all. >> Thank you.
Framing: Dispelling Kelley concerns
What classes do Kelley students fear most? In this video, Kelley faculty help you frame your academic mindset and address common myths about Kelley classes.
Faculty presenters: Dr. Jamie Seitz, senior lecturer in accounting; Kathy Fisher, lecturer in communication, professional, and communication skills
Description of the video:
Welcome to our second See Yourself at Kelley webinar: "Framing, Dispelling Kelley Concerns." During this webinar, you will get a taste of what is really like to be a Kelley student. You're especially lucky this evening because we have not one, but two excellent Kelley faculty lecturers here to share with you some inside information about the courses they teach and how you can best excel at Kelley. I'm your host, Casey Ellingsworth, Associate Director of Admissions & Enrollment Analytics. I'm on the Undergraduate Admissions team here at Kelley School of Business. I want to give a shout out to my colleague and collaborator for this series, Kasandra Housley. Tonight I'll be online here to catch any questions that you put into the chat. And I'd mentioned this briefly, but for anyone who just showed up, you may have noticed the image that I'm sharing with you on the screen. This word cloud is comprised of all your words and questions shared on the registration form. Our goal for this series is for you to be able to See Yourself at Kelley. We're building a home for you here at Kelley as we move through the series. We laid a foundation during our first webinar, and tonight we're here to build the framing for your home at Kelley. As you can see, we have so much to talk about tonight. We have a fantastic mini-lecture for you this evening presented by Professor Kathy Fisher and Dr. Jamie Seitz. And I'm going to turn off my screen share here. So Professor Kathy Fisher is a lecturer for C104: Business Presentations in the Kelley School of Business. Prior to teaching, her career ranged from advertising sales for USA Today to recruitment and marketing for IU's Office of Scholarships. The common thread of her work has always been her love of working with people and practicing skills of communication and persuasion. Additionally, we have Dr. Jamie Seitz, CPA, who is the senior lecturer for A100: Basic Accounting Skills in the Kelley School of Business. Prior to teaching, her career included public accounting, internal auditing, commercial lending, and plastic surgery office management. Jamie and her husband also own a logistics company. Jamie is dedicated to introducing all Kelley first-year students to the importance of accounting information and how each individual will use it in their chosen career path. And with that, I'll turn it over to Professor Fisher to get us started with information about C104: Business Presentations >> Sorry, technology there. Welcome. Thank you all so much for being here tonight. We are very excited to share some information with you and get to know you a little bit more and what your interests are in Kelley. As Ms. Ellingsworth told us, I am a teacher of Business Communications and Business Presentations. And so I just wanted to make sure everybody can see the screen. If you can raise your hand, if you cannot see the screen. I think we're good. Actually, tonight, this is some information right here, how to contact us if you have any questions pertinent to our areas after this. But tonight, we're going to talk a little bit about C104: Business Presentations and A100. These are some things that we often hear from first-year students. "Public speaking is my greatest fear... what can I do to get out of taking C104?!" I'm going to talk a little bit tonight about why you shouldn't want to get out of it, but why you should be excited about it. And then Professor Seitz is going to talk a little bit more about A100 and what other first-year students have said is, "I hear that A100 is so hard. Why do I need to take it if I'm not planning on being an accountant?!" Well, there's so much to know about accounting that she's going to share and why this is an important class for you. So today's agenda that I'm going to go through really quickly. First, we're going to talk about that Kelley experience. Some of you had some questions about what that Kelley experience looks like as a first year student. Then we're going to go over the basics of A100 and C104. And then we'll finish by answering some questions. Many of you submitted some questions before you came in tonight. But if you have any questions as we're doing this session today, please feel free to submit those. You can do that through the Q&A at the bottom there with the webinar. So the first year Kelley experience, this is a quick screenshot that I got from our friends over at advising to show a little bit about the first year experience for Kelley students. And as you can see in this first fall term, it doesn't always work out to be fall, but this is a sample schedule that we have basic accounting, which is A100 and right under there is Business Presentations. So those are the two courses that we're going to talk about. And then there's a few other required courses there. Our friends over at advising told me to share that the first year is a time to broaden your horizons and gain self-knowledge. So most students are taking two to three business classes each semester and rounding out their schedule with a math, science, arts, humanities, and other courses of interest. So your first year is a great time to explore what your potential major could be, take courses that help you develop lifelong skills like public speaking, or active activities and sports that you're interested in. So this is a little bit of a snapshot and this we can also send out later if you need that. But this is a general first year plan for your time at Kelley. We're going to talk a little bit later too about what that classroom environment looks like. I know some of you asked questions about that. So hold tight on those and I promise we'll answer those there at the end. The good thing to know about a lot of this is you don't need to know what your major is when you come into Kelley. You have some time to figure that out. And like our friends over at advising mentioned the exploratory nature of it is really important. We really believe that it's helpful for you to come into these classes with an open mind so that it can give you a better sense of where your strengths and maybe your weaknesses are. So I'm actually going to pass it over to Dr. Seitz to talk a little bit about A100 now and then I'll be back soon. >> Thank you, Professor Fisher. So one of the things that I was really thinking about whenever I was trying to decide what I wanted the curriculum to look like for A100 was I wanted to make sure that students got a good understanding of, again, why they needed to take the class. A lot of times I hear, well, I'll just hire an accountant, I don't need to necessarily do that. However, what I've found is that with the accounting information or with all careers that you have, you utilize accounting information to make those decisions and whether you're looking to major in management or finance or marketing or whatever it is. So what we do in A100, as you can see here, is we take this top-down approach. So we look at how specific business decisions would impact those financial statements and why that accounting is described as the language of business. So we look at financial statements throughout the class, I'll walk you through of how to find financial statements for publicly traded companies, and additionally, I look to see or show you how you can use that information to help you make some business decisions. Now, some good news is is that we do not require you to know any accounting information before you come into the class. So one of the great things about IU is that we have this A100 class to help you prepare for the Principles of Accounting class that we call A304 and A306, and we, along with one another school across the nation, have the ability to take this one credit hour and prepare you or put all of you on the same playing field so you don't feel like you're coming in maybe at a disadvantage by not have taken accounting in high school. So that's really beneficial. Additionally, if some of you are thinking, "Oh, well, I hear accounting is hard because of the debits and credits and you have to memorize, memorize, memorize." The good news is, is with A100, we don't even use debits and credits in that first class. Now, you will get into debits and credits. It's just that we don't do it in A100. We want to get you used to accounting information, how to read a set of financial statements and get you familiar with that before we really start getting into the ins and outs of what I would call bookkeeping for a period of time before we help you also just build on the knowledge that you learned in A100. And therefore, we've taken the curriculum and we've looked to see how accounting and management intersect. So we will explore, or we do explore how accounting intersects with management, finance, and marketing. >> Next slide. [LAUGHTER] So just to give you an idea of what a breakdown might look for my class. First off, my class is a little bit different because it's only a one-credit hour class. So that's different than a lot of classes that you might have at Kelley. So a one-credit hour class, my class is only eight weeks long. So this could be an example of what your class could potentially look like. It looks like I have the total wrong in this slide, I apologize. I changed it over the summer, so the total here is actually 200 instead of 220. The podcast reflections, it does show that there is three of them. Sometimes we do two of them versus three of them, and so that makes up the difference. But a podcast reflection might look like where you listened to a podcast, and we do this in class together, and you write a reflection on that. So before these changes that were made to A100, it was that you just took a midterm and a final, that was it. And so we were finding that students weren't being very successful in that type of classroom setup. So we've taken the midterm out, and we've replaced it with seven weekly checkpoints or five multiple-choice questions. And it just gives students the ability to prepare for that comprehensive final exam, where they'll come in, and they'll show us what they've learned. But additionally, it's very difficult to grade that many exams during finals week for us. And so using multiple choice questions, even though it's not necessarily my favorite way of assessing students, it is by far the most efficient way. But that's why I have included these reflection written assignments because some of you are very good at written communication and others of you may need to practice a little bit more. And so those podcast reflections allow us to talk about a business topic that's happening now and then relate it back to the course material. So just to give you an example of what a breakdown of a class might look like, or how often you might have an assignment due, or how much is a comprehensive final exam, how much does it weigh in on your final grade? This would be a good breakdown for you to see how that might look like at a college level. Thank you. [BACKGROUND] >> I'm sorry. My PowerPoint was going haywire [OVERLAPPING] there for some reason. >> It was really wanting to move me along, wasn't it? >> [LAUGHTER] It was going without my control. So I'm really sorry about that. That was acting a little crazy. Thank you for that great description of your class. I think that it's also really helpful to understand that all of these classes were put together with great intention for the Kelley program. And so as you were saying, these are all ways that even people who aren't going to be accounting majors can really learn on how this fits into your everyday life. Everybody around the world needs to know some kind of accounting. So I think it's important for students to understand that there is certainly value in this and a great way to learn a new skill or a new subject and really decide if that's something that you're interested in pursuing further. [OVERLAPPING] >> One other thing that I just want to point out is, if you're thinking about a business major, more often than not, you're going to have to look at a set of financial statements to help you make decisions, whether you're in marketing or you're in management and you're trying to decide from an operations standpoint what products you should produce. You're going to need to look at a set of financial statements. And so having the ability to know how these financial statements are prepared will give you a better understanding and help you make future decisions because you know how those decisions will affect the financials. >> Absolutely. And I will say we were actually talking before this session about how our students actually talk about each other's classes a lot. And in my C104 class, our students do a case where they're preparing a presentation or solution for a client. And oftentimes they're using those skills from that accounting class to be able to show those financials and to be able to look really polished and prepared for their presentations. So the classes are really working greatly interconnected. And you shared a funny story with me that you can always tell when they are having a presentation because of the way that they're dressed. And I will actually get into that a little bit soon here too, because I feel like that's always a question. We always have questions about attire in this class. So I'm going to talk really quickly about C104 or C106. The difference between C104 and C106 is C106 is for Kelley honors students. So that's really the only difference. There is a little bit of a difference in curriculum in terms of an extra case for those honors students. But I'm going to talk overall about the C104: Business Presentations class. I am one of several teachers who teaches this course, a little different than A100. So every professor has a little bit of a different spin on it. But today, I'll talk a little bit about the overarching goals and learning outcomes of this class. And the biggest thing about C104 is we're talking about communication at the end of the day. And so when people say, why do I need to do public speaking, I'm going to do accounting or I'm going to do something that maybe I'm not going to be doing pitches in front of other people, well, at the end of the day, what we're teaching you in this class is how to work in groups, how to communicate what you want and need, and how to sometimes use visuals to actually complement that as well. So it's not always about that public speaking, that oral presentation. It's also how do you get to know your audience and how do you figure out who they are so that you can be persuasive. So here are some of the learning outcomes for C104. We hope that every student who takes this class, they leave being able to design and deliver a clear, concise, and audience-centered presentation. I'm going to say that, Number 1, all of my first-year students say, I never thought about the audience before. And it's sometimes shocking to me, but then it makes sense because a lot of the presentations you might have done up until now, were maybe for classes where you had an assignment and you were just, for lack of a better word, regurgitating what your solution or what your answer was to that prompt. And in this class, we really teach you to take some time to think about your audience, what they want, and what they need to hear. You will also learn how to collaboratively work in small decision-making groups. There is a significant team component to this that I'll talk about in a little bit. And that can also be intimidating for some people, but I do find that for more people than not, it's actually a part that they love. But again, a little bit of an adjustment and uncomfortable in some cases. Because in high school, you might be working with similar friends or classmates that you have known from other classes, and this time we're asking you to work with strangers from literally all over the world to help you come up with these solutions. So there are sometimes some growing pains, but also a lot of fun, excitement, and enlightenment that comes with that. We also teach you to listen critically, to comprehend, and analyze arguments. A huge part of communication is listening. So the listening component is really essential. Articulate arguments about business issues. So we talk about relevant business issues throughout the semester and challenge you to think about where you stand on a lot of those and how you can articulate that. And then we work to complement your verbal communication with supporting ideas visually in a presentation, whether it's a slide deck or a PDF of something that you're presenting. And then demonstrating that professional presence. So that goes everything from the way that we say things to how we present ourselves and how we dress. And I do know that that does come up sometimes when people are worried about what do they need for their first year, you often don't need a suit until the very end of the semester. So students don't feel like you need to go out and rush and get something right away. And often your friends or people in your res hall can let you borrow stuff, so the intention is not to intimidate you or make you feel uncomfortable. We want you to express yourself in a professional manner, and we talk more about that. So don't let that be something that worries or intimidates you. So a little bit about the class structure, it is generally 80% presentation and 20% complementary work. And complementary work is things that help you prepare for the presentation, or maybe assignments that help you practice skills that we're learning in class. But it is a presentation class. So some students say it feels like presentation bootcamp. Well, there's a reason for that. You wouldn't want us to only grade two presentations, because it doesn't give you enough time to really think about what may be errors that you're doing or what strengths that you're doing that could really make you the strongest speaker that you can have. But we do have different ways of presentations, and we build upon that throughout the semester. As I mentioned, there is a case presentation at the end of the semester that we spend several weeks getting ready for. But it is about 70% individual grade and about 30% team grade. So that's why we do spend a good amount of time working with teams and helping people figure out how to work well together. Because you want to make sure everybody's pulling their weight. And also that people are really feeling engaged in performing at their most proud and best stability. So we do work with our students to help them learn how that works. But one of the big takeaways is that project management and time management is important, and that is a skill that you need in business no matter what you do. And so you're going to learn this in Kelley in general, but I definitely think in this class, if you don't have project management, it can be a little difficult. The class is in-class learning in practice. So when you come to class, if you're not giving a presentation, we are learning a component of a scale and then practicing and then out of class is writing outlines, practicing, meeting with your team. So that's how the class is structured. There's certainly more to it, but that gives you hopefully a little bit of an overview about that. I won't get into this too much, but this is some advice from the pros, these are some of my former students, and this is the advice that they give some of my students on the first day of class. Tomorrow, I teach my first students for this semester, and this is what I will tell them. The first thing is to trust the process. That C104: Business Presentations can feel intimidating. But there is intention behind everything that your professor is doing, and we are here to support you. I told my kids who are six and eight, but also all of my students, that if humans were not meant to make mistakes then pencils would not have erasers. We are going to make mistakes in this class and in all of your classes, but professors are here to support you and to work through that. So trust that process. And as long as you're putting in the work, you will see progress. Don't spend time worrying about the uncontrollable. So don't spend time worrying about if your slides advance too quickly. There's sometimes things that happen and you can't control that, but that doesn't have to ruin things. So you just have to roll with the punches and be adaptable. Use outlines as your tools. What they basically mean by that is, actually prepare for your presentations. Don't just show up thinking it's going to go okay. Ask for help. As I mentioned, the fact of the matter is, it is a lot. It's sometimes 8-10 presentations in a semester, but you can do it and when you do, you will be proud. So that's some advice from our former students. And then does it work? These are some testimonials from some of the students that I will let you read. I don't want to read off of the screen here for you. But the gist of it is that the students who take this course, whether they came in really shy or they came in really confident, everybody grows in this class. And sometimes they don't see their growth until they're in an internship or their first job. And people are like, "Wow, you are a great presenter. How did you learn how to do that?" Or I had a student, the last one, he wrote me a message on LinkedIn just to share with me that his colleagues were obsessed with his slide decks because of all of the things that he included to make them audience-centered and clean. So you might be coming into a class like this, super scared or intimidated, or maybe you think because of your work in some of your other classes or in DECA or other marketing clubs that you're a great presenter. The fact of the matter is we are all works in progress. We all have ways that we can continue to improve. So that's what this class can be about. And that, I believe is C104. Good. So the last portion that we prepared here is questions and answers. So we have a few here that I will answer. The first few questions are questions that are a little bit more relative to the Kelley experience, maybe advising or even admissions. And so we have some of those answers from some of our colleagues that I'll go ahead and talk through first and then the both of us will answer some of these other questions and then we can move into that live section of Q&A. So if you have any questions, please make sure that you're adding those to Q&A and we're happy to answer those. So the first question was, are there lots of large lecture classes in the first year? If so, how large? And the answer to that is, classes at IU are offered both in large lecture style. So Dr. Seitz teaches a larger lecture style class and then smaller discussion style courses. My class is capped at 24 per class. So students, when they're giving their presentations, are not giving it in front of 400 people. So there is range, definitely, between the courses. So there are several first-year classes for business students where the size is smaller and then there are sometimes some of the core classes that are a little bit larger. But especially as you grow in your program, as you go through your program, they tend to get a little bit smaller and more specific. So that should answer that. The second question is, how does Kelley ensure students are challenged, but not too overwhelmed with work? That's a really great question. And I will say, I will give this answer. Actually let me read this first and then I'll jump in if I need to. Our friends from advising said, "To be challenged is an opportunity to grow," which I agree with. "Yet it also needs to be balanced with support. At Kelley, the faculty staff and staff are dedicated to both of these efforts. From the advising perspective, all Kelley students have access to knowledgeable and academic advisors. And the mission of academic advising is to partner with students to identify and explore academic interests and goals, promote personal well-being in development and support individual paths to graduation." They encouraged students to connect with an advisor once a semester, for support with the planning purposes. I think that is really great and sound advice from our friends at advising. And they are so supportive and they are there to help. But I think a lot of what you will learn as a college student is it takes initiative too. So it is important for you to take that step, to meet with an advisor, to meet with your professors, to ask for help from your RA in the res halls. So there are ways that faculty and staff here are going to be looking out for you and trying to help you so that you're not too overwhelmed with work. But the reality is that it is more work. It is college, it's not high school anymore. So sometimes it takes some growing pains at the beginning of the semester. But if you have good support in your faculty and your advisor, and your friends and colleagues in the res halls, that makes it a lot easier. The next question, when do you need to absolutely declare your major and how often do students pick a minor outside of Kelley? So Kelley students are encouraged to land on a business major by the end of their sophomore year. It's possible in certain majors to start taking major courses before your I-Core semester. And your I-Core semester is generally in your junior year. So that is going to help you figure out what you're interested in doing. So the earlier you know your path, the sooner you can gauge and plan for your major. Some majors require a minimum of three semesters to complete. So finalizing your major by the start of your junior year, is crucial for a timely graduation. And then they note here that one in five Kelley students pursue a minor to complement their business major. I know anecdotally that several of my students do complete minors outside of Kelley and actually they find it really fun and refreshing to take some classes outside of Kelley and I am a huge supporter of that as well, so that you can engage with people outside of the Business School, that you can learn fresh perspectives and make those connections outside of Kelley. So always a good plan. >> What outside resources are available to help throughout the curriculum, especially math and