Business proposal format
Purpose: After reading the business proposal document, someone should be able to understand the business proposition. Three key factors to include are: 1) uniqueness, 2) clarity, and 3) viability.
Instructions: Please answer the questions below. You have flexibility in how you answer them, but please adhere to the page maximum guidelines. Please provide enough information that anyone can understand your business, but please do not add filler material just to fill the page. Once completed, please save it with the file name as VentureName_ClappBusinessProposal.
Exhibits: You may provide exhibits (no more than five pages) within the exhibit document. You will NOT be graded on the content of the exhibits (or lack thereof); however, they may allow the judges and coaches to better understand your proposal. Financial statements are not required.
One final note: If this is your first time doing something like this, don’t stress it! We’ve tried to construct it in such a way that it is as painless as possible. If you get stuck, feel free to take advantage of your assigned Competition Coach or the Business Coaches at the Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Godfrey Center [CG2050], second floor).