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Meghan Curran:
You can discover a lot about yourself in a year. When you're caught up in the chaos of working life, there really isn't time for self-reflection, for personal development.
Over the past year, I have come to realize the power of introspection: that taking the time to reflect honestly on your behaviors and feelings is an essential part of the journey to becoming a better leader.
And it starts with taking on new challenges, pushing yourself to do something or go somewhere that makes you uncomfortable. If you'd told me three years ago that today I'd be halfway through my MBA at the Kelley School of Business, I would have laughed at the absurdity of that idea. But I realized that the only way to achieve greater impact was to embody effective leadership skills.
Leadership isn't about being in charge or being the boss. It's about having self-awareness, understanding your values, being positive, a good listener, and a forward-thinker. It's about going the extra step or the extra mile, not for personal gain, but for the good of the project or the team.
The past year has been incredibly challenging. I've discovered a lot about myself, especially my weaknesses. I hate conflict. I avoid confrontation at all costs. I check out when I am disinterested or unmotivated. I procrastinate excessively.
The thing is, good leaders aren't born or named overnight. It's a journey, a continuum. At Kelley the journey has intensified, and I'm constantly forced to address the things I struggle with. This year I'm embarking on a journey within a journey, leading a student consulting team to India. I know what faces me won't be easy, but I'm ready for the challenge.