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Career coaching
The coaches at Graduate Career Services work closely with students to find the best career fit for their skills and interests. Watch the video to learn how coaching helped Alex Aghajanian, MBA’17, transition from engineering to product management.
Description of the video:
Coming into my MBA as an engineer, I was very intimidated. I know all the technical terms really well, kind of how to troubleshoot, but I don’t really have that strategy or any of those types of business lingo skills. And so I was very intimidated coming back. But through the Me, Inc. process, it really showed that my values and what I liked out of my previous job was working in that industry. And it really confirmed that path for me through Me, Inc. but it kind of lead me down a different path. I always thought operations was kind of where I was headed but I was kind of able to figure out that product management was a really interesting role for me and that my skills as an engineer were very transferrable there. So Graduate Career Services, or what we like to call GCS, has been really helpful. They’ve brought a ton of companies on campus. They have Networking Nights the first week of class so you’re constantly interacting with companies, developing relationships with these companies. It makes it a lot easier when you’re dropping your resume to get an interview because you have had that face-to-face time. My career coach Rebecca has really helped with my transition from a technical background as an engineer into a less technical, post-MBA role. And through that, it’s mock interviews, she asks me questions and kind of challenges me to not deliver very technical answers. A lot of the projects that I was working on, I can get very technical very quickly so she tries to help me keep it very high level so that anyone can understand them. My peer coach has also helped me with this transition, and she’s kind of your first line before you want to bring it to your career coach. She’s always kind of available to help you. I think the career coaching here at Kelley has really helped me be more confident in my background and the skills and how the skills that I’m learning here at Kelley combined with my skills that I’ve gotten from an engineering degree have really positioned me in a good way for my post-MBA career goals.

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