accounting coursework? >> I'm going to punt that over. [LAUGHTER] >> Thank you. So the very first thing that I want to point out is that you have math and accounting together. And although we tend to think that accounting is a lot of math, it's actually just simple, add, subtract, multiply, and divide. So I'm going to look at it from that standpoint. And whenever I'm thinking about math, I'm thinking about the actual math courses that I'm not going to necessarily speak to in the resources outside of the coursework to help with those. But I'm sure that there are some because I know with our finite class the first year as well, there are already people that are set forth to help with students that are struggling with that finite math class. But for my class, in particular, during that first-year level is I now have teaching assistants come into the classes with me. And so whenever we're working on questions during class, I have somebody help me within the classroom, students that scored well in my class that can help you with any questions that you might have, whether it's a math-specific question in accounting or it's just general theory. And then along with my office hours, those TAs that are working in your classroom sections, too, also have additional office hours so you can meet with them during times that you might have other questions. There are different groups and clubs on campus that hold workshops and different tutoring sessions to help with students. And then, of course, we just have tutors in general that can help you as well. So what I'm starting to see this thread here is that students want to be challenged but not feel overwhelmed. And that's one of the things that just had today was my first day back teaching and having that discussion with students is making sure you're asking questions. If you have a question, somebody else in the room has the exact same question. So we really try our hardest, even in a large lecture style that I have to try to make that room feel smaller than what it actually is. And one way to do that is to talk to one another. And it might be just to say, hey, where did she get that? What website did she go to? Did I miss something on the Canvas site? How did you get that number? All of those things are fine. You're not going to get in trouble for talking to your neighbor in a college classroom. We actually encourage that as long as you don't get out of hand. But asking your neighbor "I missed that - did you see where they got it?" or even just raising your hand, saying, "Hey, can you go over that again?" That's absolutely acceptable. So one of the things that I noticed is the first-year students coming in is even a student today saying, "Can I bring this drink with me into class?" "Heck yeah! Bring that drink with you, that's fine." I'm not concerned about you spilling your drinks anymore. You can chew gum in class, it's okay. You can talk in class. And I think it's really important to foster that sense of community on a campus that seems so large. >> That's really great advice. Your classmates will possibly be your colleagues in the future. This is such an important opportunity for you to make those connections early on. I know that several times students say, "Just don't close your door in the res hall." Make sure that you're actually talking to people and making those connections and they really can be your resource. For C104, there are not TAs that help, but there are Kelley peer coaches, that students really utilize to be able to practice a presentation in front of or if they have questions about a slide deck or how to better arrange something and they want a peer's advice. There are Kelley peer coaches. There's A100 Kelley peer coaches as well. But there are several classes at Kelley, actually that have Kelley peer coaches. So these are students who are volunteering their time to work with you. And those are great resources for you. So those are students again that have done really well in the class. And then I would say, as you get through the program and you meet upperclassmen, there's always people who can definitely help you with that. So there is a link here. And Casey, I got a link from academic support. Maybe if someone can just drop a question in, I can put it on there or I can send it to you and then have it at the end sent out to everybody. But academic support did send us a link that shows you on the Kelley website all of the ways that you can get academic support throughout the Kelley School of Business and beyond. So what are some tips to get involved? I will share what I think and then I'll let you, if you have any other ideas as well. I think that there are several ways to get involved. There are involvement fairs on campus that I always joke that first-year students could eat for free for the first two weeks from all of the call-outs that are on campus and you can't walk anywhere on campus without seeing sidewalk chalk all over the ground, telling you about organizations that you can get involved with. There are organizations within Kelley, but also, as I mentioned, I think it's important to go outside of Kelley to see what your interests are and actually many. And if you do the next session and you talk to the career folks, many of our partners that are doing the hiring out of Kelley, they want to see a well-rounded student. They want to see that you're involved in things beyond just Hodge hall. So looking at things that you might be interested in in terms of extra-curriculars or volunteering. There's lots of different ways that you can get involved. But within Kelley, there are great clubs and organizations for you to really practice what might be your career in the future. So there's different workshops, there's different organizations, there's business fraternities, there's certainly lots of different ways that you can get involved. My niece is a first-year student in college right now and I just got off the phone with her before this. And she was saying she was completely overwhelmed with all the emails she's getting because she put her name on everything at an involvement fair. And my advice to you is go to everything, learn everything about it. But it's okay to say no to figure out what interests you. But your first year is a special time for you to figure out who you are and what you're interested in. Any other thoughts about that? No. What are the best ways to communicate concerns with professors? What do you think? [LAUGHTER] >> Face-to-face. Even I tell students if you can't make it to my office hours, that's fine. Come talk to me before class and after class, I would much rather you come to me. If you see me in the hallway, come tell me what's going on. I think it's important that you have that face-to-face time with students, especially that first year to get out your concerns because most of the time, the things that I'm hearing have a lot to do with time management. It's not necessarily that they're not able to do the coursework. They can do the coursework. We're not trying to weed anybody out. We're just trying to help facilitate your learning. You chose Kelley for a reason. And so we're just here to help facilitate that learning and direct you and help you find out who you want to be. And so coming to us, asking us questions when you see us out in the hallways, we don't mind that at all. Not at all. So that's what I prefer is for students to come meet me face-to-face and say, hey, I'm struggling with this. What do you think about that? And then just talking with them from there. >> Absolutely. I will 100%, I agree with that face-to-face communication is really, really important. I actually, as I mentioned, or as Casey mentioned in my bio, I used to work on recruiting students to IU. And one of the main things I would tell juniors and seniors in high school is go to office hours. That is such an important step. And it shows the professor that you care that you're interested. It's not high school. We don't see it as brown-nosing [LAUGHTER] or sucking up to your teacher. That's not what it's about, but it is a time to connect with you and get to know you a little bit more so that we can help you if a situation does arise. I will say, if it's a serious concern, in my class, sometimes there's maybe a concern with a classmate or something, I would like a face-to-face conversation, but it doesn't hurt to also send me an email so something is in writing. So if it's a serious concern, maybe do both. But in nine out of 10 cases, I would say talking to your professor in person is the number 1 best way to communicate with them. I actually changed the name of office hours to student hours on my syllabus because I found that students thought that office hours meant that professors were holed up in their office doing Professory things and not actually wanting to talk to our students. And that's not true. >> That's why they don't come. [OVERLAPPING] I mean that's brilliant because I tell them all the time, "I don't know where you guys are at during my office hours, I just wait out the door looking for you all, and you never just stop by!" >> Exactly. So definitely go to office hours. And I actually think that might be one of our last questions, is "Are there mandatory office hours for professors?" I can't answer that. For my class - no, they are not mandatory, but I know that some classes across campus might have mandatory office hours. What are your thoughts about that? >> Yeah, my classes don't have mandatory office hours, but I'm sure that there are professors in other colleges that might have that. >> Yeah, absolutely. But as I told my niece, her assignment for the next two weeks was to go to office hours of every single one of her professors. So that's going to be my assignment to all of you, too. The first two weeks of your time at IU, go meet your professors and go to office hours if you can, or like you said, stay after class and introduce yourselves. The other thing is you're coming into the Kelley School of Business. It is very important that you understand that communication and networking is key in business. Because I have a smaller class and I love my students and I get to know them really well, I often get students asking me for recommendations, for internships, for study abroad, for all things. If you never come to my office hours and you never engage in class, I can't give you a great recommendation. So if for no other reason than the fact that you might need one of your professors in the future, I think that you should consider office hours to be a mandatory thing. And I think that is our last question there. But we can start looking at the ones that are down here. >> How would you describe your relationship with your students? Do they feel comfortable coming to you for help? What do you think? >> So like I told my students today, I like to have good time and I joke around, and sometimes I can be a little sarcastic. However, I think rules apply. So there are times that students will joke around with me and build a relationship with me. And not all, but there'll be a student here or there that might try to utilize that relationship to maybe get an extension on an assignment or something. And so I always have to say, I'm sorry, the rule is that there are no extensions on assignments. With so many students, we're trying to keep the playing field even for everyone so people can have enough time. I give everyone days to complete an assignment. So it's not like they have just an hour to complete something. But I would hope that students feel that they can come talk to me about serious topics, whether it's mental health, whether it's roommate issues, whether it's I am having trouble in your class or even finite or whatever it is. I hope that I put out that and I tell them that, but put out that I'm willing to be there to talk with them in the event that those things need to be discussed. >> Great. That is a great answer. I do think that first year is a lot of learning about consequences and boundaries as well. So I think it's important to understand that yes, again, like I mentioned, your faculty is here to support you, but we're not your best friends, we're not your mom. And so there will be consequences if you don't do an assignment or if you don't meet a deadline. And I think that the important thing to think about is that that's not because we're trying to be mean or we're vindictive, it's because there is a standard and there are so many students and it wouldn't be fair to other people for us to make exceptions. >> One of the terms you used earlier was growing pains. And I actually said that today. You may have some growing pains your first year because you're used to some policies that maybe are a little bit more strict than what you would have in high school. So like you said, it's not that we are trying to be mean that we actually take pride in the fact that we're hurting your feelings or making things more difficult than what you think that they need to be, it's because we do. We know what standards need to be met, and so we're just trying to help you meet those standards and understand them and have those growing pains your first year. >> Absolutely. But speaking of your mom, I was going to say that my students have often said that in my evaluations that I seem like the mom. And so at one time, I was talking to some of my former students and I said I think it's really nice that my students consider me a mom, but I don't think that's the right impression I want to be giving in the classroom. And they clarified for me, and I think that this is an important clarification that I now use on my first day of class with my students and they said no, it's not that you're like the mom who is going to let you get away with murder, you're the mom who is beaming with pride when we make a breakthrough in a presentation, but will also give us the look if we've disappointed you. So I will say that my students in general do very much feel comfortable coming to me and asking me questions. I think that I have always been told that I'm very supportive of my students and I try to create an atmosphere that does challenge and support them, because I do recognize several things like you mentioned that there are growing pains your first year that I teach a subject that is very fear inducing and sometimes vulnerable for people. So I think the environment is really, really important. And I am speaking for myself right now, but I work with a ton of wonderful colleagues who I know that is their goal and mission as well. And so I think that you're going to have a variety of types of professors, but overall you can only control what you can control and I think it's important if you're going to take that step to try to get to know your professors, I think you'll find that most faculty is happy to have that relationship and answer any questions that you may have. >> And I also want to preface that by saying a few of my lectures today were 200 students. It is what it is. And so I do my best to try to make that lecture hall that has over 200 or 200 students, anywhere from 180-200, try to make it seem smaller. And one of the things that I heard students when they were walking into the lecture hall today, on the first day was I didn't know there was that many students in here. Now, not all of your classes are that big, but you will from time to time have those large lectures. And so I'm specifically trying to make you feel that you're not being just left behind in those large lectures as well. So I might seem a little less approachable than Professor Fisher because her class size is a little bit smaller, but just know that that's not the intent, the intent is not to feel that way. We recognize that the dynamic might be a little different because I'm in a theater style hall, but it's just to accommodate the number of brains that are in the room. It's not necessarily to make you feel that you're insignificant. >> That's a great answer. I don't see any more questions in the box. Casey, do we have any other live ones there? >> I don't see any additional questions. If anybody has additional questions, this is your time. >> Any burning questions, we're happy to answer them. Put us on the spot, Q&A is one of the hardest things to do in presenting, actually. So they're giving us softball so far. We have a new question. "Do you feel like you always make a breakthrough with shy students?" Oh, Lorraine. I do always feel like I make a breakthrough with shy students. Here's what I'll say. Shy students, I have them all the time. And I will say that sometimes I have some shy students who it takes a little bit longer. But what I'll say is that every single student who has ever walked in my classroom has left better than they came in. And so I mentioned jokingly that it's a little bit of a boot camp. And it is in the sense that you're doing presentations back to back. And so that can feel really intimidating, but then once you do a few, you're like, I don't have time to worry about this anymore. And I do have some students whose shyness or fear might feel almost crippling to them. And those students, I really encourage them to come to my office hours. And we spend some time one-on-one developing those skills and figuring out what's actually at the root of this shyness, because I don't want people to be different than who they are. So a shy person is probably not going to come out with jazz hands doing a really crazy presentation, but they can still give a well-structured, genuine, and concise presentation that's persuasive. So everybody has their skills that they're going to bring to the table. And that is frankly one of the reasons why this is a smaller course so that we can see that and we can modify and we can adapt to each type of student there. But the other thing that I'll say is several students, if you think you're one of these shy students, you might be one that appears shy but I’m telling you right now I’ve done this long enough to know that every single person in there is shaking in their boots a little bit. Even me, having done this for years, on the first day of class, I get butterflies in my stomach. So we spend a lot of time before every presentation, we do deep breathing exercises or last year we even did a five-minute Peloton seated yoga so that we could just figure out like how to get the stress out. So we're practicing different methods, and I think that every type of student has found something that they have been able to take with them with this course. "How much work experience will we be getting out of the classroom over the four years at Kelley?" Any thoughts about that? I do know that the next session is with the career office, right, Casey? So I think that might be a better question if you're able to attend that session for them to understand that. I can only say anecdotally that most of my students do tend to get an internship after their sophomore year. Some, several actually do after their first year too, but most after their sophomore year are getting internships. Several of my students have gotten jobs here in Bloomington or done internships with a non-profit here in Bloomington or on campus. So there's different ways to figure out how to practice some of these skills and learn what you do and you don't like about different topics. What else do we have? >> "So you wouldn't say that you have to be super good and quick with math to be an accountant?" >> No. You do not need to be a mathlete to be an accountant. No. It's absolutely fine. If you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and use a basic four-function calculator, I promise you'll be fine. >> I think I'm going to come take your class. I think I need some of these basic skills. >> "Could we please explain what case competitions are and what they entail?" >> Yeah, absolutely. So case competitions are actually a pretty significant part of Kelley in different ways. Sometimes optional and sometimes mandatory. In C104, I think that is one of the first main case competitions that you might be involved with. Although there are some other classes that do have case comps. In this class currently, we have a partnership with the Kelley Institute for Social Impact, which is a phenomenal organization within Kelley. So when you were asking how to get involved, that's a really great one to get involved with. Through KISI, we have a non-profit that we provide solutions for. The non-profit we currently work with right now is called Global Mamas. They are an organization out of Ghana. And so the students get a case document at the beginning of the semester that gives a little background on the client what their objectives are, sometimes some financial information. So that's why it's good to have the accounting background so that you can read through that and make sense of that a little bit more. Then there's two options, usually, and these are problems or scenarios that the client might want you to work on. For example, last semester they wanted to target Gen Z'rs on different ways to get involved with their brand. So our students put together presentations by using research methods and also using their accounting skills to use their budget to figure out how to put together a proposal or a pitch for the client that helped with solutions for that. So whether it was marketing or different branding initiatives, some of them suggested some product development that would maybe attract a different audience. So the solutions can be different and the cases can be different depending on the organization that you're doing information for. So that's just our course, but there are several case competitions throughout the semester in classes and out of classes. So KISI also has a social impact case competition in the spring where one of the donors gives money for that. So the people who win get a monetary award and then they also get an award to be able to implement the plan that they came up with for this non-profit. So what an incredible experience. First of all, you win this competition and every Kelley student is a little competitive. And then also your solution is used by an organization. So really great information for you to be sharing in your interviews for jobs in the future. So the case competitions, again, I guess I'll summarize by saying they vary, some in-class, some out of class, some have monetary awards, and some are more just bragging rights. >> "I will be graduating high school with an associate's degree with 65 college credits. Do you think it would be possible to double major or add a few minors? What majors partner, well together?" Mia, I will say this is a really good question to ask advising or admissions. Because they will be able to tell you how many credits you can transfer in and all of that. I know from my Scholarships days that several of our students come into IU at sophomore standing based on the credits that they are able to bring into IU, which gives them some flexibility to be able to study abroad to add that double-major or those different things. But it sounds like you have a pretty unique experience. So I would say reach out to them and they can maybe give you some information about that and maybe thinking about what majors you're interested in. They'll be able to help you with that. You should absolutely study abroad Mia, do it 100%. And Kelley, okay, I'll just plug again here. Kelley has several opportunities to study abroad. The university does as well, but Kelley has courses that you can take throughout the semester, and then if you are not interested in spending a whole semester to study abroad, I'm helping one of my colleagues who teaches a Business in Germany class. So the students will take a class on business in Germany and different subjects around that. And then we will take the students to Germany for 10 days in May after the class is concluded. So there are ways that you can get an international experience without spending a whole semester. You can also do spring break or summer. So there's lots of different ways you can accomplish that goal. So that's not related to either of our courses, but I highly endorse it [LAUGHTER]. >> I would be available to chaperone. >> Noted. We'll make sure. [LAUGHTER] Yes. Any other thoughts? All right. We really enjoyed our time with you today. Thanks for letting us talk about what we teach, what we love, and we both love students and love getting to know you. So we hope that we get to meet you next year or the year after or whenever you're coming to IU. But feel free to reach out to us directly if you have any questions specifically about our courses. If not, I'm sure our admissions and advising offices would be happy to help you with your questions. >> And as Professor Fisher mentioned, we will be taking some additional questions. And if you did have a question that fell more in the realm of admissions we'll be following up with you individually. So anyway, I just wanted to put that out there. That was a lot of great information. Big thank you to Professor Kathy Fisher and Dr. Jamie Seitz, and an even bigger thank you to our guest audience. Your questions were thoughtful and insightful. We all look forward to hearing from me this fall. The application to IU is now open, so make sure you have a complete application to IU on file no later than November 1st. Pro-tip, the sooner the better. [LAUGHTER] To be considered for direct admission to Kelley be sure to list a Kelley major on your application. If you don't qualify for automatic direct admission, which is a cumulative high school GPA of 3.8 or higher, and a test score of either 30 or higher on the ACT, or 1370 or higher on the SAT make sure that you submit a review request so that we know you'd like to be considered for direct admission. Some of you may know that as the petition process, same thing. Review request equals petition. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us here at the Kelley School of Business if you have any questions. You can expect to hear from us and we will be sending all of you who showed up here small gift as a thank you for attending. Once we finish, you'll be routed to a survey that should only take one or two minutes. Please give us your feedback and if you have a question, be sure to list your email address so that we can reach out to you directly. Thanks again to our faculty lecturers for volunteering their time this evening. It was lovely to have all of you here and we look forward to further conversations with you throughout the year. And hopefully, once you're enrolled at Kelley. Have a great night.
