Here's a sampling of recent conference and workshop presentations give by doctoral students and faculty.
Kelley PhD candidates present at top national and international conferences.
Jason Brown, Geoff Sprinkle, and Dan Way. “The Effects of Multi-Level Group Identification on Intergroup Cooperation and Performance” presented at The 2017 AAA Annual Meeting and the 2017 AAA Ohio Region Meeting.
Michelle Hutchens, Sonja Rego and Amy Sheneman. “Influencing Profits:The Differential Impact of Lobbying on Corporate Stock Returns.” Presented at the 2016 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Miami University (co-author), Arizona State University (co-author), and the 2015 BYU Accounting Symposium.
Amy Sheneman. “Spilling Secrets: The Effect of Operational Control Failures on Firms’ Cost of Capital.” Committee: James Wahlen (chair), Daniel Beneish, Leslie Hodder, Noah Stoffman. Presented at Indiana University and the 2016 BYU Accounting Symposium.
Barrett Wheeler. Conference or School: 2016 Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) “Loan LossAccounting and Procyclical Bank Lending: The Role of Direct Regulatory Intervention.”
Eric R. Holzman, Nathan Marshall, Joe Schroeder and Teri Yohn. Operating Earnings Disaggregation and Abnormal Investor Disagreement around Earnings Announcements. Presented at Nick Dopuch Conference (poster session), Florida International (co-author), and Erasmus University (co-author).
Michelle Hutchens. How Do Disclosure Characteristics Affect Forecast Accuracy? Presented at Florida State University, Indiana University, Texas A&M University, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, and University of Notre Dame.
Michelle Hutchens, Alex Edwards and Sonja Rego. Supercharging IPOs: Rent Extraction or Reducing Underpricing? Presented by co-author at The Ohio State University, January 2016.
Aparna Soni. “The Impact of the ACA Medicaid Expansion on Supplemental Security Income Program Participation." Eastern Economic Association. New York, NY. February 2017.
Yu-Hsin Liu.“Keyplayer: An R package for Locating Key Players in Social Networks.” Second Annual NSF Conference on Network Science in Economics, Stanford University, 2016.
Kosali Simon, Aparna Soni, and John Cawley. “The Impact of Insurance on Preventive Care and Health Behaviors: Evidence from the 2014 Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions.” American Society of Health Economists Conference. Philadelphia, PA. June 2016.
Jun Wu. Industry Momentum and Mutual Fund Performance, working paper. Presented at FMA 2015 annual meetings and MFA 2016 annual meetings
Peng Zhao, Juan Batarse and Chris Berry. 2017. “Cognitive ability test scores underpredict Hispanic Americans’ job performance.” Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Brian Bergman. 2017. “Entrepreneurs in the making? Maker spaces as providers of entrepreneurial support.” Great Lakes Entrepreneurship Network Event, Syracuse University.
Daniel R. Clark. 2017. “International Opportunity Pursuit: The Role of Country-Specific Experience.” Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference, June 2017, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Daniel R. Clark. 2017. “Brexit: Market Shocks and The Pursuit of International Opportunity.” Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference, June 2017, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Kyle J. Bradley, H. Anguinis and Y. Lee. 2017. “Best-practice recommendations for using sports data in-1-0 psychology research.” Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.
Lee, Y. (2017). “How do human resource practices influence organizational ambidexterity?” Paper to be presented at the meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Kyle J. Bradley, H. Aguinis and Y. Lee. 2016. “Best-practice recommendations for using sports data in management research.” Preconference Development Workshop conducted at the meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Kyle J. Bradley, H. Aguinis and Y. Lee. 2016. “Best-practice recommendations for transforming data in I-O psychology research.” Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
Daniel R. Clark. 2016. “Individual entrepreneurial orientation: Construct definition and measurement.” Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim California.
Daniel R. Clark, Dan Li and Dean A. Shepherd. 2016. “Familiarity in entrepreneurial internationalization decisions.” Academy of International Business Conference, New Orleans Louisiana.
Daniel R. Clark. 2016. “The pursuit of international opportunity: A planned behavior model.” Academy of International Business Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Daniel R. Clark. 2016. “Individual entrepreneurial orientation: Construct definition and measurement.” Academy of International Business Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Harry Joo. “Revisiting some “established facts” in I-O Psychology and Management: Outliers.” Industrial and organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Consortium of Illinois, Indiana, and other Midwestern States, real-time online presentation, February 2016.
