In a large university like Indiana University Bloomington, there are many policies and procedures that students encounter throughout the semester. It can feel overwhelming, but it’s important for students to understand how to navigate the processes that impact academic planning and schedules.
What Should I Take Next Semester? Enrollment Q and A webinar
Watch enrollment demonstrations and learn about how to navigate your academic resources in preparation for your "enrollment appointment".
Enrollment basics
- Clear HOLDS on record and take care of this action item ASAP.
- Add to your calendar your enrollment date and time from the Student Center
Note:Your enrollment date is extremely important, and you are expected to enroll on this date. Delaying enrollment risks your ability to secure a seat in the necessary courses for degree progress. - Plan your semester by tracking your degree progress and reviewing the academic bulletin for degree requirements
- Review enrollment steps
- Enroll online through your Student Center. Students do not need an advisor present to enroll.
Note: First, enroll in open sections for degree progress, then waitlist a preferred section. If no sections are available for a course that you MUST take, then join waitlists. Stay patient and remember enrollment is an ongoing process. - Understand how Waitlists work before setting one up!
Note: Academic Advisors and instructors DO NOT have authority to override a waitlist. - Check the final exam schedule and resolve any conflicts using the “Add, Drop, Swap” functions. Watch the Student Center Videos for help on changing your schedule.
- Consult the IUB official calendar for important enrollment-related deadlines (e.g. the Auto W deadline) for each term.
- Generally, you have the first week of the course session to drop a class without earning a W on your transcript, but the specifics can vary by semester/term. Consult the IUB official calendar for details.
- The Automatic W Deadline refers to the last date a student can withdraw from a class (by submitting an eDrop request), earning a grade of W on the transcript.
- BUS courses do not accept late adds/eAdds after the first week of the course.
Pre-req keeping you from enrolling in a course?
Read the enrollment requirements and class notes to ensure you meet the pre-req.
Enrollment Help
Need help enrolling in classes or changing your schedule?
- Utilize the Student Center enrollment videos.
- Come to drop-ins or email us at with details of what you are trying to do and any error messages.
Where can I find up to date degree requirements to plan for next semester?
Visit the Kelley Academic Bulletin for current degree information.
I’m interested in knowing more about a class.
Use the OCQ Dashboard app from One.IU.
What is “Full-Time Status”?
- In order to be a full-time student, you must be enrolled in 12 credits.
- Standard tuition is a “flat fee”. Review the Cost of IU site for additional information.
- If you are waitlisting classes, consider using the drop-if-enroll function, as the system will not allow you to enroll in more than 21 credits at any given time.
- Contact your advisor or email
- Check out the Student Central website for additional helpful tips.
Taking courses outside of IU Bloomington
- What courses can be transferred in? No required Business courses can be taken outside of Kelley-Bloomington. Transfer equivalents are available for English Composition, Finite Math, Calculus, and some additional IUB GenEd courses.
- Do transfer courses count toward my GPA? Courses taken outside of the IU system do not impact your GPA, but you must earn a C or better in order to earn transfer credit.
- How do I know if the transfer course will count for the credit I need? First check the IUB Credit Transfer Service database. Contact Kelley academic advising if you have any questions about completing degree requirements through transfer credit.
- How do I enroll in a transfer course? You will need to contact the other institution and follow their process for enrolling as a guest/visiting/transient student.
- How do I transfer credits to IU? You need to have an official transcript sent to the IU Office of Admissions. See the “Transcripts” section on this page of the IU Admissions website for more information.
- What courses can I take at another IU campus? No required business courses can be taken outside of Kelley Bloomington. Other IU campuses may have equivalents for English Composition, Finite Math, Calculus, and some additional IUB GenEd courses. Contact Kelley academic advising if you have questions about completing degree requirements through another IU campus.
- How do I enroll in a course at another IU campus? Start by applying as a temporary intercampus transfer student and follow instructions/communications provided by the other campus.
- Is there an additional cost for these courses? Yes. Contact the Bursar for the relevant campus with any questions.
- Do the credits count toward my IUB semester enrollment/semester total credits? No.
- Do grades from other IU campuses count in my GPA? Yes.
- Do I have to transfer credits from other IU campuses? No, the credits and grade will automatically be added to your transcript.
Meet with an advisor
Schedule a one-on-one meeting to ask questions and talk about your academic goals. We're here to help.