Finishing touches: Careers in business
As part of the world's largest business alumni network, Kelley graduates are connected to leaders across the globe. Hear from three alumni about their careers and how Kelley prepared them for lasting success.
Moderator: Rebecca Cook, Executive Director, Undergraduate Career Services, Kelley School of Business
Alumni: Maggie Harrison, BS'21, senior financial analyst at The Walt Disney Company; Chloey Loman, BS'18, solution engineer at Salesforce; Ashley Martinez, BS'16, MBA candidate, formerly worked as a consultant at Deloitte
Description of the video:
Welcome back to See yourself at Kelley webinar, "Finishing Touches, Careers in Business." I'm your host , Kasandra Housley, the Assistant Director of Admissions here at the Kelley School of Business. And I'm joined by my colleague and co-host, Casey Ellingsworth. And we will be here to catch any questions that you all put into the chat. If you were here with us in the previous sessions, you may have noticed that we have a new word cloud for your amusement here, based, as always, on your input from our invitation email. So take a look, get a sense for what to expect tonight. Basically, we're here to address your questions like, how does Kelley prepare me for success and what are some networking tips? And what does the internship placement system look like? Tonight, our event is finishing the touches on what we hope will be your Kelley home and the career that you would like to have. So we have a lot to talk about and with that in mind, let me introduce our moderator. Her name is Rebecca Cook. She is the Executive Director of Kelley Career Services, which encompasses both the undergraduate and the graduate career services area. She is a Kelley MBA alum, and had a 14-year career in the investment management industry as an Equity Analyst and Portfolio Manager, and has returned to Kelley 12 years ago. So she has worked in a variety of roles since returning to Kelley, including as the Director of Coaching and Development in Graduate Career Services, the Executive Director of the full-time MBA program, the Executive Director of Undergraduate Career Services, and now is the Executive Director of all of the Kelley career services. We also have some amazing panelists for you. We have our alumni, Ashley Martinez, Chloey Loman, and Maggie Harrison. Without further ado on my part, Rebecca, I'll hand it over to you so you can get this panel started. >> Thank you very much, Kasandra. Looking forward to talking to everyone this evening. And we're going to get started right away with some introductions of our alumni. So for each of our three alumni, if you could introduce yourself with your name, your hometown before you came to Kelley, your current hometown, and then your place of work currently and title. So Maggie, you're first on my screen. So would you like to start? >> Sure. I'm Maggie Harrison. I'm originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. I now reside in Orlando, Florida. I graduated from Kelley in 2021, and I am now a Financial Analyst for the Walt Disney Company, specifically supporting their parks and animal sciences and environment. >> Very cool. Thank you. Chloey, you're next on my screen. You're muted, Chloey. [LAUGHTER] >> Thank you. Every time, of course. Hi everyone. I'm Chloey Loman. I am originally from Avon, Indiana, but currently living in Irvine, California. And I am a Solutions Engineer at Salesforce. And I graduated in 2018. >> Wonderful. Thank you. And Ashley, who is surviving a storm currently. [LAUGHTER] >> Hi everybody. I'm Ashley Martinez. My pronouns are she, her and hers. I am currently at graduate school, actually, pursuing my MBA as well as a Masters of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. And unfortunate timing is a storm hit just as this meeting started. I'm currently in the dark as we have no power, so if I jump in and out that is why. But I'll go ahead and give my email now just in case there are questions and I get cut off. It's I spent the last five years before coming back to business school doing supply chain and operations consulting with Deloitte. Prior to that, I worked at General Mills, Discover Financial Services, and Live Further Barcelona. And I am a 2016 graduate from the Kelley School of Business. My hometown is Henderson, Nevada, and I would still call that my hometown. I do not call where I currently reside home. [LAUGHTER] It's my temporary location. >> Thank you. So our first question is, what really drew you to IU? How did you know that Kelley was the right place for you? Whichever one of you wants to start. >> I can start. So some of you in the audience this summer may have participated in this really awesome program that Kelley puts on called the Young Women's Institute. It's a pre-college program for women going into their senior year of high school. And my parents were really strong proponents that I should do a summer program for college. They said we'd rather you go to a summer camp and we spend some money doing that versus you go into school and then we spend a lot more money for you to figure out you don't want to do that. So I signed up, I did the Young Women's Institute and I fell in love with Kelley when I did it. I learned so much during my time at that program. Was really surrounded by like-minded people, people who have a similar drive and I could really see myself at Kelley. I ended up going to a different business program later on in the summer and I used a lot of the presentation skills I learned at IU in that presentation and I had the judge come up to me individually afterwards say what a great job I did. That was a moment where the light bulb went off and I really thought if I could do so much in three days at Kelley, imagine what I could do in four years, and I never once regretted my decision. >> I guess I'll piggyback off of that a little bit. I went to a similar program called Meet Kelley. So it's not exclusively for women, but, actually, an ex-boyfriend was the one who suggested that I go to it and thank God. I originally wanted to go to school out in California. I was so eager to get away from Indiana because I had been there my whole life. But after going and sitting in - they have you sit in on classes, meet some of the professors, run through a case competition. It really just felt like it was supposed to get my home. And after that, I just said screw California for a little bit and I'll stay in Indiana. >> To that I can speak more from the West Coast. Coming to the middle of nowhere is how I would call it on the West Coast because I'd never heard of Indiana itself until I started applying to school. But the biggest difference that I saw was when applying to the different business undergraduate programs was Kelley would always come with a what is it you're trying to do? How can we help you get there? We would be super excited and eager to have you and to help you aspire to your potential. Whereas a lot of other schools, the attitude was more, you'd be lucky to be here. You should consider it a privilege that you've been chosen. So it was a very big attitude switch for me. And so I really wanted to go somewhere where I felt like I was going to be supported and encouraged to be the best that I could be, versus go somewhere where they treat me like they're all that and I should more so be thankful that they even let me in. So that was really what drew me and I can say that it was definitely the most supportive and best decision I ever made. >> Wonderful. This whole conversation is really fun because my daughter is actually a senior in high school right now. [LAUGHTER] So looking at Kelley among other programs. [LAUGHTER] So when did you start thinking about business and then how did you decide on what your major was? I guess along those same lines did you change your major at all? So Ashley, why don't you start first on this one? >> Sure. Originally I thought I was gonna go into the non-profit space. I had started an organization back in high school. And what I recognized in working in non-profits was they don't really go anywhere, because they're so dependent on the volunteers and donations that they get. And a lot of that is provided with stipulations. And my thought was, well, let's go learn what the for-profit side is and bring those principles to a non-profit world or to an impact driven world. And so that's where I knew I wanted to do business going into school, I had no idea what specifically [LAUGHTER] in business that would mean besides that. So I just started off going to Kelley without a real idea of a major. And then, I ended up becoming a triple major. First with international business. I'm a multicultural individual. My aunt is from Egypt. I have a cousin-in-law from Russia. My dad's family is from Mexico, and so international business is really important to me. And then I think that's still called a co-major at Kelley. And then I chose entrepreneurship because my thought was I want to be able to innovate both internally within a business and externally. And so that's the best place in order to figure out how to even start from the ground up. Because a lot of problems in business are from the foundation and the core. So let's really understand what that's like. Highly recommend the entrepreneurship track. And then I chose marketing as my last round because I went to a PNG presentation. They talked about this deodorant that they, through customer research, figured out was the right brand for Hispanic population. And I went, "That's my deodorant, that's funny." And so then I went down the marketing track for understanding how do we think and how do we then determine what people need or want based on the way that we behave? And so that's where I found those three majors. Chloey or Maggie, do you want to go next? Yeah, I guess I can go. So I originally started in business when I was a first-year student in high school actually, on a whim, I joined a business organization called Business Professionals of America. So you may know that or DECA. They're pretty similar. And I actually did really well on it my first year and I was like, "Oh, maybe this is something I should stick to," and took some accounting classes in high school, did really well. Breezed through them, called it a day. So I started off with a major in accounting and then realized I didn't have a passion for it. Yes, it can pay well, it has stability, but it didn't really get me excited. So I added in technology management, which I've always loved tech. And then I had it in business analytics, statistics, I don't know, I'm a bit of a nerd. I always loved understanding what data meant how they got to that place, if there's anything missing, if we could take it to the next step, how things just mix together. And then also a little bit of marketing as well. That one I didn't have as a major because they cap you out at three. But, I highly recommend marketing for anyone else, as well. It's pretty interesting. >> Well, I'm not as impressive with three majors like these ladies, but I first got interested in business probably junior year of high school. Both my parents are engineers. And neither one of them use their degrees. My dad is in sales. And I always laugh that you have this nice degree and you don't use it. I want to have a degree that I can actually use. And I thought business, There's so much you can do with business. You could switch it up. And I thought that would be a really easy way for me to have a very flexible degree and I should theoretically always have a job. So I went into Kelley, still trying to figure out what major specifically I was interested in. I ended up settling in on economic consulting. I hate to say it, but at first I picked it because I saw Econ and I really loved Econ in high school. But honestly, if I had to go back and do it again, I'd probably get a finance degree just because I think it's a little bit more relevant to my role now, but I have a minor in theater and drama. I didn't even think it was possible to do something with theater in college. I was involved in theater for eight years before going to IU, went to the College of Arts and Sciences major fair and saw that theater and drama had a booth. Thought, "Wait, why don't I just get a minor in this?" I called my parents. They said "We don't care, just graduate in four years," and I did. So I added that on and that's how I was able to continue to fuel my passion for it. And I'm really thankful that I got to do that and it honestly makes you stand out amongst your Kelley peers. Not a ton of people have that. It's a pretty unique minor and it's also something very applicable to the business world. >> Definitely. Well, all of you - I'm impressed. [LAUGHTER] So how would you say that Kelley prepared you for your success in your role? Chloey, you want to start? Go ahead. >> So personally, I wanted to study a little bit of everything just because I really loved the case competitions that we had at Kelley and how all encompassing they were and how just having marketing isn't going to help or just having finance isn't going to help. It's really how they all conglomerate and mix together. And so my role right now in solution engineering is really understanding all the different parts of business, then how tech interacts with them and how that mixes together. Without the underlying foundation of how these different segments all come together, I wouldn't be able to do my job. So even if anyone's trying to go into something consulting based, you'll get a really great foundation. >> I'll piggyback off of that because that's exactly the career I went into after Kelley was consulting. What's beautiful about the business program at Kelley is that you get a general foundation across all elements of business as a starting point, which if you're going into consulting, or really any career, it's solid because you actually know how to talk to every single function. And no matter what job you end up in, if you want to have influence, if you want to be a leader within that, if you want to be a people manager someday, you have to be able to have those cross-functional discussions. Now at business school, and in the MBA, I can tell you that it's the same structure that they use for graduate level students, where you do the foundations across all the different areas of the business first. And then you jump into more specifics of where you really want to focus. So I think Kelley's mastered the fact of bringing the graduate level education to the undergraduate experience. And that sets you up really well if you're thinking about higher education in the future too. The other thing that I noticed different about Kelley compared to my peers when I started in consulting, was the emphasis on Excel and Access and our data analytic capabilities. When I started at Deloitte, I had a leg up totally far out of the park compared to my peers who didn't come from Kelley, just because of that data analytics background, and I started off being put on projects specifically because of my expertise in that area that other people lacked. And so it was a very different game when you think about joining consulting and at first you have no experience and you might be put on any particular project. I actually had the ability to decide what I wanted to be on from the beginning, because I had a unique skill set that a lot of other people didn't come in with. >> We actually hear that from a lot of alums and a lot of companies. It's one of the main things that sets Kelley apart. So it's great to hear for you too [LAUGHTER] Maggie. >> Yeah, huge ditto to everything, it's very well-rounded and yes, you definitely do stand out from your peers. I think the most valuable thing I took away from Kelley is those excel skills. I'll be live sharing my screen with my coworkers. And I do something really quickly in excel and I'll have them stop me to go, "Wait, what did you just do? Show me that shortcut. I didn't know that was a thing." So the Excel skills really do put you above your peers when you enter the workforce. And I say the networking that Kelley has is also very beneficial. Networking - there's a large emphasis on that. Kelley does a really great job of teaching you how to network and how to properly network and prepare to network. And that's a skill that I think is really hard to grasp. And so Kelley does a great job of setting you up for success with that. >> Great. One of the questions that came in is, "What things did you do in college that helped you most in your career?" And maybe even tie that to maybe what clubs or organizations that you joined and how did they help you? >> I'm happy to jump in first here. So specifically, I chose to not join, for the most part, any clubs or organizations within Kelley, but instead join them throughout the other parts of the school. The reason being was two-fold. One, I wanted to make sure I didn't become someone who is just only a Kelley person. I wanted to be well-rounded in all forms of that, and that's true to the way that Kelley is structured, but also you learn so much by going outside of the business school to hear how other people are approaching problems and the questions that they're trying to solve. The second thing is you can actually have a much larger impact in organizations outside of Kelley. Because if you think about it, all the students in Kelley who are going for leadership roles within their organizations are coming with a very similar skill set, a very similar drive, a very similar class curriculum. But if you go outside Kelley, you have an opportunity to see what the real-world experience is going to be. Which is, you might join an organization where a lot of your peers don't have data skills, where a lot of your peers have never set something up from the ground up before, which is an exact example that Maggie just gave, and you would be able to take and actually see that come to fruition. So you can bring those business skills in a non-traditional business environment and actually see how it works. So I found it was the best practical example, even more so than some of the class projects, to actually test what we learned at Kelley and see it come to fruition. >> Great advice. So, thank you. Maggie, you want to pop in. >> Yeah. I was going to say honestly, opposite of Ashley, some of my favorite experiences I was involved in were through Kelley. I was in the honors program, not really an extracurricular, but they have extracurricular things. I was really heavily involved with that and really loved it and I think that's part of what made my Kelley experience so great. It's a very tight group of people, really awesome people to collaborate with, but then other extracurricular is I actually, that Young Women's Institute college program I mentioned earlier, I came back and I was a chaperone for that, and then I was the student coordinator for that program. And that taught me a lot of really great leadership skills. And that was pretty much my first time leading my peers, people that were of my age. I had led people younger before, but it was a very different experience to lead people who are your age. And now being in the workforce, a lot of places that recruit at Kelley, it's really unique because you'll have a starting class where it's you and your peers are all starting at the same time. Now in my role at Disney, I'm the youngest person on my team and the second oldest person is my senior manager who I report to. So to be able to step up and be a leader for people who are older on the team has been a really great thing, and those are skills I learned by being the Student Coordinator at that college program. >> Nice. Then mine, I guess is a little bit different. So Casey knows my whole backstory, she was a part of it, fortunately. I would say the groups that I was really involved with to start, if the Kelley Living Learning Center counts as one, that was an amazing one to get started with. They host so many different events for you, and there's just so many people that you get to meet. My job actually came from somebody that I knew in the KLLC. But I spent my first two years working pretty heavily, so I didn't really have time for extracurriculars, but fortunately, I became a part of a scholarship program, again, thanks to Casey. And from there, I took a weird path. So I was getting more involved with the scholarship program I was in, and then also doing case competitions. I went and adopted a dog, so then, of course, socializing when you have a dog is a lot easier, at least for me it was, and then I also started volunteering out in the community. I actually started volunteering at the Indianapolis Zoo. So like everyone is mentioning, like when you broaden your networks, not even just necessarily networks, but like what type of experience you're getting in life, you never know how that'll come and impact your jobs. >> That's great. [LAUGHTER] What steps did you all take to figure out what job you wanted and then how you went about acquiring that job? Ashley, you want to start? [LAUGHTER] >> Yeah I'll start. I was just trying to think. So for me, the context that I will give is I did not originally think I was going to end up in consulting. When I looked at people who went for consulting, at least back when I was at Kelley, it was a lot of people who either knew from the get-go, they wanted to do consulting, their parents had a business background and so they knew about business to begin with. I didn't see a lot of diversity in the space at the time, that was back when Kelley was at 5%, it's a lot farther along now, so it's a much different dynamic. And so I was honestly a little put off by consulting because I didn't think it was something that people like me did, or people with my background did, my dad's an architect, my mom's a teacher. So that's where I was more drawn, to marketing originally because of the multicultural aspect of it. But what Kelley taught me