Areas of Expertise
Business to business marketing with particular interests in the salesperson/customer interaction, Sales strategy, Sales Management, Organizational buying behavior
Academic Degrees
- PhD, University of Georgia, 1976
- MBA, Indiana University, 1969
- BA, Indiana University, 1967
Professional Experience
- Visiting Professor, I.E.S.E, Barcelona, Spain, 2000
- Visiting Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1991-1992
- Chairperson of the Board, American Marketing Association, 1994-1995
- Advisory Board, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997-2003
- Board of Governors, Academy of Marketing Science, 2004-2010
- Editorial Board/Senior Advisory Board, Journal of Professional Selling and Sales Management, 1986-current
- Editorial Review Board, Journal of Marketing, 1992-2002
- Shell Oil Company, 1969-1974
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- Lifetime Achievement Award, American Marketing Association, Sales Management and Personal Selling Special Interest Group, 2007
- Exceptional Inspiration and Guidance Award, Kelley School of Business, 2004
- Excellence in Research Award, American Marketing Association, Sales Management and Personal Selling Special Interest Group, 2002
- Pi Sigma Epsilon Award for outstanding article of the year, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 1981, 1986, 1996
- Faculty Fellow, American Marketing Association, Doctoral Consortium, 1990, 1991, 1993
- Eli Lilly Endowment Teaching Fellow, 1977
Selected Publications
- Spiro, R. L., Bradford, K., Brown, S., Ganesan, S., Hunter, G., Oneymah, V., Palmatier, R., Rouzies, D., Sujan, H., and Weitz, B. (2010). The Embedded Sales Force: Connecting Buying and Selling Organizations. Marketing Letters, 21, 239-253.
- Spiro, R. L., Rich, G. A., and Stanton, W. (2008), Management of a Sales Force (12th ed.), Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
- Spiro, R. L., and Hartman, K. B. (2005). Recapturing Store Image in Customer-Based Store Equity: A Construct Conceptualization. Journal of Business Research, 58(8), 1112-1120.
- Cron, W. L., Marshall, G. W., Singh, J., Spiro, R. L., and Sujan, H. (2005). Salesperson Selection, Training, and Development: Trends, Implications, and Research Opportunities. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 25(2), 123-136.
- Dixon, A. L., Spiro, R. L., and Forbes, L. P. (2003). Attributions and behavioral intentions of inexperienced salespersons to failure: An empirical investigation. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(4), 459-467.
- Dixon, A. L., Spiro, R. L., and Jamil, M. (2001). Successful and Unsuccessful Sales Calls: Measuring Salesperson Attributions and Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Marketing, 65(3), 64-78.
- Strahle, W. M., Spiro, R. L., and Acito, F. (1996). Marketing and Sales Strategy: Strategic Alignment and Functional Implementation. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 16(1), 1-20.
- Spiro, R. L., and Weitz, B. A. (1990). Adaptive Selling: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Nomological Validity. Journal of Marketing Research, 27(1), 61-69.
- Strahle, W., and Spiro, R. L. (1986). Linking Market Share Strategies to Sales Force Objectives, Activities, and Compensation Policies. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 6(2), 11-18.
- Williams, K. C., and Spiro, R. L. (1985). Communication Style in the Salesperson-Customer Dyad. Journal of Marketing Research, 22(4), 434-442.
Edited on July 28, 2022