With Kelley’s Me, Inc., you’ll develop an in-depth understanding of your personal story and how it connects to the next steps in your career even before your classes begin. Me, Inc. focuses on the individualized skills you’ll apply throughout your two years at Kelley and beyond. You’ll shape your personal brand, dive into career development and be on your way to understanding your leadership style. When you meet prospective employers on campus during our August MBA Roundtables event, you’ll be ready.
The first step to leadership is understanding yourself
What is Me, Inc.?
Description of the video:
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Me, Inc. is a signature part
of the Kelley Full-Time MBA
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It is our three-week, immersive
professional development
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experience for our
brand new students.
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It takes place before the
students have even attended
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their first MBA courses.
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Me, Inc., I think for
me, I would summarize it
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as a period of
discovery, the chance I
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had to talk about my story.
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I think that kind of helped
me understand where I've been,
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where I'm at currently, and
where I'm poised to get to.
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Me, Inc. is all about
exploring yourself
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and a lot of introspection.
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You get to know your inner self.
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And the best part
is that you get
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to do with all your
classmates around you.
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So you connect with
them more closely.
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We have students spend some time
crafting their personal brand,
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thinking about what kind of
experiences and skill set
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are they going to share
with recruiters that
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reinforce that personal brand.
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Your personal brand is not only
a reflection of your integrity
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and who you are and
what you believe,
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but it's also what you
want to portray to others
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and how you want
others to perceive you.
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I will say the
biggest thing that
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resonated with me
is how I've been
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able to connect my values
as a person to my values
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as a professional.
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When you really
reflect on what matters
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to you as an
individual, it starts
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to fall in line like the
certain professional paths
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that I want to take.
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My favorite thing
was we put together
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a 30-second speech called
"Tell Me About Yourself,"
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where we give our pitch
that we'll use at networking
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conferences or in interviews.
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And we stood in a line.
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And then we just rapid
fire gave our speech
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to all of those people over
and over and over again.
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And it was a really succinct
way to improve quickly.
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I think the Case
Competition, while one
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of the more
challenging things that
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I think you do as part
of the Me, Inc. program,
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it's just a really
good opportunity
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to work under pressure,
work with the team.
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You get some of the hard skills
that you need for consulting.
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But on the other
hand, you're also
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developing some soft skills
with teamwork and collaboration.
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I think the biggest
takeaway I have from the Me,
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Inc. program is that this
MBA program is more than just
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building my quantitative and
core foundational business
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It's about making
the relationships.
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You really find out
who you are and how
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you can connect your
personality, your skills,
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to put yourself in
the best position
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to succeed going through
this experience and something
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that I think won't just
affect me for my time
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here at Kelley but for my life.
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Often, people are expected
to know exactly what they
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want to do the minute they step
onto the campus of a business
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But with Me, Inc., you
really have some time
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to do some introspection
on your own
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and figure out where you want
to take the degree while having
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the support of your
classmates and the faculty all
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before classes start.
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I don't know of any
other MBA program
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that does something like we do.
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And students derive a tremendous
amount of value from it.
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We're proud of that.
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Through Me, Inc., you will:
- Develop an in-depth understanding of yourself—your personal brand and how to connect your past experiences to your future goals in a way that resonates with employers.
- Build mentorship relationships through collaboration and teamwork—a hallmark of your Kelley education. You’ll work with first- and second-year students, getting honest feedback, starting lifelong relationships and taking ownership of your career path.
- Work one-on-one with career coaches, faculty and staff for personal, relevant advice on your MBA and career focus.
Breaking the ice

“I framed my vision board from Me, Inc. and put it up in my apartment. That exercise allowed me to take a step back and understand how events and hardships in my life have shaped my outlook and goals. It created the pathway to my career aspirations.”
Tony McNeal, MBA’19Engagement Manager, Advisory, KPMG