to do was listen to people that you trust and to identify advisors who were going to guide you and help you think through what it is that you really want to do and what it is that you're good at, and how to build those relationships. And I started off by building those connections with my professors. So my Comms professor I was really close with, and he would help do feedback with me on the different job opportunities I was looking at. My other professor for the module you're required to do each year that I forget the name of, she would host movie nights with my team and we would take and break down movies and deconstruct them. And so through building those relationships, I got really good at building relationships in the workforce. So it's actually while I was working at General Mills that my mentors there came back to me and said, hey, we would be blessed to have you here, you would do really successful full-time, but it would hold you back. You think like a consultant, you approach questions very cross-functionally, you look to understand everything that's been done before, and why things haven't worked or why they've been successful, you should look at consulting. And so from that, I then chose to go after consulting, but only with Deloitte because it was the only company that I felt like I could be my goofy self with, and it just happened to work out. And it was from trusting everything that Kelley had taught me to do, from trusting my network, from being able to deal with ambiguity because they forgot my case during my interview, that I was able to recognize, oh, I can actually do this and I am capable of doing this, and Kelley has prepared me to do this. And so I went into consulting, I loved it, I thrived. I did it for five years and advanced really quickly through the firm as a result. >> Chloey, you want to pop in next? >> Yeah. So I actually got into mine on accident to be quite frank. So, again, I knew I wanted a consulting-ish job just because case competitions, that's really what helped push me to that point. But it was down between a job in consulting up in Chicago where I knew everyone, my family's from there, it was going to be pretty set or it was come over to Salesforce and work in tech. And honestly, even two months into training, I had no idea what my job was that I was doing. Now it's a perfect fit, I could not have crafted a more perfectly suited job for me, but someone was just like, hey, I think this would be a great opportunity for you, it's worth pursuing. And I went after it and I had 24 hours after the offer was given to decide between signing off on the consulting one or taking Salesforce. And so I cried in the scholarship office out of stress, like "What do I do? Do I move over to California? Do I stay in Chicago? Which job do I take?" And chose tech and I'm very glad I did. But you never know. If people have opportunities for you, take them. You might as well. >> Definitely. Maggie. >> I came into IU I didn't really know what I wanted to do with business. I thought business I'll get a job, what that job was, no idea. I couldn't tell you. And I was thinking what I was really passionate about, what I like a lot of people like Kelley they like investment banking or consulting as you've heard about. And none of those really spoke to me in the same way. So I was thinking about my passions and Disney has always been a huge one for me. I grew up going to the parks all the time when I was younger. My younger brother is autistic and so we would always go there and the magic that they create and the happiness for the guests. And it just was a huge part of my life and something that made me really happy. And I hate to say it, but pretty early on it was Disney or bust for me. So I ended up doing the Disney college program spring of '20, which was the spring semester of my junior year. And that's when you go down to the parks and you work in operations in the parks. It's not glamorous, but I knew if I didn't do it, I would regret it forever not having at least tried to work for my dream company. Well, that was spring of '20. So I got sent home because of this thing called COVID. And honestly things just hit the fan after that. I was supposed to have an internship with a cruise line that summer that got canceled. Going back into the fall semester, firms were not recruiting like how they usually do at Kelley, it was a very depressing time, honestly. And Disney wasn't hiring, but I did know somebody who was at Disney as a part of those Kelley connections. And she had I've actually taken a job over at a different theme park company. And so I worked my Kelley networking and I was like please give me the opportunity to interview here. They were building this brand new revenue team. I want it to be a part of it. And so thankfully, they gave me a chance. The senior vice president over there pulled my resume from a stack and thought, oh, like, why haven't we talked to her yet? They said, she doesn't graduate until May. He's like, I don't care. Like get me a time to talk to her. So I had a 30-minute phone call with him and after that, I was offered the job. So very lucky how that ended up. I ended up getting down to Florida. I was in the theme park industry. I was really thankful for that and then I was able to move over to Disney. >> Wonderful. And actually, just on a cool note, Disney just added Kelley as a core school. So they'll be around a lot [LAUGHTER] [OVERLAPPING]. >> Well hopefully I get to come back. >> Yeah, definitely. >> So here's a good question. Thinking back to before college, would you classify or would you have classified yourself as a leader when you entered Kelley and then after college, how did that change? Chloey, I'll throw to you. >> I guess, Chloey you want go first? >> Yeah. >> You're more recent. >> I personally would. So again, because I'd started so early in Business Professionals of America, I started working up the ranks pretty quickly, became the president of my chapter over in Avon as a junior and then become a state officer as a senior. So we were over there planning conferences, having monthly meetings, putting things together for like 2,500 different people. So I think I had a bit of experience with it coming in. But then again, the jobs that I had definitely gave me another opportunity for that when I was already in Kelley. >> I'm trying to find the name of this book because I'm going to tell you all is that you are a leader from the get-go. You are already a leader. I think that there's a lot of misguided information on what a leader is. You don't have to be the loudest person in the room. You don't have to be the person in a position of influence, so you don't have to have a formal title. A leader is anyone who is helping to guide or influence or advise others in any way, shape, or form. And it can be to influence one person. It could be multiple people. And so you are a leader now and you will be a leader through Kelley and you will be a leader beyond that, it's just that you'll continue to evolve and grow in your leadership capabilities. There's this book that one of my leadership professors for a class where we took and we went to Istanbul, Turkey. He recommended to me called "Quiet Leadership." And he was talking about how at that trip I wasn't the loudest one, but I heard what everybody was saying in terms of what they wanted to do or what they wish for to make the trip better. And I was the one who then raised that to him and talked through what else can we do to change the program to make it better for those in the future. And so there's really a value, I think in more so in determining what type of leader are you, what type of leader do you want to be? And so for me, I've chosen through my time at Kelley actually that instead of being the loudest, the most vocal, the one that's always the leadership positions. I want to be that quiet person in the back who's filling the gaps for where there are holes or where people aren't being heard as readily. And make sure that all the voices are really being heard in the room. So I think that's really the biggest thing for Kelley. I was a leader to begin with, but it was figuring out what type of leader do I really want to be moving forward. >> I've read that book, it's a good book. [LAUGHTER] >> It's "Quiet Leadership," by - I looked it up - David Rock. >> Maggie. >> That's a tough answer to follow. Ashley hit the nail on the head. My sad little canned answer I was going to give was, yes, I considered myself a leader beforehand. I was really heavily involved with a couple of things in high school. I mentioned theater earlier. I viewed myself as a leader of the theater department my senior year. I was also involved with, we had a student-led coffee bar at the school. So I was involved with that and started to dip my toe in the water for business that way. So I did, but I would agree that Kelley, if you're willing to take on the challenge, yes, you're a leader, but Kelley will teach you what kind of leader to be. And if you're willing to listen and dive into that, then that's the valuable area. >> We had a question just come in through the Q&A part, but generally all of you, but how were you able to fit in three majors or just multiple majors and then tied to that, how many credits did you carry in from high school towards your majors and minors? I don't know who wants to start. >> If I remember correctly, I carried in 32 credits, but I did International Baccalaureate, if any of you know what that is, in high school. So it's like AP on steroids - Advanced Placement. So I carried over a lot of elective credits and then also carried over quite a bit of the requirements. That is one thing that I will say as you're evaluating your schools, if you have any AP classes or etc that you're taking, see what you can potentially transfer in. What I found was cool about IU is if I got a three on something, I could count it for an elective credit, which at the end of the day makes a huge difference in terms of your ability to pick classes earlier, as well as have more room in your schedule to take more things that you want to. So that is ultimately what helped me to do the triple majors. I could have chosen to either graduate early or stay the four years and put on the other major. And I chose to stay longer because you're only in school once for undergrad. You don't need to rush into working I promise. Enjoy it while you can. [LAUGHTER] >> Just to echo that I saved for an additional semester as well, to go ahead and finish everything up. It was around the same number of credits coming in that I had. But I would say the biggest thing is a lot of the degrees have quite a bit of overlap that you can use in terms of classes. So one of my co-majors, I think it was only going to take an additional two classes because of how much I'd already taken prior, between accounting and then between my Business Statistics class. So there's a lot more overlap if you just take some time, say, "Hey, what do you actually want to achieve and how far am I from each of these pieces that might help map that out a little bit more." And like she said, you're only an undergrad once. It might be a little expensive, but in my case, it was either be stuck in accounting and have that be a very costly mistake to make or spend an extra semester and end up doing something that I really enjoy. >> I cannot remember off the top of my head how many credits I came in with. But it was a similar situation where the threes count for generic credits. I took AP Calculus BC, and I think that got you five credit hours if you got a four or five. So that was a game changer. That was useful. So I still had to do some of the generic ones. And I came from a very small private school, so they didn't have dual enrollment or APs. But I promise you if you're in that situation, you'll be fine. You'll still finish. I mentioned I did the Disney College Program, and so for that semester, I didn't take any classes. That was the equivalent of me taking a semester off. So I did graduate in three-and-a-half semester or three-and-a-half years. And so if I had the extra time, I definitely would have done a data analytics co-major, but at the end of the day, I ran out of time. Now, I thought it was still valuable to take some of those classes. So I did take some of the extra ones. They didn't count towards anything though. But I think it shows that you're still passionate and interested about it and that's always good to learn, but definitely like no need to overload yourself. Most Kelley majors take 15 credit hours a semester, which is what, five classes. So nothing too terrible. You'll still have plenty of time to enjoy yourself and have fun. >> Thank you. And then Chloey, I think you had mentioned you were in the honors program. Is that right? >> I wasn't, that was Maggie. >> Maggie, one of the questions was, "Provide a little bit more detail on the honors program, if you can." >> Yes. So the honors program, it's two-fold in a way. So they have a first-year honors program called ACE, which is invitation only. I was a part of ACE my first year and I believe they've changed the block a little bit. So there are a couple of classes you take your first year. It's Business Presentations. And the Computers in Business class - you've heard us talk about Excel - it's that class. And so if you're part of the first-year honors program, you take them together as a block and they're both honors versions of the class. So you have a group for each class and so you do your group presentations and you're with that whole group for the semester, and the material is a little bit higher. It's an honors class. Very cool. And I believe since I finished first-year honors, they have since added in an honors block of Compass. Which, Compass is that professional development class that you take. You take Compass I, II, and III your first, sophomore, and junior year. I think if I could go back and take honors Compass, I totally would. But alas, that was not an opportunity when I was in ACE. So, depending on how you do in first-year honors, you'll advance into regular honors. So honors is sophomore through your senior year. But don't fret if you're not in first-year honors, there is still the application that you can do and I believe the application, there's a written application with essays and then I think you do a group interview. And then you find out summer before sophomore year if you're going to be admitted into the honors program and that you have the option, I think, you have to take two or three honors classes. So they offer different honors versions like there's honors Accounting, you can do honors Business Communications, you have options. But the biggest difference is your junior year, if you've not already heard about it, there's this thing called I-Core. Everyone goes through I-Core. I-Core is the foundation of what we've all talked about, that really holistic education that Kelley gives you. You take a Finance class, you take an Operations class, you take a Management class. And it really is the culmination of bringing all of these different ideas together and you do business case at the end. The honors block of I-Core is different. You do not have a business case you get at the end. At the very beginning, you are tasked with creating your own business. And you have the whole semester, you and your group, to think of a business and you present at the end. Whereas in the normal I-Core block, you get that business case at the very end. You have, I think, two weeks to do it and then you present it. However, all this to say honors does not make or break your experience. Everyone is very successful in the Kelley School of Business. But it was a large part of my experience. And one of my favorite things I got to do. >> Make sure, based off what Maggie said, make sure to just keep up to date on what the latest is. I can tell you, based on everything she said, the process was entirely different when I was at Kelley. ACE did not exist back then. Which is awesome about Kelley. They're continuing to evolve. So just make sure that you stay up-to-date. I know the Kelley Honors Program has their own website with all the information. There is also the Hutton Honors Program, if it's still called that, >> Yes. >> which is a general honors program for the entire school. That one has different requirements. In general, I haven't heard of anyone struggling ever to get in as long as they met the requirements for academic program. But they do have different requirements in terms of getting the honors designation when you graduate. So just keep an eye out on everything because everything is always evolving, always improving. >> Definitely good advice because you're right. [LAUGHTER] It changes all the time. [LAUGHTER] Switching gears a little bit. Did any of you study abroad or do any global travel while you were part of Kelley? Ashley, why don't you start with that and talk about that a little bit? >> So I did multiple options for study abroad. Kelley has a bunch of these quicker trips that you can do, as well as the more traditional study abroad. So the full semester terms. So the first time I did the India program, which I'm not sure if it's still happening today, but they took a group to India the summer after your first year. And that was really cool opportunity to spend a couple of weeks in the US studying the Indian culture and government and business there. And then we went there with a professor, who is actually from India, went both in North and South. So I've actually seen a lot more of India than most people would expect, because I've been to both parts of the continent and I got a good understanding as to what that environment is like. And then sophomore year, I forget what class it is, but there is a class where you can either take it in-person and you get more of a global understanding, or you can choose to do some studying locally and then you go abroad afterwards. And so that's the one where I went to Istanbul, Turkey. And that was really awesome. Highly recommend Istanbul, especially. It's the best intersection of seeing how multiple cultures can coexist in one space. You'll go down one alley and it feels like it's very conservative and everyone's dressed fully covered in black because it's a traditional Muslim community and you see the differences in black dresses. And you'll go around the next corner and it's super hipster and there's women shop owners and it's a totally different vibe. And that's more of the modern influences coming into the space. And then I studied abroad for a semester in Barcelona, Spain. I did the exchange program. So there's both exchange where you go to an actual school in the area, or there's the other study abroad programs where you're going to an organization that specifically focuses on bringing international students to that local area. So I became an official student at ESADE, which is a really renowned business School in Barcelona, Spain. And was there with the students who are normally at that school as well as other exchange students. So I was there for six months. It was an amazing opportunity. It was a bilingual program. So I really got to work on my Spanish and I also ended up working for the apartment complex that I lived at there. So it was a really well-rounded experience. [LAUGHTER] >> Chloey, I think you were nodding when I asked. >> Same thing. Apply for scholarships. If you get the chance, just do it. So I was fortunate. I want to say it was my sophomore year. I went to Costa Rica for SocialVentures to really figure out how businesses are able to focus on what's called the triple bottom line and how they can give back to their communities and make that their main focus rather than just profiting. That was one of the shorter trips that, I think, was around two weeks or so, out in Costa Rica. And then same thing, went out to Barcelona, finished up my Spanish minor and my Marketing major. And there's several programs you can go to. Mine did a mixture. So it had a program specifically for international students. And then it had a program that infused us with local students as well. So we had a little bit of a mixture for ours, but it was amazing. I highly recommend it. [LAUGHTER] >> Maggie, did you do any or no? >> Yes. I went to Japan my sophomore year for two weeks. There's a really cool program called X-272 as part of the global core. And so you can either take a class where you don't travel or you can take a class where you do travel. And so I went to Japan as part of that program. >> Lots and lots of opportunities to do things which I think is fun. So talk about the Kelley network. How has that or how have you experienced that? And then I guess, how has it helped you either get your job or helped you within your job to date? I don't know who wants to start on that one. >> The Kelley network is amazing. I already went on about this a little bit earlier about how I basically got my job from someone. Unfortunately, as much as I'm sure we all wish it was different, a lot of the workforce is - it's about who you know that gets you in the door. It's what you know that keeps you there. So you'll see a lot of jobs. They'll have basically faster tracks for referrals. So just know that is in place. So the more that you can network and get to know people, even like your peers. Like it'll set you up in a really good spot. But it's always nice just running into like old Hoosiers, not old. Other people my age. And like at work we'll just have conversations all the time. Throw one-on-one's on each other's calendars. Catch up. Everybody else doesn't necessarily get the jokes that we make, that's fine. So, have fun with them. >> Maggie, do you want to go next? >> Sure. So I mentioned a little bit earlier the job I ended up getting after graduation, I knew somebody who was a couple of years older that was working there so I think what Chloey said hits the nail on the head it's who you