Areas of Expertise
International and Domestic Contracts, International Commercial Law, International and Domestic Secured Transactions and Finance, Privacy Law, Law and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Data and Information Governance and Policy, Conflict Resolution, and International and Domestic Commercial Arbitration
Academic Degrees
- BA, St. Ambrose University, Iowa
- MS Ed, Western Illinois University
- JD, Loyola University, New Orleans School of Law
- LLM, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, University of London
- Ph.D. (Law), University of London, Queen Mary, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Thesis Title: Managing Bias, Partiality, and Dependence in Online Justice Environments (April 2021)
Professional Experience
- Attorney at Law (New York) (2004- Current)
- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) and SELI Collaborative Framework for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Pilot, U.S. Academic Lead, Expert Contributor, (2018- Current)
- United Nations Commission on International Trade Law- National Correspondent, United Nations Model Law on Electronic Commerce (2017-Current)
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- Weimer Faculty Fellow - (2020 - 2023)
- Kelley Service Award (2021)
- Best Paper Award (2021) Nancy Kubasek Outstanding Environmental Paper: Academy of Legal Studies in Business: Watered Down Voices, Watered Down Justice: A Demand for Polycentricism, Demosprudence, and Praxis in WOTUS Regulatory Reform (with Martin McCrory, Inara Scott, and Paul Levy) Georgetown Environmental Law Review
- Indiana University Cyber Clinic Faculty Fellow (2020)
- Trustees Teaching Award- Kelley School of Business, Teaching Excellence Committee, Recipient (2020, 2012); Finalist (2019, 2018)
- Fellow, The Risk Institute of The Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business (2019 - 2021)
- Provost's Awards for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (2017) Professional Inquiry - Mentor to Nathan Manworren - work titled “Why You Should Care About the Target Data Breach”
- Harry C. Sauvain Teaching Award - Kelley School of Business, Teaching and Service Excellence Committee (2015, 2016), (nomination 2021)
Selected Publications
- Raymond, A., and Shackelford, S. J. Nudging the Ostroms’ Vision of the Commons and Polycentric Governance into the Digital Environment. In Global Digital Data Governance: Polycentric Perspectives. Routledge Global Cooperation Series, (2024).
- Shackelford, S., Raymond, A., McCrory, M., and Bonime-Blanc, A. Cyber Silent Spring: Leveraging ESG+T Frameworks and Trustmarks to Better Inform Investors and Consumers About the Sustainability, Cybersecurity, and Privacy of Internet-Connected Devices. 25 University of Pennsylvania Business Law Journal 505 (2023).
- Raymond, A., Živković, P., McCurdy, D., and Zou, M. Mind the Gap: Tech-Based Dispute Resolution for Disputes in Global Supply Blockchains. 66 Business Horizons 13 (2023).
- Raymond, A., and Kouper, I. Open Governments, Open Data: Moving Toward a Digital Commons Framework. In Brett M. Frischmann, Michael J. Madison, and Katherine J. Strandburg (Eds.) Governing Smart Cities in Knowledge Commons. Cambridge University Press (2023).
- Shackelford, S. J., Raymond, A., Dockery, R., Asare, I. N., and Sergueeva, A. Should We Trust a Black Box to Safeguard Human Rights? A Comparative Analysis of AI Governance. 26 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 35, (2022).
- Raymond, A., and Kouper, I. Misplaced Trust, Failure of Contract, and the Need to Create Robust Options for Consumers. Loyola Chicago School of Law's Consumer Law Review Symposium: Consumer Protection in the Online Ecosystem, Loyola Consumer Law Review (2022).
- Raymond, A., and Lein, E. Prediction Tools in the Legal Environment: A 2022 Exploration of Things to Come. In Dariusz Szostek (Ed.), The Concept of Legal Technology (LegalTech) and Legal Engineering (Nomos), 2nd Edition (2022).
- McCrory, M., Scott, I., Raymond, A., and Levy, P. Watered Down Voices, Watered Down Justice: A Demand for Polycentricism, Demosprudence, and Praxis in WOTUS Regulatory Reform. 34 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 417 (2022).
