Visiting Research Scholar

Eliana Crosina
Visiting Research Scholar
Eliana Crosina is an assistant professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College and a visiting scholar in entrepreneurship at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. Prior to academia, she worked in the for-profit sector as an investment banker and in the not-for-profit sector managing international development projects. Eliana’s research interests lie at the intersection of identity, entrepreneurial behavior, and cognition. Her recent research includes a study of former Lehman Brothers bankers’ career experiences after the demise of Lehman Brothers, an ethnography of first-time founders in the process of launching ventures from the same co-working facility, and a longitudinal field study examining development trajectories of nascent entrepreneurial firms. Her work has appeared in outlets such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, and Harvard Business Review. In 2024, she received the Emerging Entrepreneurship Scholar Award from the Academy of Management. She holds a BS in Business Administration and Management and an MBA from Babson College, as well as an MS in Organizational Studies and a PhD in Management from Boston College.