Areas of Expertise
Wealth Management, Alternative Investments, Derivatives, Statistics
Academic Degrees
- PhD in finance and statistics, The University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA
- MA in economics, UNC at Greensboro, NC
Professional Experience
- Indiana University in Bloomington, IN: Charles Schwab Distinguished Clinical Professor, 2017-present
- Peking University in Shenzhen, China: Professor of Finance, 2013-2017
- Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA: Clinical Professor of Finance, 2008-2017
- Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, VA: Associate Professor of Finance, 2006-2008
- American University in Washington, DC: Assistant Professor Finance, 2003-2006
- University of Baltimore in Baltimore, MD: Assistant Professor of Finance, 1999-2003
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- CFA: Chartered Financial Analyst
- CAIA: Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst
- FRM: Financial Risk Manager
- CFP®: Certified Financial Planner
- CLU: Chartered Life Underwriter
- Outstanding Undergraduate Professor of the Year: 2005-2006 (Kogod School/American U.)
- The Black and Decker Research Award 2003 (U. of Baltimore)
- The Chase Bank of Maryland Award for Research in Finance 2002 (U. of Baltimore)
Selected Publications
- Benrud, E., and Smirnova, E. (2016). The Power of Gold: An Initial Look at Trading Strategies Using Gold-based ETFs and ETNs 2009-2014. Global Economy and Finance Journal, 9(1), 1-10.
- Benrud, E., and Benediktsson, R. (2015). Assessing the Efficiency of the Indonesian Stock Market. International Review of Business Research, 11(2), 158-169.
- Benrud, E. (2015). Managing Business Environments in Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cities in China: Implications for Tax Revenue and Total Investment. US-China Law Review, 12, 276-294.
- Benrud, E. (2013). Was There an Option-listing Effect for the IRX Options? Applied Economics Letters, 20(5), 485-488.
- Benrud, E., and Chang, B. (2011). A New Decision for Hedge Fund Managers: Longer Lockups for Lower Fees. Financial Decisions, 23(2), 1-13.
- Benrud, E. (2011). A Model of Interest-Rate and Loan Covenant Competition. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 5(3), 16-27.
- Benrud, E., and Smirnova, E. (2010). The Option-Listing Effect and Depositary Receipts: Is it Different from that of Domestic Stocks? Banking and Finance Review, 2(2), 21-35.
- Benrud, E. (2010). Trends in Preferences in the Market for Alternative Investments. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2(3), 323-329.
- Benrud, E. (2010). An Early Look at the Deutsche Bank Alternative Investment Survey, 2002–2009. The Journal of Alternative Investments, 13(1), 72-78.
- Benrud, E. (2009). Competition Between High and Low Accuracy Trading Platforms. Journal of Trading, 4(2), 79-85.
- Benrud, E. (2008), Predicting Volatility Using Forecast Dispersion: a Model and a Comparison to Option-Implied Volatility. International Economics & Finance Journal, 3(1), 123-140.
- Benrud, E. (2007). A Market Model of Analysts’ Opinions to Explain Changes in the Dispersion of Opinions. Journal of Economics and Finance, 31(2), 143–165.
- Benrud, E. (2005). Is Fed Policy Still Relevant for Investors?: A Comment. Financial Analysts Journal, 61(3), 18.
- Benrud, E. (2003). Competition Between Low and High Quality Products in the Financial Services Market. Journal of Financial Services Research, 23(2), 133–147.
- Benrud, E. (2002). Challenges of Existing in a Market as a Small, Low-quality Producer. Small Business Economics Journal, 18(4), 269–280.
- Benrud, E. (2001). The Relationship between the Level and Dispersion of Stock Analysts’ Opinions. Applied Economics Letters, 8(5), 347-350.
- Benrud, E. (2001). Useful Properties of Exchange Rate Forecasts for Risk Management and Derivative Pricing. Thunderbird International Business Review, 43(3), 451-468.
Edited on June 3, 2024