You’ll leave Kelley Direct Online programs not only with a degree from one of the world’s leading business schools but also with the knowledge and network to achieve on your terms.
Indiana University Graduate Commencement Ceremony
Approximately 7,000 students graduate over the course of this weekend. The IU Graduate Commencement Ceremony celebrates all IU Bloomington graduate students.
Graduate Recognition Ceremony
This special ceremony specifically recognizes the graduating class of Kelley Online Programs, complete with caps, gowns, and all the pomp and circumstance our graduates have earned.
IU Graduate Commencement Ceremony
Kelley Direct Graduate Recognition Ceremony
New graduates reflect on the impact of their Kelley Direct experience
The Kelley Direct Online MBA program celebrates students' hard work and achievements at Commencement each year.
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Earning my Kelly Direct Online MBA degree has helped me both personally
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and professionally
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Stay at work, have three kids juggle life, juggle family. Um, the,
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the Kelly program was, was the best fit for me and the number one, when
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I look back at my journey,
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the two moments that stand out in particular are both of my Kelly on campuses.
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We got the opportunity to work with companies that had real problems and were
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looking for solutions to implement. I got
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To do an immersion program. The
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Study abroad in Thailand for me was one of the key highlights for my experience.
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Grease program, the immersion programs. It was amazing. It changed my life.
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I think the biggest thing is, uh, the network of people that I met.
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The topics that we've covered and the lessons I've taken away have really made
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me an all around better person and business leader. If
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You are considering the Kelly Direct online degree, just do it.
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It really, really is life changing.
Apply for graduation
To apply for graduation, complete the Graduation Application Form.
Please reach out to us with any questions at or 877-785-4713.
Alumni opportunities
Kelley School of Business graduates are part of a powerful global network. Discover how to stay connected, get involved, and take advantage of exclusive Kelley alumni opportunities.
Kelley Undergraduate Graduation
Parents with questions about graduation ceremonies for their undergraduate student should contact the Undergraduate Program office at 812-855-4474 to learn more.