Areas of Expertise
How Ethical Business Contributes to Peace; Doing Business in Zones of Conflict; Overcoming Social and Political Division in the Workplace and Elsewhere; Ethical Business Decision Making; Creating Ethical Corporate Culture; The Intersection of Religion and Business
Academic Degrees
- PhD, Northwestern University, 1995
- JD, Northwestern University, 1983
- MA, University of Notre Dame, 1984
- BA, University of Notre Dame, 1980
Professional Experience
- Affiliated Scholar & Adjunct Faculty, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame
- George Washington University, Professor
- University of Michigan, Professor
- Business Roundtable Ethics Institute, Faculty Fellow
- William Davidson Institute, Faculty Fellow
- Loyola University Chicago, Adjunct Professor and Director of Major and Planned Gifts
- Monmouth College, Instructor
- Burke, Wilson, Associate
- Fort, Fort & Hennenfent, Partner
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- Nominated for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize
- Distinguished Career Faculty Award from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2022)
- Teaching Innovation Award, Kelley School of Business, Team Leader for Ethics Simulation: The Crimson Dilemma (Episode 1) (2019)
- Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award (2018)
- Academy of Management Best Book Award Finalist (for The Sincerity Edge) (2018)
- Academy of Management SIM Division Best Book Award (for The Diplomat in the Corner Office) (2016)
- Teaching Innovation Award, Kelley School of Business, Team Leader for Ethics Simulation: The Crimson Dilemma (2015)
- Best Book Award Nomination: Academy of Management (2013)
- Peter Vail Award Nominee for Outstanding Doctoral Faculty (2013, 2012, 2011, 2009)
- Academy of Management SIM Division Best Book Award (for Business, Integrity, and Peace) (2010)
- George Washington University Office of Service Learning Faculty Award (2009)
- Outstanding Faculty For George Washington University Executive MBA Program (2007)
- Best Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of The Society for Business Ethics (with D. Hess & R. McWhorter) (2005)
- Best Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (with N. Shami, N. Bos, and M. Gordon) (2004)
- Faculty Pioneer Award for Academic Achievement from the World Resources Institute and The Aspen Institute (2003)
- Distinguished Conference Proceedings Award, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (with C. Schipani) (2002)
- Holmes-Cardozo Award, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (with E. Callahan, T. Dworkin, and C. Schipani) (2001)
- Ralph Bunche Award for the Best Paper in International Business Law, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, International Law Section (with J. Liu) (2001)
- Bank One Corporation Assistant Research Professor, University of Michigan Business School (2000)
- Outstanding Conference Proceedings Paper, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2000)
- Ralph Bunche Award for the Best Paper in International Business Law, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, International Law Section (2000)
Selected Publications
- Fort, T. L. (2015). The diplomat in the corner office: Corporate foreign policy. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Fort, T. L., and Presser, S. (2014). Business Law, Eagan, MN: West Publishing.
- Fort, T. L. (2014). Vision of the Firm: Ethics & Organizations. Eagan, MN: West Publishing.
- Fort, T. L., Oetzel, J., Westermann-Behaylo, M., Koeber, C., and Rivera, J. Business and Peace: Sketching the Terrain. 89 Journal of Business Ethics 351 (2010).
- Fort, T. L. Business and Peace: A Multisectoral Approach. 89 Journal of Business Ethics 347 (2010). (Editor Overview Article for Special Issue entitled “Peace Through Commerce.”)
- Fort, T. L. (2008) Prophets, profits, and peace: The positive role of business in promoting religious tolerance. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (Nominated for Best Book Award, Academy of Management, SIM Division)
- Fort, T. L. (2007) Business, Integrity, and Peace: Beyond Geopolitical and Disciplinary Boundaries. London, UK: Cambridge University Press. (winner 2010 Best Book Award Academy of Management SIM Division).
- Fort, T. L., Bies, R., Bartunek, J., and Zald, M. Corporations as Agents of Social Change: Individual, Interpersonal, Institutional, and Environmental Dynamics. 32 Academy of Management Review 788 (2007). (Co-Editor Overview article for Special Issue entitled “Corporations as Agents of Social Change”)
- Fort, T. L., and Salbu, S. An Overview of The Ethics of Commercial Speech. 17 Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (2007). (Co-Editor Overview article for Special Issue entitled “Ethics and Commercial Free Speech”)
- Fort, T. L. The Times and Seasons of Corporate Responsibility: Peace Through Commerce. 44 American Business Law Journal 287 (2007).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani C. An Action Plan for The Role of Business in Fostering Peace. 44 American Business Law Journal 359 (2007).
- Fort, T. L., and Gabel, J. Peace Through Commerce: An Overview. 44 American Business Law Journal v (2007). (Co-Editor Overview article for Special Issue entitled “Peace Through Commerce.”)
- Fort, T. L., Hess, D. and McWhorter, R. The 2004 Amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Their Implicit Call for a Symbiotic Integration of Business Ethics. 11 Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law 725 (2005).
- Fort, T. L. Steps For Building Ethics Programs. 1 Hastings Business Law Journal 194 (2005).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. A. (2004). The Role of Business in Fostering Peaceful Societies. London, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. Ecology and Violence: The Environmental Dimensions of War. 29 Columbia Environmental Law Journal 243 (2004).
- Fort, T. L. A Deal, A Dolphin, and a Rock. 4 Business Ethics Quarterly, Ruffin Series 81 (2004).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. Scandals and Sustainable Security.” 10 Corporate Environmental Strategy 185 (2003).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. Adapting Corporate Governance for Sustainable Peace. 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 377 (2003).
- Fort, T. L., and Dunfee, T. Corporate Hypergoals, Sustainable Peace, and The Adapted Firm. 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 563 (2003).
- Fort, T. L. and Schipani, C. Corporate Governance and Sustainable Peace: Intra-Organizational Dimensions of Business Behavior and Reduced Levels of Violence. 36 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 367 (2003).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. The Role of the Corporate Governance in Fostering Sustainable Peace. 35 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 389 (2002).
- Fort, T. L., and Liu, J. Chinese Business and the Internet: The Infrastructure for Trust. 35 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1545 (2002).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. A Symposium on Corporate Governance, Stakeholder Accountability, and Sustainable Peace. 35 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 379 (2002).
- Fort, T. L., Callahan, E., Dworkin, T. and Schipani, C. Integrating Trends in Whistleblowing and Corporate Governance: Promoting Organizational Effectiveness, Societal Responsibility, and Employee Empowerment. 40 American Business Law Journal 177 (2002).
- Fort, T. L. (2001). Ethics and Governance: Business as Mediating Institution. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Fort, T. L. Corporate Makahiki: The Governing Telos of Peace. 38 American Business Law Journal 301 (2001).
- Fort, T. L., and Noone, J. Gifts, Bribes, and Exchange Relationships in Non-Market Economies and Lessons For Pax E-Commercia. 33 Cornell Journal of International Law 515 (2000).
- Fort, T. L., and Schipani, C. Corporate Governance in a Global Environment. 33 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 829 (2000).
- Fort, T. L. On Social Psychology, Business Ethics, and Corporate Governance. 10 Business Ethics Quarterly 725 (2000).
- Fort, T. L., and Limbs, E. Nigerian Business Ethics and Their Interface with Virtue Theory. 26 Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2000).
Edited on March 27, 2024