know sometimes will get your foot in the door and then what you know is what gets to keep you there. So that was exactly my case. It's getting your foot in the door, but then being able to prove yourself when the time comes. So that was my experience with direct Kelley networking. However, I think the networking and the skills you learn and the relationships you build, it's really important wherever you end up. Some companies are more relational based and there might come a time where a role opens up and they think, "Wow, Maggie seems like a really great fit for this," and they reach out and they ask you, "Would you like to do this job?" And so it's really important to know your brand. And that's something Kelley talks about a lot in its professional development classes, your brand's networking. And they seem silly when you're in the classroom like, I know my brand, but then when you actually go into the workforce, it's very important and really gives you a leg up. >> My Kelley network is forever growing too. So I was really close with I think she is now the Director of Admissions there, Megan Ray. And so when she was in Seattle with Kelley actually recruiting, she knew I was there so then I got invited to come attend some of the student dinners. I know Casey Ellingsworth, who is currently leading this call, who invited me here because we used to work together at the Office of Scholarships, and she's new at Kelley, but that just means my Kelley network is growing even more. And then now I'm living it day by day as I'm taking in, interviewing, and recruiting for my internship for next summer, and I'm just running into Kelley folks at all these different places. And so yes, I'm now at the Ross School of Business for my MBA, but my Kelley undergraduate degree is a lot of times what's getting me into the door. I was just at Mars Pet Care for an interview and half the people there I swear were Kelley and it was all just about "Hoosier, Hoosier, Hoosier." And it was the biggest thing and that is definitely giving me a leg up. So you will never cease to be amazed with how much Kelley comes into the picture wherever you go. >> I fully agree to all of that. Yes. You run into Kelley's everywhere [LAUGHTER] So here's a question. So what obstacles did you face, if any, as a female at Kelley? And then other obstacles you face so far in your business career. And then I guess how have you been getting through them or any tips for navigating those? >> I'll say I was very fortunate at Kelley. I never really noticed any challenges being a female at Kelley. Some of the only weird things I noticed is like for my honors I-Core block, it was all male professors and there were no female professors. So just like little things like that, but no, never any challenges just because of what I identify as. I think I did face a lot of that more in high school. Like I mentioned, I went to a very small private school and within the business program there, it was myself and then a male colleague who were put in charge of the startup for a brand new - we were going to have a - smoothie bar. And so I kept asking, "What can I do to help?" And while my male counterpart was in conversations for pricing and what goes on the menu, they had me downstairs cleaning the space. And it wasn't really until I was in college and able to look back on the experience and realized, "Hm, that wasn't right." And thankfully my parents were there to support me and they saw what was happening a little bit more than I did in the situation. But I'd say, going into the work force, something I'm always mindful of is the pay gap. So being very transparent with my coworkers and I have a support group where I can have open conversations and just make sure that the compensation is fair. And I'm also really blessed that my senior manager. She's a very strong female leader who's very open and I know she's got my best interests at heart so I have a really great support group where I'm at. >> So it's actually your superpower, because you stand out. So for the most part, it's roughly even I would say at Kelley, at least when I was there I think it's still roughly even in terms of the male to female ratio. And the wider gap is more from marginalized communities, but that's continuing to close as well. What I notice is that by being the unique one out, you actually stand out 10 times more and you can use that to your advantage. So if you go into interviews and what you'll see largely in most business environments and most other business schools, even in graduate programs, there will be more men in a lot of different fields. Marketing tends to weigh heavily towards women, but the other areas tend to weigh heavily towards men. And so it's to your advantage when you show up and there's 10 people interviewing and you're the one woman. You're the one they're going to remember, not the 10 men that look alike and so you stand out and use that to advantage. Remember that you are a power force to be reckoned with. You are deserving of the opportunity. You have worked just as hard to get there, if not harder and you're the one that they're going to remember when they take and end those interviews that day. So use it to your advantage. >> That was great. I would say for me in college there wasn't a ton that I noticed, if anything, it was just noticing who in group projects was typically doing more work. But as far as my job, so being in tech it's a strange spot to be in for sure, especially with the type of businesses that I interact with, we'll see a lot of older men on calls. They won't take me seriously with some of the engagements that we have going on. Or even just the smaller, weirder things of me not being able to necessarily dress up for calls because it's almost assumed like if you're in tech, you can't be smart if you look good because, if you're a woman, you're spending all your time getting ready. How can you be smart? When are you learning? So there're stupid things like that that really flow in but I think my favorite part about being a woman in business or even in tech it's just that we see a lot of masculinity and how business is done. And so, yes, I step into that character a little bit at times, but I think just embracing how - I don't want to say, necessarily - how women are. But again, that quieter side of how things can go and understanding more of the emotional side. This sounds like I'm not trying to pigeonhole women, but I think my male counterparts were like, "They said, x, y, and z." And I'm like, "But their body language said the exact opposite." So there was a lot more, I guess, fluidity with how I was handling my business and that really helped set me apart at points. So use it. >> Definitely [LAUGHTER] Let's see here next question. So a couple of questions from the group regarding how you found your first internships or the internships that you had while you were at Kelley. So if one of you wants to jump into that. >> I have a funny story for this one. I was a sophomore and back then, sophomore internships were not the norm. I know they are now, but they used to not be - imagine that. I just went to one of those career fairs just to try it out. See, it's a lot easier to experience the environment when there's no pressure on you and there's no expectations. So go early because they know you're newer at it. They know you're trying to figure it out. It's the best time to try and fail and it's the time that they're trying to help you. And I had a Discover card. It was my first credit card, I felt like an adult, and they were there, so I just went up to Discover and just started having a conversation with them. Lo and behold, they are willing to recruit sophomores for their internships, but don't publicly display that information. And so that's actually what led me to interning there. So just go talk to people that look interesting. Talk to companies that you're curious about. Talk to companies that you have no idea what they do or have some connection to and just start the conversation because putting yourself out there already makes you show up. >> Yeah, go ahead, Maggie. >> Another funny story about it. So I went to the career fair, didn't really know what I was doing and saw that there were some hospitality tourism people that were there and, at Kelley, it's a little bit unusual to see that. There are a lot more in consulting and more like Midwestern based companies, but Royal Caribbean was going to be there and I thought, "Well, I like cruises. I'm going to talk to Royal. That would be an amazing internship to have." And so sure enough they were doing interviews the following day. I interviewed for it. I didn't know how the interview went and ended up getting a call a couple of weeks later saying, we don't think you're good for this job, but we really like you and we think you'd be a lot better in this different area and I said, "Okay, I'm listening." And so they had me go and talk to the hiring manager over there and then I was offered that position. Now unfortunately didn't get to actually work there - thanks COVID. But it was a really cool experience and really awesome to see that companies are listening to you and they can tell, "We really like you, maybe this role isn't best for you, but it's not the end of the world because we have this other job." So I think it's just a testament of being true to yourself in the whole recruitment process. >> Yeah, mine - I also found that a career fair. I got my first internship my junior year with an accounting firm. Again back then it wasn't super common for sophomores to be getting internships, but to be quite honest, I suck at career fairs and I would go talk to, like, two or three companies, be extremely socially overwhelmed, and go back to my car and just sit there. So know if that is your type, you still have hope. Not everybody is always extremely outgoing and loves talking to companies, but what I did, you might hate this a little bit, Rebecca, but I made a like a resume with a cover letter and everything that looked very different than the typical Kelley resume and that alone had them look at my paperwork a little bit longer, and that was one of the first things that they actually mentioned to me while I was going through the interview process, so that's what I did but yeah, I'm not a great socializer in that aspect. >> But first of all I'm not mad at you about the resume, second [LAUGHTER] but you bring up a great point in that, because some people like going into those environments and a lot of people don't like it, and it's the good positive - I guess - a positive that came out of COVID is we do have opportunities now to do things virtually and in-person, so we're actually having a big networking event, Wednesday this week. Which, a couple of hundred people will be coming and it'll be great but it's really the first time we're doing something like that, and yet students then have other opportunities to do virtual events where they can just talk one on one with employers. So a positive I guess coming out of it. [LAUGHTER] Kind of along the same lines of careers could any of you or all of you, talk about Compass, and other trainings that you got while you were at Kelley, that were more career- or professional- development related? >> I can start, I mean, I guess I'm the freshest out of Kelley with what's going on. So we've talked a little bit about Compass. Compass is the professional development track that you're put on. So first year, it's Compass I, Compass II, and Compass III Compass teaches you a lot of really interesting things - like, you do mock interviews through Compass, you'll learn how to use LinkedIn. Which it's funny, again, sitting in those classes as a student you're like, "I know how to use LinkedIn." But then, being on the other side of it, I get annoyed when people don't know how to use LinkedIn. So very valuable, being able to look back on that. I was also in a business fraternity and the business fraternity put a lot of emphasis on career development and interviewing skills and cover letters. So really got to double-dip with what campus was teaching in that regard. Then the Career Services Center is a really great resource. I will say I did not take advantage of it as much as I probably should have [LAUGHTER], but that's another resource that you have. >> I feel like that borderline covers it. I don't know what you - actually, that pretty much covers what the classes are, I only have distinct memories of things that happened but you'll find it's not a boring class by any means especially depending on the alumni that they get in, or where they had alumni come in so that we could essentially critique their LinkedIns and give them advice on how to improve it. [LAUGHTER] So just be careful with that piece, because I don't know if they're still doing that or not but yeah [LAUGHTER] there's probably a reason. [LAUGHTER] Other than that it was interesting, it was fun. >> I was the guinea pig of Compass. So my year was the first year Compass started, so I'm not helpful in that regard. I would say definitely listen to Chloey or Maggie and moreso I would say, as you're thinking about the curriculum itself, reach out through LinkedIn Network, reach out and find more recent Kelley graduates who can speak to what's happening now, but when I do remember also doing is the CDO Office which is now Prebys. It was not called that when I was back at school, and the building was under construction when I was at school, that gives some idea. But they also used to do these workshops on different career development areas and I remember resume building was one, looking at different career tracks was one, and I found that super helpful. It was just nice to step out of the classroom environment and be with other people at different levels in their career journey, to understand what they're thinking about. So there's many opportunities not just in class but outside of class. >> It's still true we still do all those things now. [LAUGHTER] Some of them we actually do on Instagram now [LAUGHTER], moving forward. Some in-person and some virtual, some on Instagram. And again, providing all those different opportunities, definitely. >> Sign up for all of them, y'all. >> Exactly. So thinking back, what would be a core takeaway that you could offer to a first-year students Now looking back at your first-year self. >> Say yes to everything. I mean, everything within reason, obviously. But first year I was honestly really scared going in and I didn't want to take advantage of a lot of the different opportunities. I got stuck in my own bubble, but four years goes by super-fast. We're all going to sound like broken records but trust us, it's so true. It's going to go by in the blink of an eye. So just say yes to everything. >> I feel like I would say make it your own. A lot of people will have opinions on what you should be doing. You might hear us and think, "I need to be doing several majors or honors courses." Our journey is in no way indicative of what yours should be. I personally just love learning a crap-ton of things. That was a part of my journey, but really find out what is best for you and trust yourself to find that and take that path. >> I would echo that. I would say right now before you're going to school, notate what it is that you really care about, really want to experience, really want to do and notate what it is that you're using to make your decision about what school it is, and then whatever school you go to, refer back to that list, because that's why you came to school. That's what you said before and that's free to evolve that can change. It's all about you but make sure that you're holding yourself accountable to what you're looking for, and also don't be afraid to push your boundaries of comfort of it. You're going to come to school with this little bubble of comfort and with every additional thing you do that's different your bubble of comfortability and strength will grow, and it's those different experiences that will make you the individual that you are. >> On that note I would just like to remind or let our attendees know that we can open it for live Q&A at this point, but, Rebecca, you're obviously welcome to keep going with the questions that we already have. >> All right. Well maybe while people are thinking about questions, there are a couple of questions that came through that I can answer, in terms of internship and somebody asked how internship and job placements are done and then what's the median salary for graduates? This will be the class of 2022 average salaries, little over 74 thousand per year which is up from 68 thousand last year, so that was a nice nice bump. In terms of internships in placement I think we touched on a lot of that but really students can start using our office as first-year students. I mean, I actually have a lot of them that have been coming in in the last week and a half. But opportunities are there. We have tons of companies coming in - a lot of in-person and virtually - this year, and that should continue next year as well. But lots of opportunities to network, to connect with companies, to begin talking about opportunities, as was mentioned, I think, a couple of times, generally, that first year to sophomore summer. There's not as many or very few formal internships that summer so generally students will start being a little bit more professional with that somewhere between sophomore and junior year. To, I think, Ashley's point, it didn't use to be - in terms of an offer - that summer, but a lot of companies have turned to that and are beginning to try to hire more during that summer. And then the big internship summer is still that junior to senior year summer which then often leads into a full-time opportunity. So lots of things happening, though. Lots of opportunities both, again, on campus and, I'll say, off campus. We have about 1200 or so companies that hire our students each year, and of that, I'd say, I don't know, 300 or so actually come to campus. So great companies have come to campus, but also great opportunities that we can use the network and connect you with outside of that. Kasandra, you want me to keep going with questions? All right. "Who is someone that made a - " or what or why, or actually, let me rephrase this. "Was there someone who made a difference or encouraged you during your time at Kelley that changed your outlook, and maybe your career or life or how did that happen?" >> Yeah, I can start. So I mentioned that summer program I worked for and then thankfully I was able to keep working within the Undergraduate Admissions Office, going into my senior year and made some really great friends there. So Josie, who's over actually at the Maurer School of Law now, and then Jan, who is still on the Undergraduate Admissions team, and they were constant supports for me. They really saw me grow up through Kelley. They saw me hunt for summer internships. They were there to celebrate with me when I got my internship, but then they were also there to pick me up when I was having a really tough time senior year with jobs not working out and just really struggling on that job hunt. And they were always there for me and they were able to celebrate with me when I finally landed that dream job, and trust me, they've already taken advantage of my position at Disney and coming down to visit. But they are two people I'm really grateful for and also shows that it doesn't necessarily have to be a professor that you have that connection with. The whole Kelley family is there to help you out. >> I mentioned mine before, but it would definitely be Megan. Megan is now Director of in Admissions. I believe I have her title right. But she had just started at Kelley back when I was a sophomore. And we got close through, actually, the Istanbul, Turkey, trip because she was one of the advisors that chaperoned on that trip itself. But we found out we both really love antiquing. And so we started this trend where, once a month, we went antiquing together. And we just had an afternoon together. And for me personally, I was coming from Nevada, where I was the only Nevadan in the Kelley School of Business my entire career at Kelley. And I was the only person who never really saw their parents [LAUGHTER] around or family members because they didn't live anywhere near close, and at least compared to my classmates. So it was really nice to develop those strong relationships where I felt like I had my family that I had chosen at Kelley there to support me when my regular family couldn't actually make the trip all the way out. And so Megan, I would say, is definitely like my big sister. She is an awesome individual. I can always go to her for advice or just to have someone to go and hang out with while everybody else's parents are in town. So don't be afraid to make those connections at school as well. You can really find your support network there. >> Yeah. I think for me mine would be one of my managers back when I was working at the McNutt C-store. His name was Jerry. And so when I was a first-year student, I came in, it was my first job ever. And pretty quickly they went ahead and promoted me to a student supervisor. And I think coming in, I was in charge of graduate students. I was in charge of people older than me. And I think they saw, I don't want to say more in me than I saw in me, but I think it laid the groundwork of reinforcing that, hey, I've got more going for me than I thought I did. I don't want say it's really easy to get caught up. And when you go to Kelley, you'll meet a lot of kids who are from very affluent backgrounds or they've had a bunch of different resources that you may not have had. So then having other people who are like, hey, despite not having those pieces, we still see a lot of really good in you. I think that helped out quite a bit. >> Yeah. Definitely. And you're all right. I mean, you can make so many great relationships with people, whether it's staff or faculty or just, again, obviously your classmates and the alums, but lots of opportunities to connect. One of the questions that came through just a moment ago is the percentage of undergrad students that come back to Kelley for their MBA. About 10% of the MBA class is a Kelley undergrad. So it's really not a huge number. It's probably 10-15 students per class year for the Kelley MBA, which would be similar to the Ross MBA. They have an average of five years work experience. So really it's you go and you do something like Ashley did. She went and worked in consulting and now she's coming back to get the MBA to do something else. Yes, we do have students who do it and I think they have a wonderful time as they're returning students, but it tends to be a smaller number. Let's see here. As a student, did you ever feel as though you might be in the wrong field or program? And then if so, what made you stay? >> So I never had any doubts about being in Kelley. If anything, there was one semester where I did like all of my theater and drama electives for my minor. And it was that semester I went, wow, I'm so glad to be in Kelley. So doing all those classes was super fun, but I can honestly say the latest I ever stayed up doing college work was for my scenic design class, I was at that building until 2:00 in the morning doing this scale drawing of my dorm room. