Why space cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity literacy is becoming increasingly vital to leaders across an array of industries, sectors, and nations. Cyber attackers, ranging from hactivists to organized crime networks and even nation states, are targeting vulnerable networks and are frequently successful in stealing funds as well as valuable intellectual property.
At the same time, there is a booming demand across both the public and private sectors for interns and employees with this training, with more than 700,000 openings for cybersecurity professionals. There is a particular need for more professionals with training in space-cybersecurity, given the reliance on space-based infrastructure for everything from weather forecasting and satellite telecommunications to broadband Internet. The reliance and growing ubiquity of space to cybersecurity, the Internet, and data governance is raising a host of questions surrounding how best to protect vulnerable space-based critical infrastructure from cyberattacks.
Since Russia’s cyberattacks on space-based services provided by commercial US space companies as part of the war in Ukraine, cybersecurity of space systems is high on the agenda, spurring discussions at the White House and in Congress, and a US $700 million budget request by the Space Force for this purpose alone. At the same time, a fast-growing market has emerged, with demand for professionals and firms.
The Kelley Space-Cybersecurity Digital Badge is the first program in the United States, and indeed globally, to offer specialized focus on protecting the cybersecurity of space assets. At the end of the program, participants will have the capability to develop and implement effective strategies for managing cyber risks to space-based infrastructure. They will also gain in-depth understanding of cyber threats, and how to manage related issues including supply chain security and the impacts of AI.