Find academic coaching and support for I-Core prerequisites
Academic Success at Kelley (ASK) serves as the hub for academic support and offers free, high-quality academic coaching for many I-Core prerequisite courses, including:
- BUS-A100
- BUS-A304 (Not offered for honors sections A307)
- BUS-A306 (Not offered for honors sections A309)
- BUS-C104/BUS-C106
- BUS-C204/BUS-C205
- BUS-D270
- BUS-F370 (I-Core finance component)
- BUS-G202
- BUS-L201/BUS-L293
- BUS-P370 (I-Core operations component)
- ECON-B251
- MATH-M118
- MATH-M119
- MATH-M211
Don't see a course listed? Email for more details on academic support within the Kelley School of Business.
K-Cove offers academic support for BUS-K201/204 by peer tutors in a program coordinated by faculty. Check your course syllabus for more information.