Areas of Expertise
Interplay of emotional and cognitive factors in consumer decision making
Academic Degrees
- PhD, The University of Iowa, 1998
- MBA, Idaho State University, 1992
- BA, Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, 1984
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Southern California
- Assistant Professor of Marketing, Washington State University
- Instructor, University of Iowa
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award, 2007
- Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBEAR), Marshall School of Business,and US Department of Education International Faculty Development Award, USC, 2000
- Ponder Fellowship Award, University of Iowa, 1998
- AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Cincinnati, 1997
- Wendell A. Smith Dissertation Award, University of Iowa, 1997
Selected Publications
- Jakubanecs, A., Fedorikhin, A., and Iversen, N. (2018). Consumer Responses to Hedonic Food Products: Healthy Cake or Indulgent Cake? Could Dialecticism Be the Answer? Journal of Business Research, 91(October), 221-232.
- Barone, M., Fedorikhin, A., and Hansen, D. (2017). The Influence of Positive Affect on Consideration Set Formation in Memory-Based Choice. Marketing Letters, 28(1), 59-69. View Full Text
- Fedorikhin, A., and Patrick, V. (2010). Positive Mood and Resistance to Temptation: The Interfering Influence of Elevated Arousal. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(4), 698-711.
- Van der Lans, R., Cote, J. A., Leong, S. M., Cole, C. A., Smidts, A., Henderson, P. W., Bluemelhuber, C., Bottomley, P. A., Doyle, J. R., Fedorikhin, A., Janakiraman, M., Ramaseshan, B., and Schmitt, B. (2009). Cross-National Logo Evaluation Analysis: An Individual Level Approach. Marketing Science, 28(5), pp. 968-985.
- Kamins, M., Folkes, V., and Fedorikhin, A. (2009). Promotional Bundles and Consumers’ Price Perceptions: When the Best Things in Life Are Not Free. Journal of Consumer Research, 36(4), 660-670.
- Fedorikhin, A., Park, C. W., and Thomson, M. (2008). Beyond Fit and Attitude: The Effect of Emotional Attachment on Consumer Responses to Brand Extensions. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18(4), 281-291.
- Einwiller, S., Fedorikhin, A., Johnson, A. R., and Kamins, M. A. (2006). Enough Is Enough! When Identification No Longer Prevents Negative Corporate Associations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(2), 185-194.
- Fedorikhin, A., and Cole, C. (2004). Mood Effects on Attitudes, Perceived Risk, and Choice: Moderators and Mediators. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(1-2), 2-12.
- Shiv, B. and Fedorikhin, A. (2002). Spontaneous Versus Controlled Influences of Task-Induced Affect on Choice Behavior: The Affective-Cognitive Model. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 87(2), 342-370.
- Shiv, B., and Fedorikhin, A. (1999). Heart and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making. Journal of Consumer Research, 26(3), 278-292.
Edited on December 3, 2019