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, definitely an unusual experience, but that was the semester that I was very thankful to be at Kelley. So the reverse situation. >> I don't think I ever questioned what program that I should have been in. That was never much of the issue. It was just once I got to my tax credits incentive internship that I realized, "Oh, no, no. I cannot do this day in and day out." I still stuck with the major because I was already far enough along in it that I wasn't just going to quit. But sometimes you really just have to dive headfirst and go in deep and then you'll find out, no, this was not for me. But even if you decide to go into other programs outside of Kelley, there's still a lot of opportunities for you. >> Yeah. I didn't have a doubt, either. So I'm in the same track. What I would say though, is, regardless of your journey, wherever you go, start off with what you think you want to do, but take a class or two in something totally different that you're also thinking about. And that's the best way to gut check if you're happy with where you are or if you'd rather be somewhere else. And for me, Kelley was more this is the type of work that I want to do and these are the skill sets I bring. And classes that I took outside, it's like, "Yes, this is super interesting. I'm glad I took this, but I can't see myself doing this for eight hours a day, five days a week." So that's where you want to think about it. What do you enjoy? But also what you enjoy that you could do for multiple hours on end, for multiple days of the week. >> Definitely. Maggie, this one actually is directly to you. Just happenstance. This question is specifically for former theater and drama kids. And do you think your job now does use the skills from that background or could it? And I guess how? >> So I saw this was one of the questions out there. I'm like, oh, my gosh, me. So the presentation skills that you learn in theater, you lean on them so much in business presenting first year. You literally have a class, Business Presentations, where basically all you're doing is presenting. And so the skills you learn from being on stage definitely translate well to that. I'd say also just the personability you learn from theater and being able to put on a show, in a sense, you can definitely apply to some areas of business, being able to sell something. And then specifically for my current role, Disney is very theatrical. I mean, I'm in the theme park space, but we talk about being onstage where you're inside of the park and the guests can see you, and being backstage where the guests can't necessarily see you. So Disney really does lean into the theatrics. And then also there are different areas within Disney where you can give finance support for entertainment. So I find myself continually being able to touch different areas of theater, even though I am in a finance space. So definitely you can take a lot of the skills you learn from theater and bring them over to business. >> Yeah. I would - just thinking through that, I mean - I would think it, to your exact point - it's presenting, it's talking to people, it's connecting, it's coming up. Which will be relevant in any career. Whether or not, it doesn't have to be at Disney [LAUGHTER] Great. Let's see. "What would be the most satisfying thing about your current career/ job? >> Honestly, I'm enjoying being a student again, but I'm back in school. So if you're someone that knows that you want to go to school again in the future. Kelley was a great place to start it off. I can tell you that when my resume was looked at for school, because applying to school as a graduate student is a lot like applying for your first job again. You have to know your story, you go through an interview, you have a resume. Instead of a cover letter, you do essays explaining why that school. So it's not the same level of depth as an undergraduate one, but it's an in-between of undergraduate and jobs. But it's been really helpful to have Kelley as my background because I already knew that I'd be successful because I already had the business school mindset and experience and then it's also helped me to lean in more. Now with saying, I already knew that I wanted to do business, but now I can look at other areas of business that maybe I didn't tap into as much in undergrad. So I have more of an operations focus now because I fell into ops and consulting, found that I loved it because it's really the foundation of business to me. And so now I'm getting to do more of that deep dive knowledge in the operations space within the business school. And then I got to pair it with a second degree in an area that I'm just super interested in, which is sustainability and environment. And so now I get to complement the two. So yeah, that would just basically be my answer. Is I'm loving that I get to be back at learning a lot and I think Kelley really taught me that it's awesome to want to learn and continue to learn and connect the dots between everything. >> I would say for me, the nicest thing about my job is probably the impact, that I feel like I get to have - like, I'm only 26, started basically consulting-ish type of things when I was 24. But I get to go speak with small and medium-sized businesses, figure out how to really help them leverage technology in a way that they get to focus on what their business does so that the technology can run pretty seamlessly or make their customer experience better. Because I think you'll learn, in a lot of your classes, customers want to be delighted. And so I think just helping bridge some of that gap between how small businesses are running and how they can run. I think that's the part that I really enjoy. >> I have a very corny answer. It's being able to see the magic that I get to create through my job. It's really cool that I go out into the parks. My office is literally behind the Animal Kingdom Park. For anyone that knows Disney, you walk out on your lunch break and see guests having a great time on their vacation and see the impact that you're making. And within my role, I've gotten to relaunch some of our animal tours, so being able to see those come back to life and back online and then actually go test the product. I can't brag enough about my job, I really love it and there's a lot of exposure with it as well. But getting to make that magic for guests that's been made for me, through finance, has been really rewarding. >> I think that'd be awesome to walk out into the Animal Kingdom [LAUGHTER]. It'd be fun. So taking, flipping what I just asked, "How did you handle your first challenge on your job?" And you can pick, probably, the first big challenge that you had to deal with and how did your experience or your learnings at Kelley help you with that? >> Kelley does a lot of soft skill development and don't take those for granted. So I mentioned before that my data analytics skillset from Kelley is what set me apart when I started. And when I started I was off cycle, so I started in the winter when most people start in the summer. So there were only five of us starting across all of consulting in Seattle area and there were only two in my area specifically. And so I was picked from the hat and had much recent projects because of that data analytics background. But also because of that background, my manager thought I was further along in my consulting journey than I was. He thought I was a second or third year, not first project, first time I've ever worked in consultant field. First experience here at all. And so that led to some interesting situations where there was some miscommunication on both of our parts in terms of understanding what is the expectation? How should that be executed? And a lot of assumptions on my managers part in terms of, I should already know this from past project experience when I had no past project experience. And so I had to really lean into my Kelley soft skills expertise to basically step back and look at the situation and recognize. This is a time when I'm not prepared to succeed because there are different expectations of me than what should be for my position and where I'm at. But what can I control? What can I improve and what conversations can I have? And so it became a thing of recognizing. I can't control the outcome of every day and whether or not he's going to be happy with it because he forgets every day what standard I am at. But I can take and say, based on this guidance this is what I did. What other feedback would you have? Where can I move from there? And I can take the practice of getting a bunch of other people on the team to look at my work and review it so I can catch more things ahead of him. And so that was really a Kelley-influenced. understanding - being able to step back, review a situation, and understand what can you control and what can't you and letting go of what you can't control. >> Maggie, how about you? [LAUGHTER] >> Unfortunately, I don't have a great answer for this. My first challenge in the workforce, I pretty much tried to overcome it. "It's not that big of a deal. Let it go." And then they kept coming and that's honestly part of the reason why I left my first job after undergrad. It wasn't a great environment and definitely not a normal one for people to go into. [LAUGHTER] So actually saying understanding what you can control and can't control. So try not to talk So just chalking that situation up to what it was. But in this job that I'm currently in, I found that the more removed I am from school, the more I've learned like I'm really hard on myself. And I'm used to that mentality of, got to get the good grades, I want everything to be perfect and understanding that sometimes a mistake is just a mistake. And so leaning on those skills that Kelley teaches you about criticism, people aren't trying to tear you down when they say something that might be a little bit more criticism. They're trying to help you and build you up. So just reminding yourself of that and understanding what you can and can't control. >> I feel like I also don't have a great answer. I won't say I'm reckless, I'm not really reckless. Again, it is somewhat trying to control the controllables. So Salesforce, essentially at one point, they were underpaying some of us. There were some expectations that were set that weren't being met. I don't really want to say it was necessarily pulling on the leadership things that we'd been taught, it was a little bit of that. But basically, there's hundreds of us in this group that are getting underpaid, these promotions got pushed back and essentially, I just went and advocated for us. Got a couple other people involved after hearing how bad it was for them. Because I thought that it was bad for me, it was actually worse for a few other people. But I tried going to my manager, he wanted to be rude. So I was like, "Okay. Who can we escalate this to?" I went to his manager. Also rude. So I was like, "Okay, onto the next level. People want to play games with me." So went up to their manager. So we're now three levels up, four levels up, something like that, and that manager actually finally started taking us seriously. But I'd basically written a whole paper, combined the list of people's experiences. He was horrified to hear, basically, what had happened and then he went held a town hall. They fixed half the problems that they had heard right up front. There's still a few lingering things, they couldn't fix everything up front. But sometimes you got to be a little gutsy. Just because one person says no, doesn't mean that that's an actual no. So yeah. >> Thank you all for sharing those. Good to hear that the skills that we trained you on help a little bit. A question came through regarding, "Have you felt that employers are looking for candidates with MBAs to be more competitive and then where does an MBA fit in?" Then they ask a question about the 3/2 MBA. So, I'm an MBA from Kelley and I ran the MBA program, so I would say it depends on the career, I have to be completely honest. And most people today use an in-residence MBA to change careers, which is what Ashley is doing - and she can talk a little bit more about that. But usually you come back to school because you've done something for a couple of years and then you come back to school to pivot to something you like a little bit better, you found that you liked. So with certain careers, I think, it definitely makes sense. I would say, probably within the investment space, it helps to have an MBA later on. But again, it's not always necessary. Again, it totally depends on if you've found your niche right after undergrad - stay in it. That's awesome. But a lot of times you do something for a couple of years and you realize, "Okay. I want to make that change." I will say, with the 3/2 MBA program, it's a different type of program. So what that is, actually, it's five years, you get an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree. It's either in accounting or finance. So it's designed very specifically for certain areas. And historically it was really focused on accounting and coming out so you had 150 hours of training, so you could sit for the CPA. That has expanded a little bit more to the finance area today. Yes, you come out with an MBA, but you're not paid the same as an MBA coming out of the full-time program because, again, you don't bring in that work experience. So there's a difference there and then the catch is also, you hope you like what you did because you really can't go back and get a second MBA. [LAUGHTER] So it is something to think about but our 3/2's are phenomenally successful. But again, it's a decision to make, I'd say, later on. I don't know, Ashley, you want to pipe in anything now that you're doing the MBA? [LAUGHTER] >> Yeah. Sure. So I would say that, well, so in your first two years at Kelley, you'll have to take quite a few accounting and finance courses regardless of which major you end up in. So if you get a sense from there that you love accounting or finance and you know that's what you want to do, the 3/2 program will only help you, it won't really hurt you in that regard. But if you have any inkling that you might want to do something else. I have plenty of friends who still got the CPA in the four years without issue and then were able to go back to school later for whatever they wanted to do. So that is always an option. So don't look at that as it's something you have to decide now. You've got plenty of time to think about, "Do I want to come back?" I think the advantage you have with having an undergraduate business degree is that you have a lot of the foundation for business already. So if you're looking to switch careers later, you're going to have a lot easier time compared to your friends who are in liberal arts degrees, just because you've already got a business background to support you. Where the MBA really comes into play is for a couple of different routes. One, total career switchers. You'll see a lot of people who have the liberal arts background, have a completely non-business field jumping into business for the first time ever. You'll see people who went one specific industry or industry-specific role. So consulting, you don't have any industry specific experience, like I was never a Brand Manager or I was never a Finance Manager. And so trying to switch into that, is the reason to come back to school or it's for career accelerations. Maybe your specific company values the MBA and it shows in that return. So for me, I'm at Deloitte Consulting prior to school. I'm sponsored, I'm a GSAP-er. So that was part of my decision to go to Deloitte originally was I knew I wanted to go to grad school later and that they would help in that. And so I do have the opportunity to go back to Deloitte but at a much higher pay scale and in a much better role. And so that was part of my decision to go for the MBA. But there are other jobs like, I know, brand management - it tends to require an MBA. So what I would just encourage is 1. Don't fret about it now. >> Yeah. >> 2. Know that it's an opportunity that's out there. And 3. Just start to do your research early to get an idea if it's something that's of interest for you. On average, most people are 3-5 years out of school before they are applying and going to the MBA. I'm five, so I'm on that later end. So you've got plenty of time to actually work it out. But if you think you're going to do it, I would highly recommend that you do the GMAT or GRE while you're an undergrad. Your senior year, that summer before you start working, just to get it out of the way because you're already in a study mentality, and you're already used to doing testing. It is so much harder when you do it later. Trust me. [LAUGHTER] So just get it out of the way now, because that lasts for five years, so it'll be within that timeframe. And then if all you have to worry about during your application as everything else, it makes it way easier. And then two, look into the different opportunities for scholarships. So look at Forte for women, look at Consortium for Graduate Management Education, which is for the MBA specifically, for anyone who affiliates with, supports or identifies as marginalized community within business. And so look at all these different opportunities and look at jobs that you think you might like in the future. And that could be looking at people that you admire and what roles they have, and see what degrees they went for, and what helped them get to where they are today. But you've got a lot of time to figure that out. >> Exactly. Let's get to undergrad first [LAUGHTER] [OVERLAPPING]. >> To put it in perspective, again, I graduated in 2016. So that's almost 10 years ago now. [LAUGHTER] >> Scary, isn't it? [LAUGHTER]. >> Yeah, a little bit. >> But one question on here also, I think. Just in MBA, if you're going in-residence, it's a two-year program and usually it's two academic years of education. And then during that summer, you do an internship between. So you don't take summer school between the MBA years, because it is only a two-year degree. [OVERLAPPING] >> There are some one-year degree programs and there are some accelerated, I think, it's like 14 months. So some of the international programs like INSEAD, they do the summer prior in a full calendar year and then you graduate, and go straight to full-time. But that's other options you can look at in the future. [LAUGHTER] >> Exactly. And it also depends if you're really switching careers, you do want to have that internship, so you can test if you actually like that career you're thinking about going to. But I know we're about at the end of our time, so thank you all very, very much for joining us tonight. And I will turn it back over to Kasandra You're muted, Kasandra. >> [LAUGHTER] Thank you. So that was incredible. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so, so much. Thank you, Rebecca, and to all of our panelists, to Maggie, and Chloey, and Ashley. I just wanted to say as you're going for this fall, just quick reminders to our attendees that the application is open. So make sure that if you plan to apply that you complete your application to IU and file it no later than November 1st, and that's to be considered for direct admission at Kelley, and in order to be considered for admission to Kelley, you have to select the Kelley major on your application. Do not hesitate to reach out to us here at the Kelley School of Business. If you have any questions, you can expect to hear from us very soon actually, as we will be sending you all small gift for attending our program here tonight. And when we close out, you will be routed to a survey that you should be able to finish in a couple of minutes. Please give us your feedback, and if you have any questions, be sure to list your email address so that we can reach out to you directly. Also, the recording of tonight's event will be made available in the coming weeks. So look for that email from us as well. And just one more time, thank you again to you Rebecca, as well as our panelists for this wonderful session, where you've answered so many of our questions, and really helped to put together a wonderful conversation that has educated us all. So thank you all so much and with that, let's say good night. >> Good night everybody. >> Goodnight.
Majors, Minors, and More: Insights from Kelley Faculty and Students
As a Kelley business student, how will you decide your major (or majors!)? Watch this presentation to learn about the many academic paths at Kelley.
