You'll join the class online in a live virtual classroom: all you need is a computer with Wi-Fi, a microphone, and a webcam. The course will utilize Zoom, TopHat, Canvas, and Microsoft Teams. The course offers plenty of flexibility in terms of when you can engage with the learning materials, as well as flexibility for students in time zones around the world.
Course activities will begin with a live, interactive introduction to the course. You will have the option of watching the recording on your own time, if you prefer. You will receive the Zoom link a few days prior to this date. No other prior action is needed. This link will allow you to join the discussion and get better clarity about course requirements.
All webinars will be recorded. Attendance at live sessions is encouraged, but it is not required. You will work in teams and need to have the ability to interact with your teammates via a digital connection. Accommodations will be made for Camp Kelley attendees.
Aligns with intersession dates and first class will be on Monday, August 4th at 1-2:15 p.m. ET. A Zoom link and class information will be emailed to registered students prior to that date. If you cannot attend live or need to leave class early, you can review recordings of all live class sessions, which meet Monday through Thursday.
What kind of computer/technology is needed?
A computer with Wi-Fi, a microphone, and a webcam
How much time is required for this course?
This course requires approximately twelve hours of work per week.
What are the benefits of taking BUS-X170?
- Getting up to speed on all IU classroom technology
- Exposure to Kelley faculty from different disciplines
- Interdisciplinary understanding of “How Business Works”
- Exposure to I-Core faculty (you may see one or more of your instructors again)
- Introduction to IU research databases and materials
- Intensive summer bridge to your IU/Kelley experience
- Research shows that students who participate in a summer bridge experience are more successful in their first semester at college
- Course is included in the 12 to 18 credit hours you will take in the fall semester (no summer charges)
What if I am traveling or working during some of the course?
You can access this course anywhere, as long as you have access to Wi-Fi and a computer. If you are going to be traveling for more than one week without access to Wi-Fi, you may want to drop this course.
What am I missing if I cannot take this course due to conflicts?
You will not be penalized in any way if you are unable to take this course due to traveling or other unavoidable conflicts. This course is not required for any student.
Can I take both BUS-X170 and an Intensive Freshmen Seminar (IFS) course?
Unfortunately, no. Students will have to make a choice between BUS-X170 and IFS due to the conflicts in timing and the workload in each of these intersession courses. You are welcome to talk with an advisor to get recommendations regarding which course would best fit your situation.
What if I need to drop this course?
You may drop this course, after your NSO date, by going to your Student Center. Please refer to the IUB official calendar for drop dates/deadlines for intersession courses. If you have additional questions about this process, email
If I can’t take X170 now, can I take it in the fall?
The course runs only during the few weeks prior to the start of the fall semester, and is for the newest Kelley Direct Admits only.