- Raymond, A., Coates, D., and Draper, C. Artificial Intelligence Governance and Policy: A Practical Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Mitigating Legal Risks Associated with AI Integration. In Leading Legal Disruption: Artificial Intelligence and a Toolkit for Lawyers and the Law. Thomson Reuters Canada (2021).
- Raymond, A. Managing Bias, Partiality, and Dependence in Online Justice Environments. University of London, Queen Mary, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, PhD Law (2021).
- Shackelford, S. J., and Raymond, A. (2021). Internet Governance in the Digital Cold War. In Chrystie Swiney & Sheila Foster (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Commons Research Innovations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Richards, E., Shackelford, S. J., and Raymond, A. Legal and Ethical Aspects of International Business, 2nd edition, Wolters Kluer Law (2021).
- Houser, K. A., and Raymond, A. It Is Time to Move Beyond the ‘AI Race’ Narrative: Why Investment and International Cooperation Must Win the Day. 18 Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 129 (2021).
- Raymond, A., and Connelly, C. (2020). Governance Of Algorithms: Rethinking Public Sector Use of Algorithms For Predictive Purposes. In W. Barfield (Ed). Cambridge Handbook on Law and Algorithms. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Press.
- Raymond, A., and Draper, C. Building a Risk Model for Data Incidents: A Guide to Assist Business in Making Ethical Data Decisions. 63 Business Horizons 9 (2020).
- Stemler, A., Shackelford, S. J., Raymond, A., and Loyle, C. Defending Democracy: Taking Stock of the Global Fight Against Digital Repression, Disinformation, and Election Insecurity, 77 Washington and Lee Law Review 1747 (2020).
- McCrory, M., and Raymond, A., Navigating in Murky Waters: The Rise and Fall of Clean Water Protection in the United States. 29 Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice 143,(2020).
- Kouper, I., Raymond, A. H., and Giroux, S. An Exploratory Study of Research Data Governance in the U.S. 4 Open Information Science 122 (2020).
- Raymond, A. and Draper, C. Ethical Technology Risk: How to Identify What Is Reasonable Data Protection for ODR. 6 International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 144 (2019).
- Raymond, A., Schubauer, J., and Madappa, D. After Over-Privileged Permissions: Using Technology and Design to Create Legal Compliance. 15 Journal of Business & Technology Law 67 (2019).
- Raymond, A., Shackelford, S. J., and Arrington Stone Young, E. Building a Better HAL 9000: Algorithms, the Market, and the Need to Prevent the Engraining of Bias. 15 Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 215 (2018).
- Raymond, A. (2018). Information and The Regulatory Landscape: A Growing Need To Reconsider Existing Legal Frameworks. 24 Washington and Lee School of Law Journal of Civil Rights & Social Justice 357.
- Raymond, A., Richards, E. L., Shackelford, S. J., Kerr, J., and Kuehn, A. iGoverance: The Future Of Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance In The Wake Of The Apple Encryption Saga. 42 North Carolina Journal of International Law 883 (2017).
- Raymond, A., Shackelford, S. J., Balakrishnan, R., Dixit, P., Gjonaj J., and Kavi, R. When Toasters Attack: Enhancing the ‘Security of Things’ through Polycentric Governance 2017 University of Illinois Law Review 415 (2017).
- Raymond, A. The Consumer As Sisyphus: Should We Be Happy with ‘Why Bother’ Consent? 20 Journal of Legal Studies in Business 1 (2016).
- Raymond, A. A Meeting Of The Minds: Online Dispute Resolution Regulations Should Be Opportunity Focused. 16 U.C. Davis Business Law Journal 190 (2016).
- Raymond, A., Fort, T. L., and Shakelford, S. J. The Angel on Your Shoulder: Prompting Employees to Do the Right Thing Through the Use of Wearables. 14 Northwestern University Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 139 (2016).
Edited on August 15, 2024