Moderator: Bridget Stomberg, Undergraduate Program Faculty Chair, associate professor, Glaubinger Chair for Undergraduate Leadership
Faculty presenters: Sarah Judge, clinical assistant professor in accounting; April Sellers, clinical professor in business, law, and ethics and the Pam Meyer Yttri Director of the Kinsey-Kelley Center for Gender Equity in Business
Kelley student: Grace Cusson, BS'23, marketing
Description of the video:
Alright! We will go ahead and get started. Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us tonight for this webinar on majors, minors, and more at the Kelley School of Business. My name is Bridget Stomberg. I am a professor in the accounting department here at Kelley, and I am also the faculty chair of our undergraduate program. I'm delighted to be joined tonight by 2 other Cali faculty and Achilles students. Sarah, Judge is a clinical assistant professor in our accounting department. She is also the faculty advisor for Beta Alpha Psi, which is our accounting honor society. Sarah worked at which is one of the Big 4. Public accounting firms before earning her PhD. From the University of South Carolina, April Sellers is a clinical professor in our business law and Ethics department, and she is also the director of our new Kinsey Kelley Center for gender equity in business before joining Iu she worked for 8 years in private law practice, and our student panelists tonight is Grace Cusson. She's a senior from Valparaiso, Indiana, and is majoring in marketing and mining in Spanish. She is in Kelley, honors women in Co. And key off at Kelley, and she also studied abroad in Seville, Spain, last spring. So thank you all for being here tonight, and for answering our participants. Questions, to kick things off. I'm gonna start with Professor Judge. Can you talk a little bit about from your perspective? What makes the Kelley school different from other top? Ranked business schools. Yeah, I think that the Kelley School is different in a lot of ways. One, we have so many options for majors, and so many of our majors are highly ranked and viewed so positively. Also, I think that we have really high-quality faculty members that really care about our students, and not only in in the classroom, but also in the students. Personally, and then I think we have so many opportunities to get involved into network. So we have a ton of really great clubs. We have a ton of really great clubs. We have a ton of ways to network with professionals, even starting your first year, which I think really sets our students up to get quality internships, and then ultimately to graduate with a job already lined up. Hi, and just to clarify it doesn't matter. Thank you so much, Professor Sellers. What would you add to that response? I've been at Kelley for 8 years, and that's okay. So I've been on the fax. See? For 8 years, and practice for probably longer than I care to admit. Before. That Kelley is probably unique. Literally, I don't think there's any other place quite like it where it is. It is so kind of tailored to specific types of experiences that are incredible for students. So I think people are aware of rankings and that sort of thing, but that, aside, it's a place where everyone is really focused on. Both faculty are really focused on student success. So faculty are focused on their own research as all faculty are at most universities. But it is the focus on also student success and student experience. That is, I think, second to none. Thank you so much. So both Professor, Judge and Professor Sellers mentioned that we. A very highly-ranked majors at Kelley. So just to be specific, we have 20 different majors and something that we call co-majors, which we'll talk about a little bit more. 7 of our majors were ranked in the top, 10 among us undergraduate business schools by us. News and world Report, and 10 of our Majors were ranked in the top 15. So grace with all of those really great options. How did you go about? Choosing to decide on marketing. Major major. Yeah, so I kind of grew up. My mom owned a small business. So I kind of got exposure to business. I don't pretty early age, and I think I really phone level to create side of business. It was a small business. So she really had to work hard to make her company known and really get people in store and have customers coming back to buy more for products. But not only that, I took a few business classes in high school, and was involved in Deca, so I had a little bit of exposure to business from a few different areas and marketing was the one subject or section of business that I just kept going back to and then coming here to Kelley I have just loved every single marketing cost that I've taken, and I've really found a lot of it being creative, but also very number driven and being able to use numbers. But also creativity is kind of been the perfect match for me. Thank you so much so now that we've gotten those big, broad, general questions out of the way, I want to let our participants know that you should feel free to ask any questions that you have for the panel or about Kelley or about IU you can post those directly into the in addition to the Us. Here on the panel, taking some questions. We've got some people in the background who can help answer all of your questions as well. So we want this next hour to be as informative as it possibly can. So Grace mentioned having some exposure to business through Deca and some other activities in high school. Seller. What advice would you give to students about how to pick their major, especially if they're coming into business school? Maybe not really knowing not having a lot of exposure to business or not having a lot of exposure to business business careers. What do you think is sort of the best approach that students should take to exploring all of the different majors that. I think my first piece of advice would be, do not hurry, please do not hurry to choose a major, and to please remain open to all subjects. So, for example, I took a I took Econ when I was a college first-year student, and I loved it, and I have no explanation. All these years later. For why I didn't take more. Econ classes of other than the fact that it had not been the. It just wasn't the path I had gone to college thinking I was gonna be on. It didn't fit the mold that I that I had set for myself, and that was just a mistake. So better to try some things and be open to taking more of them, even if it's not kind of what you had in mind off hand, so I would not be in a hurry to choose a major, and, to be candid, there are times when I think that takes a lot of discipline, and willpower because there are times when you're surrounded by people who are talking about their nature as if they've known since they were 6 months old, what their major was supposed to be. And there are people like that. That's fine, but I think it's better to be open minded about where you might, and up without without having any idea. Yet. Professor Judge, do you have any advice to add for students who maybe haven't decided what they want to meet? Yeah, so I think that the big thing is you'll get exposure like Professor Seller said to so many majors early on so if we think about the classes that you'll take early on, you'll take a fair number of accounting classes I'm biased obviously I'm an accounting, professor, and so I think it's great that you get exposure to that. And then through. I course you'll also get exposure to a lot of the other majors and what they have to offer. And then the other thing is by joining clubs you can get exposure as well. So, for example, the student accounting society or Beta Alpha Si, or women in business. They all have people who are coming in professionals who are coming in and sharing about their experiences and their careers. And so Joining one of those clubs and going to their events. Really helps to get that exposure. And then I also think sometimes we can be influenced by what maybe is common in our family, or what we thought like you said that we would come into college. And so just really being willing to say, like, this is what I like, and this is what fits with me rather than having feeling the need or the pressure to stick with something that you always thought you would do or might be expected of you, or something like that, because you really get one chance to do undergrad and so you wanna make sure that you pick a good choice. And also that's why I think double majoring is a great option to, because it leads you to have a lot more options after college, and to not have to make just one choice during college. So one thing that is is unique about Kelley is the way that our courses are structured into Professor Judge alluded to this a second ago, when you come in as a first-year student, you're going to take some common classes. Intro to accounting the legal environment of business business in the computer business presentations. So right from the start, you're also taking some Cour exploration classes trying to get a sense of what types of careers you might be interested in, what types of majors might be good for you. And then it's your junior year that you take these courses called I-Core, which Professor Judge just spoke about, and that is an integrated core of classes across 4 different disciplines. And it's not until really after that that you have to choose a major. So even though you, on your application, have to indicate a major, you are not stuck with that so, Grace, it sounds like you came to Kelley pretty sure that you wanted to be a marketing major. Do you have any friends who changed majors? Or what can you say about the process of changing majors? Once you arrive at? Yeah. So I definitely have heard stories from friends that they constantly changed or not constantly. But hopped around from different majors. That's the really great thing about Kelley is that you don't have to decide until after that integrated core. What major, you wanna finish the rest of your undergrad with, and it's super easy to change and move around because of the way that Kelley structures its classes. Everyone like, what it was mentioned before. Everyone's taking the same costs. So you're not gonna miss out on a require marketing cost or a required accounting class. If you decide to change your major throughout the course of your undergraduate career. So Professor Judge also mentioned that double majoring can be a really advantageous avenue to pursue, because it's going to expose you to multiple different types of business. So I want to shift gears a little bit and talk about some of our double majors and our co-majors. So any of our students can double major about 75% of Kelley's students double major. And what that means is you fulfill the requirements for 2 separate degrees. So a popular double major is accounting and finance in addition, we have something called co-majors, which are smaller sequences. Of courses that you can sort of add on to any major. So they're not standalone majors. It's not like you're double majoring. You're pursuing one, Major, and then you're taking this additional small group of courses that would be called a co-major. So, Professor Judge, since you are an accounting professor, and we have a lot of students who do double major and accounting events, and also Co major in business analytics. Can you talk a little bit about maybe some majors that go a little bit better together, or how students can go about choosing whether to double major? Yeah, so so many of my students are accounting. And finance double majors. So like you mentioned. That's one of the really popular combinations, and I think the big thing when you're thinking about a double major is to think holistically, not just for your first job out of college. But what you might want to do long term so, for example, with accounting and finance, I've interviewed a lot of finance, professionals, and I asked them, how is accounting important to what you do? So, even though they would say their job is in finance. Since accounting's the language of business, so many of them say I could not have moved up in my job if I didn't know how to talk about accounting and how to talk about the balance sheet and the income statement, and a lot of my finance. Students also tell me that when they go to get their first internship or their first job they're not being asked, hey? Tell me what you know about finance. They're being asked all these accounting questions, and that's actually what they have to answer. To be able to get that internship. So I think in terms of thinking about a double major. You wanna think about things that might interest you that you might eventually be able to connect down the line. Or if you have multiple invs, let's say, like Grace mentioned, that she's creative. So she has that marketing where she can have that creative outlet. But maybe if you want something that's more a skill where you learn how to do this specific thing like accounting, we learn how to do journal entries, you might wanna add that so that you can have both of those things that you're interested in. And so I think, also talking to the advisors, that Kelley is really helpful. We have really great advisors, and we have a really great career center that want to support those decisions. And so speaking to those individuals, can really help you make the best decision that we're for you and for what you want to do in the future. And the great thing about double majoring as we've mentioned already, is just the way that the courses are structured. Like I said, 75% of our students do double major, and they're still able to graduate on time. So it's not like you're having to spend an extra year, or even an extra semester in college. If you want to pursue a double major. So another thing is pretty special about Kelley is these co-majors that we have, and one of those co- majors lives in the business law and ethics department. And that's our lead co- major, which stands for law, ethics and decision making. Professor Sellers, can you talk a little bit about that Co- major? And who that might be right for? Yeah, so first of all, what happens frequently is that a person take a student. Takes the law class, which is all 201, or l. 2, 93. That's the honors. Version of L. 201. That is the required lock glass, and for most students that is an introduction to legal topics. So you just don't need any prior knowledge, you really don't need any kind of prior information about the law. Some people have had a government class, maybe in high school that they loved or learned a lot about the concept, or something like that. That's great. If it's you know, something that had already sparked your interest. But just as often they discover it for the first time at Kelley a lot of times. What happens is someone ends up liking the class, whether they expect it to or not. And so they hear about this lead Co. That they hear about it. They hear about, lead, and look into it, they cut, we host events. We haven't. Newsletter chances. Basically, any professor who teaches those classes is gonna be more than happy to talk to a student about that possible route for them. And that would mean mostly elective courses in that area. So choosing, you know, a law class and ethics classes already required at Kelley. Of all students. So, if then, if for those who want to pursue the Co major, which again, it's a law, ethics and decision making, that means choosing some of the upper level electives in that category which some of which are subject specific so something like that real estate or construction, or there's a first Amendment class this time. I've taught an employment law class before. These are, you know, this often topic specific in the area of of law, and that is a great way to just continue with with some of those subjects. And it's entirely, you know whether you have any idea, let's say, if you want to go to law school or not, someday is almost irrelevant, you know it's just go for it. If you like it, and you're enjoying it. And it's the calendar classes that you are enjoying. Then there's no reason not to purchase that, even if you don't know how much you will use it. Someday you'll hear many of us indoor sensor advocate. How great it is to have law classes for any business career, and you know we we can point to a list of a lot of CEOs, for example, who have law degrees. But like, I said, even if that's not something you think you wanna pursue, it can just be a really enjoyable part of college for a lot of students. So grace? Another question. We get a lot from perspective students is, you know, double majoring. It sounds really great, but it also sounds like a lot of coursework. A lot of academic time. What if I want to study it? Broad? And you have obviously managed to study abroad in a in addition to being at Kelley. So can you talk a little bit about that choice, to study abroad what that experience was like, and how you were able to integrate your study abroad, experience into your marketing. Yeah. And I'm seeing a lot of questions about like minoring. And you know, doing things outside of Kelley. So I think this will probably help answer some of those questions for me. I kind of made my location choice based on my Spanish minor. So in, Savia, Spain that is definitely more of a Spanish immersion program you do have to take a Spanish test in order to get into the program, and then, once you get there, all of your classes are in Spanish. So I knew what I knew, what I was getting into. Once I signed up for it, but luckily kind of going back into still concluding course. Work, I was able to finish my Spanish minor abroad by taking classes with the program and then I was also still able to get marketing credit and some other business credit, which is really nice. And you're able to see all of that before you sign up for programs or actually join your program. It's all available to you. You can see all of the course conversions. But going back to study abroad, I was in Spain for 5 years last spring, and I was in the business program. There are different programs that you can go into. So they have, like direct programs where Kelley works with a program abroad to like help. Get your education, but there also are exchange programs and direct enrollment programs. So it kind of just depends on what city or country are going to and I'd be happy to answer any other questions I'm trying to think what else I stayed in a home stay, which not every city has that but going back to the fact that it wasn't for Spanish immersion that was probably the best setup for me, but, like I mentioned before, your program would also probably have apartments or other kind of housing situations. It. All kind of just depends on the program. Alright. So now I wanna talk to each of you a little bit about your specific disciplines. And then also just in general, what you know about some other disciplines at Kelley. So, Grace, you are a marketing, Major. What would you say? Are some of the many misconceptions about what it means to study marketing. Yeah, this is an interesting question. I I know I've talked a lot about the creativity of it, but I think a misconception is that it's all just how would you say it it's all just like being creative. And like designing things. But that's not the case at all, and I've definitely learned that over the last few years, especially last semester, I took a marketing analytics course. And so we were just solely working with numbers, and yes, those numbers did help to influence our marketing strategies. But I definitely think, at least in marketing, it's not all creative and creating advertisements and marketing visual tools, you know. There's a lot more to it. And same question to Professor Selers, what do you think are some common misconceptions about business law and economics? And business plan. Fx is, that's right. I know you met, I think, some common misconceptions are that it locks you into maybe I'm wrong about this, but I think it's easy from a student perspective to feel like it's committing to a certain career that looks a certain way or a certain. You know future, or that you or that you can't combine it with a more like, yeah, what if I'm a quant real kind of quantum oriented person? Does that mean that I won't do well and or wouldn't wanna pursue that track, or something which I couldn't be further from the truth I'm a big fan of, you know. I guess doing it all as much as possible. In other words, get having both. The more you know the Lawn. S. Fx client I'm sort of the more liberal arts subjects right? Those are kind of the more liberal arts classes, and there's really nothing better than combining that it kind of aspect of study with more quant-based topics. So it's highly likely, no matter what your interest in that you actually might end up enjoying those classes I know that because students just tell me that all the time we hear that a lot sort of maybe a little bit of a surprise because again, it wasn't it seemed so different from the subjects they might have had in mind coming in. And I think you both are echoing something that we've talked about a lot already. Which is that because we have so many different majors, you can do both right. You can do something that is a little bit more liberal arts as Professor Sellers mentioned it. Then you could use anything that is a little bit more, you know. You could marry public policy with, you know, a business law and ethics degree. You could marry finance, or accounting with marketing to get a little bit more of that quant you could marry marketing with our entrepreneurship. So there's lots of different combinations where you can kind of become a whole person right? And be exposed to multiple dimensions of business. So, Professor Judge, want to let you have an opportunity to answer that question. To what do you think are some common misconceptions about accounting? Oh, I feel like there's so many misconceptions about accounting. I think there's a misconception that you're going to be a number Cruncher and just sitting behind a desk all day, and I think people are really surprised by how much teamwork exists in accounting. So if you go to work in audit which is where you help companies. Figure out if their financial statements are actually correct or if you go work for the accounting of a corporation, and both of those situations you are going to be working on a team, and you're going to be problem solving. I also think that there's a lot more gray area when it comes to accounting. We think it's black and white, and a lot of times it is right. Sometimes there is one right answer. And so I kinda like that. But I think it's not always black and white, there is a lot of grey, and so you get to use decision-making and judgment. I think a lot more than people think, and then I also think people think that it pigeonholes you like. This is what an accountant does. There's kind of one job you're in accounting, if you major in accounting, and that's really not true, you could be an accountant for a corporation. You could be an auditor. You could go into tax. Those are 3 clear options, but you can also do things related to data, analytics. You can do things really into consulting. You can marry that with something, and law, and you can work on the law and business side of it. I know people who do that. You could also and just marry with so many different things. And it's really like I said before, the language of business. So I think it helps you to be a translator between different parts of a business and help answer those questions. So I think it's a lot more broad than people realize. And I think the other thing that I am really attracted to in it is that you do graduate with this thing that you are able to do. That's pretty hard to learn on the job. So I like that, you graduate with a skill you have the option of taking. Maybe the Cpa exam the certified public account accounting exam, or maybe the Cma exam, the certified managerial accountants. There's some additional things you could do. You really graduate knowing you have lots of career paths in front of you. Thank you. And I think something that was resonating through all of your responses is that no, Major is not just leading