Areas of Expertise
Strategies for analyzing structural models, alignment of marketing and sales strategies, sampling characteristics and the use of marketing research by managers
Academic Degrees
- PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1976
- MBA, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1973
- BEE, Cornell University, 1969
Professional Experience
- Rochester Institute of Technology, 1974-1976
- State University of New York at Buffalo, 1972-1974
Awards, Honors & Certificates
- Member, American Marketing Association
- Past V.P., Marketing Services, Walker Research & Analysis
Selected Publications
- Acito, F., Smith, D., and McDougall, P. (2008). One hundred years of excellence in business education: What have we learned? Business Horizons, 51(1), 5-12.
- Lim, L. K. S., Acito, F., and Rusetski, A. (2006). Development of Archetypes of International Marketing Strategy. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(4), 499-524.
- Gruen, T. W., Summers, J. O., and Acito, F. (2000). Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviors in Professional Associations. Journal of Marketing, 64(3), 34-49.
- Acito, F., Lee, H., and Lindquist, J. (1997). Managers’ Evaluation of Research Design and Its Impact on the Use of Research: An Experimental Approach. Journal of Business Research, 39(3), 231-240.
- Acito, F., Strahle, W., and Spiro, R. (1996). Marketing and Sales: Alignment and Functional Implementation. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 16(1), 1-20.
- Acito, F. (1987). Evaluation & Use of Marketing Research by Decision Makers: A Behavior Simulation. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 187-196.
Edited on June 11, 2024