Alex S. Kier. “Imagination in New Venture Ideation: Theoretical Foundations and Scale Validation.” (Chair) Jeffrey S. McMullen, Donald F. Kuratko, Dean A. Shepherd and Chris M. Berry, Committee. Presented at Indiana University and The Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, 2016.
X. Xu, S. C. Payne and Peng Zhao. “Change trajectories of job satisfaction facets predicting turnover: A latent class growth analysis.” 76th annual conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, August 2016.
Kelly Hewett, Lopo Rego and Neil Morgan and Abhi Bhattacharya. “A New Approach to Switching Costs” 2017 Winter AMA Conference, Orlando FL (Feb, 2017).
Joseph Johnson and Abhi Bhattacharya.“Unpacking the Marketing-Finance Link: The Impact of Marketing on Firm Financials” 2017 Winter AMA Conference, Orlando, FL (Feb, 2017).
Lopo Rego (work with Abhi Bhattacharya and Neil Morgan) Conference or School: Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China (April 22, 2016) “Customer Satisfaction in Monopolies: Does it Matter?”
Lopo Rego (work with Hui Feng and Neil Morgan) School: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China (April 25, 2016) “Customer Divestment Announcements and Shareholder Value: A Signaling Perspective.”
Abhi Bhattacharya, Neil Morgan and Lopo Rego Conference: 2016 Theory & Practice in Marketing Conference, Houston, Texas (May 18-20, 2016) “Re-evaluating the Effects of Market Share on Performance.”
Kim Whitler, Neil Morgan and Lopo Rego Conference: 2016 Theory & Practice in Marketing Conference, Houston, Texas (May 18-20, 2016) “A Role Theory Explanation for Why Some CMOs Have Impact and Others Don’t.”
Shekhar Misra, Lopo Rego and Neil Morgan Conference: 2016 Summer AMA Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (August 5-7, 2016) “Customer Value Creation, Firm Value Capture and Marketing Capabilities.”
Kim, Heeryung. The Effects of Political Ideology on Consumer Creativity (proposal defended May 2016). Committee: H. Krishnan Shanker (co-chair), Adam Duhachek (co-chair), Scott B. MacKenzie, Kelly B. Herd, and Edward Hirt (Psychology). Also presented at Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Kim, Heeryung. Han, DaHee, Duhachek, Adam and Krishnan, H. Shanker. Political Ideology and Fundamental Attribution Error. Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Pete Florida, February 2016.
Olsen, Mitch, Slotegraaf, Rebecca J., Sandeep R. Chandukala, and Grish Mallapragada. Competitive Response to Disruptive New Product Introductions: When a New Player Upends an Established Category. AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2016 Presenter: Girish Mallapragada.
Telesilla Kotsi.“Dynamic Allocation of NGO Funds Among Program, Fundraising, and Administration,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), May 4-8, 2017
Telesilla Kotsi.“Dynamic Allocation of NGO Funds Among Program, Fundraising, and Administration,” International Federation of Operational Research Societies IFORS (IFORS), July 17-21, 2017.
Eric Webb. “Mind the Gap: Coordinating Energy Efficiency and Demand Response.” 2017 Early-Career Sustainable Operations Workshop.
Owen Wu, Eric Webb and K. D. Cattani. “Mind the gap: Coordinating energy efficiency and demand response” 2017 POMS Conference.
Han Zhang. “How to Get the Conflict Out of the Mineral Supply Chain” at Production Operations Management Supply Management Society 28th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 5-8, 2017.
Han Zhang. Organizer and Chair of technical session, “Socially Responsible Supply Chain Management for Natural Resources”, at Production Operations Management Society 28th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 5-8, 2017.
Jorge M. Mejia and Seyoung Seol. “Does Lying Lead to Higher Ratings? The Effects of Lying on Cable TV Viewership and its Diffusion via Social Media.” International Conference on Information Systems 2017.
Akshay Bhagwatwar, Hillol Bala, and Jordan Barlow. “We’re In This Together: The Role of Team Characteristics in Enterprise Process Execution and Performance.” Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2017.