you to one particular career path. There are so many different careers that you can have based on your Majors. So really, just giving yourself the permission to explore. You're not going to be pigeonholed just because you're a business law and ethics, Major doesn't mean you have to be an attorney or go to law school just because you're an accounting major doesn't mean that you have to you know, be a cpa. So another thing that Professor Judge mentioned that I think, is good to have is that we have lots of different opportunities for students to get preparation to pursue certification. So she mentioned Cpa. We also have paths to becoming a certified financial planner. There are lots of different professional certifications that you can be very well suited and prepared for. After getting your education at Kelley, and we have advisors and people who can shepherd you through that process and make sure that you're doing all the things that you need to do to be able to sit for those those examinations, or get that certification so shifting years a little bit I think another thing that is yeah, about Kelley is the real world experience that we give to our students. And so I'd like to talk a little bit about that from 2 different perspectives, thinking about internships a little bit. But then also thinking about community service and ways that we give students opportunities to give back. So Grace, starting with you. Can you talk about either of those things or both internship opportunities? And then also community service, opportunity. Yeah, so I could talk about like the career center forever. But I think that it's an amazing resource for Kelley's students. It's something that I think sets it apart. So basically, Kelley has a career that's attached to the building. There are crew advisors, there's peer coaches that throw out the companies come to see you, and we'll meet you, and you know. Hear about your career, aspirations, and then that's also kind of where you're able to practice interviewing. You can help or get help with your resume. Basically, anything that you could possibly have a question about when it comes to finding those internships. And later on the full-time jobs, the career center is there to help you for me. I've been going there since first year, because I did not come to Kelley with a resume I did not know what it was supposed to look like, so center was there. Help me with all of that. And then, even now, just going to them for help, you know, with questions, as I'm starting to recruit for a full time Job and, you know, have all these things that I've never dealt with before. The career center was very helpful, but in terms of an internship and kind of just talking about for me. I invest in the summer. I'm a clothing company, and I actually was able to get connected to that company through my professor. What do I know? Sometimes people think that Professor is just there, that you know. Give the lecture and give you exams. But the professors here at Kelley are really helpful. They want to help you. And they want to have conversations with you. So that's how I got my internship. I was just talking with the professor in office hours one day, and I told him that I was interested in the fashion industry and YouTube, and he connected me with the founder of the building company in Boston and from there basically, I asked I did a little informational? Interview. And we kind of just asked if they had an opportunity. So, you can get internships from basically anywhere. It doesn't. Just. Is there a help? You make that process a little bit easier? Thank you for that. Another opportunity that we have, Kelley, are things called workshops. So we have, I think, over 18 different workshops that students can apply to typically in their sophomore year, and those workshops are another opportunity for students to get some real world hands on experience. They oftentimes can lead to job opportunities as well. Some of our workshops are highly competitive, others are less so, and we are adding new workshops all the time. So I'm hopeful that Professor Judge can talk a little bit about accounting workshops. Those are 3 new workshops that we just added this last year. We've also recently added some more finance workshops. We have a website on our main Kelley page. If you wanna go and get more information about the workshops, we really do have a wide variety of them. So, Professor Judge, can you talk just kind of at a high level, about what workshops offer, what opportunities they offer to students. Yeah, so, workshops, I think, have a ton of positive things about them. So for accounting we have kind of a workshop track. So you would first take the intro to accounting careers, workshop. That's the prerequisite. And then from there you can choose to apply to. And Dr. Samberg help me here. There's corporate, there's tax, and then there's audit, I believe, for our 3 accounting workshops and so really, it helps you get a better idea of what a career could look like. It's a positive that we talked about none of these majors any major would pigeonhole you. But eventually you do try and need to figure out, okay, where would I like to? At least initially focus my career. And so that intro to accounting careers would give you exposure to a wide variety of accounting careers, and then from there you could choose a specific track and take an additional workshop and so with those workshops, you get a lot of exposure to professional, a lot of professionals will come in. So you get to practice your networking skills a lot of times. You're also learning how do I interview? How do I ask these questions? Some soft skills that you might want to practice before you go out on the job, and really getting exposure to actual professionals. Who this is, what they do. You can ask questions to, and really learn whether this is a good fit for you, and I think the other positive is, it really helps Kelley to feel like more of a community, Kelley is a great school. But there are a lot of students, and so sometimes it's helpful to find something where you feel like you can find your people and so, since it is a smaller class size, I think it's helpful to build those relationships, so people who you can support each other throughout your career. And your college, and then ultimately be friends for life and people still connect, and our network of Kelley graduates is one of our positives as. Thank you. Professor Sellers. Can you talk a little bit about things that you do in your classes to give students some real world experience? And I know you've also been involved with some case confessions at Kelley's. So maybe that's something else that you could talk about. Is just another opportunity that students have to sort of do face some real-world business challenges while they're still in college. Yeah, case, competitions are popular in college and popular at Kelley, and I think they seem like a lot of fun. I'm sort of envious of students. I had no such thing when I was in college, and it's such a great idea. So as an example, there is an annual ethics case competition for undergraduate students, and is that focused this year? And we anticipate will next year as well, going forward as well focused on a kind of a gender equity problem in a workplace, said I. Were I and others worked with some student leaders, who were putting on the competition to help develop the case. I cannot take credit for writing it. One student did an amazing job writing the case with feedback from many of us, and it was a terrific success, you know. So those are the sorts of things that come up. You don't have to plan for these ahead of time. You don't have to, you know. Sign up your first day of college and worry about getting in. Not at all. It's the. It's one more thing that is just. You'll hear about it, you'll see the signs. You'll see some emails about it. It'll get publicized, and you can pretty even like last minute, by which I mean, you know, couple of weeks ahead. Hold together, you know, decide to participate, maybe with a team. So there are different case competitions for different topics, you know. It does look great on a resume, I think, just to have participated in one you might end up winning or being in a top few, and even if even if it didn't look good on a resume, it's a great way to get closer to faculty member get to know a faculty member better, which is probably everybody on the I think everybody on the call would agree is something you want to do is sort of get to know one or more of your professors during your time. And a good way to meet new people and or you know it, like work on something that you're not. That's not just a one more class project. It's a kind of an extracurricular event. That is rather, you know, low, low stakes in the sense that it's not a semester long. Usually it's a I think, from my perspective. Great thing to do, and it does replicate. You know Kelley, in several ways. Those case competitions are one more. They give you a lot of chance to practice this sort of skills that employers expect you to have. So to be able to stand up and front of judges who are. They're all you know. They're mostly working professionals, volunteers who are who wanna do this to stand to be able to stand in front of them and communicate clearly and concisely your announcement of something is really important. That's that's a skill that you'll need in any career. So it's one more chance to get to do that sort of thing. Thank you. Another great thing about Kelley is how many student organizations we have we have over. 70. We're 75 student clubs and organizations, and you are a member of women in Co. I'm hoping you can talk a little bit about that. We're and just sort of the benefits of being at what it has helped you do. Academically at Kelley. Did it help you at all with career, preparation, internship, things of that nature? Yeah, so organization, and I'm so grateful. I did. First of all, organizations are greatly my roommate. Currently is also, I'm not here that I want to severe with is also in that organization. So we just meet so many different people, so many different cities and states, and even countries. So that's one of the great things about organizations. Another thing is that if you are interested in a certain major or field, it's a great way to just get a little taste of that, major. A lot of organizations have committed, or different sections of the organization. So for me. I was on marketing committees, global awareness committees just all these different opportunities to get exposure to different sides of business. And I know we had. I forgot to talk about it earlier, but a lot of organizations also have community service aspects, or philanthropies. So with women in Co. We helped out with Habitat for Humanity. Kelley brings them, or, you know, connect students to have a chat for humanity. So that was really fun to do. We also volunteered at local nonprofits. There's an organization that helps supply dress. Where to women. So that was really fun. And then, just overall organizations are another way to make connections with alumni and professionals in the business world with women in Co. They brought in people from all different kinds of companies, different organizations, and just being able to hear people speak about their careers, their current paths is very beneficial and just helps you realize that everyone has a different patter there's so many different things. You can do with your major. And yeah, so I'm very grateful to hear or to have heard all of the things from the alumni's and professional. That came into the organization. Thank you so much. We're getting some questions about class size and expectations. Particularly in students, first year for you know, class Involvement. Just sort of what a typical day in the life, I guess, of of a Kelley student is. So, Professor Sellers, can you talk a little bit about the size of the classes that you teach and what your expectations are for students, and tell us also the classes that you teach? Sure. So let's see, I teach it. Teach! The l. 2. A. One, which is the required law class. I teach. L. 3, 75, or 3 76, which is the required ethics class, that is generally L. 20. One tends to be about a 150 students. It's a large class. L. 2, 93, which is the honor version of that class, would probably be 60. Ish. I think somewhere in that range the ethics classes tend to be 40 to 50. Somewhere in there the ethics classes are most of my students are juniors and seniors who are in the ethics class. Most of my alcohol. One students are sophomores or juniors, and I also, by the way, I teach MBA classes, and I teach. So I sort of have a wide range of of classes, but from a sort of straightforward, most common classes that undergraduates would take. Those are the required ones, and then there are a elective courses like, I said that that you can choose if you, if you wanna pursue the lead track or that sort. Of course of study. So, for example, you know, if you're really interested in environmental issues, there'll be a law class. There. Sustainability costs. There, if you're interested, and finance from law perspective, we have like securities, regulations, and some classes along those lines. And one of my colleagues even taught a fashion law class, which I thought sounded extremely fun. So there's a lot of one great thing about being a faculty member at Kelley. Is that occasionally we get an idea for some new class, and we usually get to do it. If we want to, which is, which is pretty great. And I think students like that, and benefit from that too. So, and even though even though I've Professor Stanford didn't ask this direct, I think I'll I'll take this chance to tell everyone that you know one of the best ways to succeed in college is to go to class. So those, you know, a lot of the work happens in class. A lot of the learning happens in class and isn't that the way it should be right? So it's I think everybody understands. There are a lot of things going on, and you know, but it's there's no substitute for coming to class. So I'll put in a plug for that, too. That's excellent advice, Professor Judge, can you tell us a little bit about the classes that you teach? And then we'll get your one winning tip for college success. Yes, so I teach mostly upper-level accounting classes. So I teach, accounting for 24, which is the auditing class I also teach accounting 3, 12, which is intermediate financial accounting to, and then I teach a 3, 10, which is so our finance students. If you're a finance, Major, you won't just take finance classes as part of the finance. Major. They'll also be exposed to some accounting classes, because it is so critical to that major, and so accounting 3, 10 is financial accounting. But for finance students, rather than for accounting students. My classes are typically about 40 to 45 students. I try to get to know everyone's names. And so, even though that might seem, you know, relatively large, maybe larger than your high school class, I know my students. They all know each other, and today economy see Stat at the end of the semester. So I've gotten to know each other so well, and it's winding down. And so I really do feel like there's a good community feel, and the classes, and I think my one tip would be not just to go to class. That's an excellent tip, but also 2 part. I know this is crazy, but I encourage my students to put away their laptops and to actually print out their notes that they can really pay attention in class. At the beginning of the semester. There's always some grumbling because they're used to having their laptops. They think that's going to help them. But at the end of the semester, multiple times on my evaluations, my students say, you really were right. That made that class one of my favorite classes so participating in class, which oftentimes means closing your computer, putting your phone away. And really engaging in the content because you're paying or someone's paying, or your parents are paying or scholarships paying, and so you wanna get the most you can cause you only get to do this once and so rather than being like what's the easiest way to get through I think it's what's the easiest way to get through. I think it's what can I do in my time? Because this is the one time in my life that I can really develop these skills. And that's going to push my trajectory, because this is the one time in my life that I can really develop these skills. And that's going to push my trajectory. Created by, I know we've been talking a lot this evening about undergraduate degrees that you can get at Kelley, but just want to remind you all that there are also wonderful graduate degrees that you can get at Kelley. We have one year master's degrees in finance, information systems accounting and data analytics. We also have a pretty unique what we call a 3, 2 MBA program, where accounting or finance majors in 5 years can get both an undergraduate degree in an MBA. So we have a wide variety of offerings at the masters level as well. So really in a 5 year period you can walk out of Kelley with 2 degrees, which, to Professor Judge's point, will make an even more marketable in terms of getting those getting those jobs. So we're also getting some questions about differences between honors, classes, and non-honors, classes. Professor Sellers has mentioned that a few times in Grace you are in the honors program, so Grace will start with you. Can you talk a little about your experiences and honor? Yeah. So I would say, if we're talking about Kelley honors, one of the biggest differences would be the integrated core program. I-Core you do take a different, or you have your own section of I-Core. If you are an honor student and really it doesn't change with the classes. Everyone kind of takes still to same 4 block classes. But what does change is the size of the classes? So with the honors I for I think the class sizes were around 70 students, and it really made a difference in terms of the discussions that we could have. And the connections that we can make with our professors I would also say that with the final project, for I. 4, we, as part of the honors I-Core you get to find out your team for that project on day one you're sat right next to them. You have to become friends with them and talk to them, whereas with the regular I-Core, you don't find out your team until I think maybe like 10 days before the project is due something like that, I think you only have like 2 weeks to do the project. So there are a few minor differences in terms of the I-Core aspect of honors classes in terms of honors, classes that you can take in your first and sophomore year. I would say again, that class sizes are a little bit smaller. There's probably different professors for the honors. Classes, and then I think the materials just of little bit more integrative, and the projects are just a little bit different. Professor salaries. Did you want to add anything about differences between the pace and content of honors and not honors, sections of different classes? Yeah, I don't want to pretend that I know more than I do. So I you know I would say that I'm not. I'll take. I'll follow Grace's advice. Yeah, I'll follow her lead in terms of what the I-Core experience is like. Because I'm afraid I don't. I'm not gonna speak to intelligently about the difference in many majors. I can say that in the law and Ethics department the same faculty teach both it sort of we at any given semester might be teaching honors might be teaching non honors class size is a little smaller and a little more. I suppose, expectation that there might sometimes be a foundational, better sort of understanding of some of the concepts that are that are used in that in that class might go a little faster and a little deeper, but, on the other hand, it is a lot of a lot of similarities in terms of the type of content that's covered a lot of so many similarities. And just so everyone knows you apply for the honors program during your first year, your first year. So there's no application to the honors program at Kelley right now, and something else to just keep in mind. I was able to share a statistic at one of our reporting events last week that we had 25,000 job offers that were targeted towards Kelley students this year, and we don't have 25,000 students. So every student at Kelley has ample opportunities to get a job offer whether you're an honor student or not, whether you're in a workshop or not. That's pretty much 2 and a half jobs for every Kelley student, and nobody needs 2 and a half jobs right? So plenty of opportunities for everybody to be successful, regardless of what path you walk. So this last gonna give everyone a minute to, just as we close things out here. What is the one piece of advice that you would give to the participants on our call, as they transition from high school to Kelley? Grace will go ahead and start with. Okay, I'm really trying to make this make sense. But I'm just gonna say, like, you'll never know unless you try, which I feel like it's like. But just I feel like you can't be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. College is the place to do that. There's so many different classes, clubs, events, just so many different opportunities on campus. I would not be afraid to just sign up, for all of it. If you have the time, meet new people talk to new people, make new friends, don't stay by the people that you went to high school with. If a lot of people from high school are coming here, and like we talked about earlier, if you're interested in a certain subject or a really specific topic, take a class about it. It doesn't have to be in Kelley. Just really take advantage of your time here. This is, you've got these 4 years to just learn as much as you can, and you know, figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. So I would just say, you won't know unless you try. That's great advice, Professor. Judge. I completely second Grace's advice, I'm going to give kind of the opposite advice, which I think is true, too, which is don't feel like you have to do everything, and so I think sometimes there can be some comparison, especially when you're at such an amazing business school of well. they're doing that. And so I feel behind because I'm not doing that, or they got that and so I feel behind because I'm not doing that. Or they got that greater that so that so come into college and just decide I'm going to be I'm not doing that or they got that greater. Advice. But I'm also going to be willing to say, that's not for me. And that's okay. And so I think, figuring out during your time in college, who do you want to be? And what is the path that's going to help you get there? And that's personal and professional. And those interact. And so figuring out what is going to help me set the future life up that I want best. But recognizing that's not gonna be the same for each person, and so, being willing to say yes to scary opportunities when they fit with what you hope to do in the future, but also be willing to say no, if something might not fit even if you feel like it's expected of you. That's fantastic, and Professor Sellers, I'll let you send us off. That was such good. That's hard to all that's hard to follow. I would remind you all that you belong there as much as anyone else, and that you are no one. No one belongs there more than you. So it I know, at a competitive school. It can sometimes you know, like a high ranked good school. It can sometimes, I'm afraid, feel to some students as if they're behind, or that they don't know the secret. There is no secret there's no secret. Okay, the the secret is just being yourself, doing your best. And you know, meeting people working, but not but having fun and working both, and that you know you are. You can do it, that it you can do it as much as anyone. Thanks to all of our panelists and to all of our participants for joining us tonight. If you have any questions that we didn't get a chance to answer, please reach out and let us know what we can do to tell you more about Kelley and I sincerely hope to see as many of you as possible in the fall. Thank you so much. Have a good evening.