For more than 50 years, the Full-Time +Flex MBA Program at the Kelley School of Business has made a commitment to helping students of color achieve their career goals.
Achieve your career goals with the support and connections available with a Kelley MBA

When you join our close-knit, supportive Full-Time MBA community, you’ll make friendships and connections that last a lifetime.
- Connections: You’ll connect with peer and alumni coaches early in the program and receive one-on-one coaching from our world-class career services team. These coaching sessions are designed to guide you in discovering the path to your own true success.
- Financial support: We provide targeted, merit-based fellowships and partner with such organizations as the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management and Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) for educational and leadership opportunities. Kelley provides a housing guide to help with your transition and offers support for partners, such as assistance finding a job and access to the MBA program's clubs and organizations.
The Kelley School and Full-Time +Flex MBA Program offer an environment where you can grow as a business leader and transform your career and future.

A community designed for your success
Our student liaisons are second-year MBAs who are committed to easing your transition into the program and connecting you with resources for program and career success. Your connections and friendships will grow as you explore our dynamic student-led clubs and organizations.
Questions? Talk with our students.

Student clubs and organizations create connections
The MBA program and Kelley School offer many clubs and organizations to help you connect with peers with similar interests, backgrounds, and aspirations. Included are:
- Black MBA Association, which provides opportunities and highlights issues directly affecting African American students in management. Members also mentor minority undergraduate business students.
- Latino MBA Association, which is a student-run organization that fosters relationships between the Kelley School and the Latino students, faculty, corporations, and institutions to provide professional development opportunities and to celebrate the Latino culture.
- Asian MBA Association, which represents all students of Asian descent in the MBA program at the Kelley School of Business. AMBAA is a culturally oriented body that emphasizes diversity, community involvement, cross-cultural interaction, and career success.
We value our partnerships
The Consortium
The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management enhances diversity and inclusion in global business education and leadership by reducing the significant underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. The Kelley School is one of three founding members of the Consortium.
Management Leadership for Tomorrow
Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) transforms high-potential minority talent into high-impact leaders. Through the MBA Prep Program, MLT offers personalized guidance and effective tools to successfully navigate the business school application process.
National Black MBA Association
The National Black MBA Association is the premier business organization serving historically underrepresented Black professionals. NBMBAA’s mission is to lead in the creation of educational, wealth building, and growth opportunities for Black students, entrepreneurs, and professionals.
Prospanica, formerly the National Society of Hispanic MBAs, has a mission to empower and enable Hispanic MBAs and business professionals to achieve their full educational, economic, and social potential.
Riordan Programs
The Riordan Programs provide leadership and management training to diverse individuals. The Riordan MBA Fellows Program targets recent college graduates who are considering graduate education in business management. Its core purpose is to educate, prepare, and motivate these individuals to competitively apply and succeed in a top MBA program and a career in management.
Robert Toigo Foundation
The Toigo Foundation’s mission is to transform the performance of forward-thinking organizations through education and strategies that drive greater inclusion and the ongoing development and promotion of exceptional diverse leaders. The Toigo MBA Program prepares and promotes minority MBA candidates as they earn their degree and prepare for a career in finance.
Kelley and the Consortium: Our networks support you in the classroom and in your career
The Kelley School was one of three founding members of the Consortium in 1966. Through the partnership, more than 1,000 men and women of color have earned MBA degrees from the Kelley School, which fosters a supportive and lifelong community of Consortium members.
Description of the video:
Kelley and the Consortium: A Lifelong Community
Shannon Watkins, MBA’02, senior director/group director, Powerade, Coca-Cola Company:
I don't think I would have made it through B school, honestly, without the Consortium and without my Consortium fellows. I was a person who had never taken an accounting class, never taken a finance class, never taken a marketing class. I was a biology undergrad, I knew science. And for me, I was able to really pick up the phone at any time and reach out to my Consortium fellows both in the journey with me and who had gone through the journey who were already graduates and ask for their advice, ask for coaching whenever I needed it. And so for me professionally, it continues to serve as a network that I go to and lean on even today.
Louis Jordan, MBA’80, former senior VP, Starbucks, and former CFO, Global Retail, Nike:
I have probably had some contact, either on one side or the other, where I'm the alum trying to provide counsel and advice or I'm asking for counsel and advice from an alumni. That's existed, at least for me, almost daily certainly weekly over those years since I left school in 1980. Really since I left school then, I've been part of this community. Almost 30 years since then.
Anton Vincent, MBA’93, president of the Snacks Division at General Mills:
I believe when I went to Kelley and I had the opportunity to go to Kelley I think it changed my life. I don't say that to be over the top but I believe it did. It gave me opportunities I don't think I would've had and I'm grateful for that and whenever I have an opportunity to help Indiana University, Kelley in particular, I try to take advantage of that. We are seeing a lot of achievement for these kids as well so getting to school is one thing. Getting through school and graduating is another thing. But to be able to apply that and show some level of success over time, then we know we are really making a difference. To start something and have it go for 50 years is just momentous just as it is but also to have it where it's helping people over and over again, I feel very committed to making sure that those opportunities are available to other kids in the future.
The Kelley School’s partnership with the Consortium has many benefits
Our work enhances diversity in business education through:
- A strong network of Consortium alumni
- Access to the Consortium’s impressive list of corporate partners
- Increased marketability through early career management and professional development
- Career- and life-changing mentoring opportunities
Eligible MBA program applicants should complete the Consortium application instead of Kelley’s application to be considered for a Consortium fellowship covering full tuition and fees.