BUS-S 308 Business Application Development
This course covers concepts underlying design, implementation and use of modern programming languages with an emphasis on business applications. Students will develop an understanding of fundamental programming logic and learn to use basic programming structures to solve business problems. The first half of the course focuses on the essential building blocks of computer programs that are common to all programming languages. The second half of the course introduces a dominant paradigm in computing, object-oriented-programming, which is the basis for modularity and reusability. Topics include variables and expressions, flow control, type conversion, complex variable types (arrays), functions (parameters, variable scope), debugging and error handling, defining classes and class members. Using hands-on lab sessions and a project, students learn how to use the enterprise Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio (e.g., C#) to practice the entire software lifecycle of building a business application: problem analysis, solution design, implementation, and testing.